




楼主: jiayi

[Just Chat] 每日学英语

发表于 2009-9-20 21:43:50 | 显示全部楼层
You are really amazing! You  have persisted in writing for five months
In Chinese words, you discipline yourself to adopt  a "nonego" state.


参与人数 1财富 +7 收起 理由
jiayi + 7 Thank you for your encouragement!


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 楼主| 发表于 2009-9-21 23:12:50 | 显示全部楼层
581# janezhu

Thank you for your encouragement. There are still a long distance for me to grasp English.
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-9-21 23:13:54 | 显示全部楼层
September 21, 2009

I forgot to take the mp3 with me today. However, I should do something about studying English. So I wrote an English diary today instead of listening to the conversation.

I studied driving yesterday. The coach doesn’t like come here to teach me because the area where I live in is far away from the area where most of the Chinese live in. So I only studied 3 times in driving, one hour for per time. The speed is too slow. However, what I can do is just waiting because I can’t find a Chinese coach here to teach me. Many coaches refuse me directly because they think I am too far away and I can’t drive at all.

Anyway, I wouldn’t be so nervous if I can exercise driving without a coach. The coach told me I could do it after he taught me once more. That’s good. In fact, the coach is good. He taught a lot of things during one hour. For example, I exercised pull over, three point return and changing lane in the road yesterday. And he taught me some driving rules too. The price is not so high , 25 dollars for one hour. That’s not bad if I can get the license by these two ways: I exercise 10 times with the coach and exercise myself at the other time.

The coach told me I could get the license in this winter. In fact, I hope I can get the license earlier. I’ll take a short training course. It takes one and a half hour to get the school by taking subway or bus. It should take subway at first, then change a bus, then change subway and later change a bus again. However, it only takes 20 minutes if I get there by driving.
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-9-23 00:15:23 | 显示全部楼层
September 22, 2009

ESLPodcast 16 - Summertime Vacations (Fast)

I think the best summer vacation I've ever taken was when I went out East a few years ago. Two of my friends and I went on a two-week road trip. At the time, I was living in St. Paul, Minnesota, in the Midwest of the United States. Anyway, we started off camping every night, but that got real old, real fast. So we started checking in to hotels after about the third day. We were headed for Washington, DC first. Checking in to the hotel was always a bit of a hassle. I wanted to sleep in a double bed, my friends wanted to get a king to share. Lodging is more expensive at a hotel than in a campground, but it is much, much more comfortable!

We went to the major tourist attractions in Washington, D.C. - the Capitol, Lincoln's Memorial, the White House. We then headed north, passing through Boston and headed towards Canada, to Quebec City. When we arrived at the Canadian border, we had to pass through customs and immigration. Customs was easy. We had nothing to declare. Immigration was more of a pain . We were asked the standard questions. How long will you be staying in Canada? What is the nature of your visit? Finally, we were permitted to enter, and we drove on to our destination.

Quebec City is beautiful! Unlike many cities, there are no tourist traps to sidetrack you. We spent two days there, then drove on to Montreal. Of course, we had to pass through customs and immigration again when we re-entered the United States. Our bags were searched in customs, but other than that we got through fairly easily. A few days later, we were back in Minnesota--home sweet home.

Script by Dr. Jeff McQuillan
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road trip --- a trip that  you drive some where

start off --- 1.to begin to move:The horse started off at a steady trot.
2.to begin happening; to begin doing sth:The discussion started off mildly enough.
3.to begin by doing or being sth: Let’s start off with some gentle exercises.
start sb 'off (on sth) --- 1.[no passive] to make sb begin doing sth:
        2.to help sb begin doing sth:

get real old, real fast --- get  boring, very quickly

hassle --- bother, some problems
n. v. to annoy sb or cause them trouble, especially by asking them to do sth many times  example: Don’t keep hassling me! I’ll do it later.

lodging --- [U] temporary accommodation:full board and lodging (= a room to stay in and all meals provided)
2[C, usually pl.] (old-fashioned) a room or rooms in sb else’s house that you rent to live in: It was cheaper to live in lodgings than in a hotel.

tourist attractions --- anything that people go there would want to see

more of a pain --- It’s similar to hassle.

the nature of ---1. reason, 2/ the most feature

tourist traps to sidetrack --- tourist traps: designed mostly to take your money,
side•track --- v, [usually passive] to make sb start to talk about or do sth that is different from the main thing that they are supposed to be talking about or doing
example:I was supposed to be writing a letter but I’m afraid I got sidetracked.


参与人数 1财富 +5 收起 理由
月亮河 + 5


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 楼主| 发表于 2009-9-24 05:16:45 | 显示全部楼层
September 23, 2009

ESLPodcast 101 - Returning a DVD Player
I bought a new DVD player last weekend. When I got home and hooked it up, I realized that it was defective. I trudged back to the store to return it.

Clerk: Next, please.

Jeff: Hi, I bought this DVD player last Saturday and I'd like to return it.

Clerk: What's the reason for the return?

Jeff: It's not working properly.

Clerk: What's the matter with it?

Jeff: Well, several things. First of all, the remote doesn't work.

Clerk: Did you put batteries in it?

Jeff: Yes, of course, but it still didn't work. I couldn't change any of the functions on the display. It also doesn't fast forward when I'm playing a DVD. It rewinds but it won't fast forward while the picture is playing. On top of that, I couldn't get the closed caption feature to work.

Clerk: Okay, I see. Anything else?

Jeff: Yes, as you can see, the casing scratches very easily. I just took it out of the box and put it on my entertainment unit and I got all of these scratches.

Clerk: Oh, are you sure you didn't scratch it with your keys or set some things on top of it?

Jeff: No, I'm sure.

Clerk: Well, I'm sure that it's just a problem with this one player. I've never seen this with any of the models made by this brand. Do you have the receipt?

Jeff: Yes, here it is.

Clerk: Do you want to exchange it or return it?

Jeff: I'd like to return it.

Clerk: Okay, how did you pay for it?

Jeff: With a credit card.

Clerk: Can I see you card? Okay, I'll credit it back to your credit card. Can you fill out this form with your name and phone number, and sign at the bottom?

Jeff: Sure.

Clerk: Great. Here's your credit card back and $95 has been credited to your credit card. Anything else I can help you with?

Jeff: Oh, there is one more thing. Can you tell me if you carry iPod Nanos?

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse
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hook it up --- a connection between two pieces of equipment, especially electronic equipment
hook --- vt. & vi. 1. 钩住, 吊住, 挂住   vt. 1. 弯成钩形2. 钓(鱼) n. 1. 挂钩; 鱼钩2. 钩拳3. 转弯处4. 曲线球
vi.1. 打曲线球;踢弧线球

defective --- broke or sth wrong with it.having a fault or faults; not perfect or complete

trudge --- to walk slowly or with heavy steps, because you are tired or carrying sth heavy: It’s difficult to do it    vt. & vi. 1. 跋涉, 吃力地走    n. 1. 跋涉, 长途疲劳的步行

rewind --- [riˈwaɪnd] vt. 1. 倒回(影片、录音带等)

caption --- n. 1. 标题, 字幕,(图片、漫画等的)说明文字  vt. 1.  给(图片、照片等)加说明文字

entertainment unit --- a big cabinet
cabinet --- a piece of furniture with doors, drawers and/or shelves, that is used for storing or showing things:kitchen cabinets Ç a medicine cabinet Ç The china was displayed in a glass cabinet.
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-9-25 09:45:43 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 jiayi 于 2009-9-25 09:47 编辑

September 24,2009

ESLPodcast 102 - Wait-Listed for a Flight

I can't believe I made it into San Francisco, at long last! This morning, I went to the airport to catch my 10

a.m. flight. I got there early to go through security. The folks at the TSA can really slow things down sometimes. Since I had an electronic ticket, I didn't have to wait at the ticket counter to check in, but instead used a kiosk. I then went straight to the gate. But, when I got there, I couldn't believe my eyes. The flight was delayed--for two hours!

I decided to look at the flight monitors to see if there was an earlier flight to San Francisco. I thought maybe Icould either switch to that flight or get wait-listed. I saw that there was another flight leaving in 40 minutes and so I bolted for the gate. When I got there, I got into the back of the long line. When I got to the front of the line, I asked the gate agent if I could get on that flight instead and she said I would be wait-listed. She said that I needed to stay in the gate area and wait for my name to be called if they have a seat available. So, I waited, and waited, and waited.

The gate agent began calling out names over the PA system and guess what? The last name called was mine. What a relief! The last seat left on the plane was a middle seat and I usually prefer an aisle or window , but I was just happy to get on board . I didn't want my vacation to get delayed because of a late flight.

When the plane landed, I went out to the curb to catch a taxi to my hotel. I only had carry-on bags so I didn't need to wait in baggage claim. I was out of the airport and off on my vacation.

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

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catch a flight to some place

folks --- n. 1. 人们, 父母, 亲人, 家属

kiosk --- n. [ˈki:ˌɔsk] 1. 小摊棚, 售货亭2. 公用电话亭 here a machine that you can put your credit card in and recoganize who you are

bolt --- [bəult] n.  螺栓  (门或窗)插销, 闩  There's a bolt on the door.
         vt. & vi.  闩上  That door refuses to bolt.          vi. 冲出去; 逃跑

aisle --- [ail] n.过道, 通道

curb --- [kə:b]n.侧石, 边石  The boy sat on the curb and watched the cars go by.
                限制, 克制, 抑制 She put a curb on her spending.她限制自己的消费。
         vt.限制, 克制, 抑制I began to curb my appetite for food and drink.

carry-on bags                       check in bags
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发表于 2009-9-25 22:04:31 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 lotusleaf 于 2009-9-25 22:06 编辑


1、I can't believe I made it into San Francisco, at long last! 这里的made it into 是什么意思?

2、I was out of the airport and off on my vacation. 这里be off on 又是什么用法那?

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发表于 2009-9-25 22:42:12 | 显示全部楼层

1、I can't believe I made it into San Francisco, at long last! 这里的made it into 是什么意思?

2、I was out of the airport and off on my vacation. 这里be off on 又是什么用法那?
lotusleaf 发表于 2009-9-25 22:04

2. be off from work and on my vacation.  省略句


参与人数 2财富 +14 收起 理由
jiayi + 7 谢谢博士
lotusleaf + 7 谢谢博士!佩服!


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 楼主| 发表于 2009-9-30 04:48:37 | 显示全部楼层
ESLPodcast 103 - Making a Sales Call

Last week, I was at a business luncheon and I met a woman named Dana Okri who was heading a new start up. I have been a sales rep for Eureka Corp. for three years now and our bread and butter is data management software . I told her briefly about our products over lunch and she had given me her card.

I decided to follow up with a call. I dialed her direct line and fortunately, I got a hold of her on the first try.

Dana: Hello, Dana Okri.

Kevin: Hello, Dana, this is Kevin Abrahams from Eureka Corp. I don't know if you'll remember me but we met last week at the Chamber of Commerce luncheon.

Dana: Oh, yes. Hi, how are you?

Kevin: Great. Do you have a few minutes right now for me to tell you a little bit more about the data management tools our company has to offer? It won't take long .

Dana: Actually, I'm really swamped right now and I'll be going into a meeting in a few minutes. Is there any literature you can send me?

Kevin: Oh, sure, I understand. I’d be happy to send you a promotional packet about the programs that I think might best suit a company your size. Would it be okay if I called again to see if you have any questions?

Dana: Let's do this . Since I'm not sure when I'll get a chance to read the material, why don't I give you a call if I have any questions. Now, I'm really sorry, but I have to get going to this meeting.

Kevin: No problem at all. I won't keep you any longer. I'll put a package to you in the mail and we'll go from there .

Dana: Sounds good.

Kevin: Thanks for your time.

Dana: No problem. Bye, bye.

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse


参与人数 1财富 +5 收起 理由
月亮河 + 5


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 楼主| 发表于 2009-9-30 05:16:05 | 显示全部楼层
Sep 29,2009

ESLPodcast 104 - Bar Hopping

A bunch of my old college friends came into town for a few days and we went out last night bar hopping until closing time. We started around 9 p.m. and were on our third bar when we closed it down. Some of us were starving and the rest of us were peckish so we decided to get a late-night snack. We didn't want fast food so we decided to try to find a 24-hour diner.

We passed on a chain restaurant and went instead to a dive near downtown. The six of us went in and we sat at the counter. Since the place was dead, we had it to ourselves. One of my friends, Paul, got pretty rowdy and the waitress had to tell him to chill out. He was pretty hammered so we had to keep an eye on him. He was a lightweight and didn't usually drink much, but he was bummed out about a fight he had had with his girlfriend and decided to get smashed. I felt sorry for the guy, especially since I knew that he would have a terrible hangover in the morning. I tried to get him to drink some coffee, but he just wanted to stay buzzed.

After we left the diner, I dropped everybody off at Paul’s, since I was the designated driver. They were all crashing at his place. I made my way home and fell into bed. It was good to see my old friends. But I'm definitely getting too old to party like we did in college. As the old saying goes: The mind is willing, but the body is weak.

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

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bar hopping --- go from one bar to another bar, to another bar…

closed it down --- stayed until closing time

peckish --- a little hungry

diner --- old fashion restaurant

chain restaurant --- a part of large group restaurants

dive --- a restaurant that isn’t well environment , not very nice place

Since the place was dead --- there is no one there,  ops--- packed ( full)

Rowdy --- loud, bothering other people

Chill out --- to calm down, to relax

Hammered --- drunk too much,  get/ be smashed

keep an eye on --- watch

lightweight --- sb who cann’t drink very much

bummed out --- to be sad/ disappointed. Exp: I am bummed.

Hangover --- headace etc. after drinking to much

Buzzed --- smashed

designated driver --- one don’t drink or not drink too much so that he can drive

crashing, to crash --- sleep when sb is visting

to party --- have a good time

The mind is willing, but the body is weak


参与人数 1财富 +5 收起 理由
月亮河 + 5 keep going.


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 楼主| 发表于 2009-10-1 05:09:08 | 显示全部楼层
September 30, 2009
ESLPodcast 105 - Driving Directions
I was getting into my car at the mall when I noticed a man standing nearby with a map. He looked confused and I asked him if I could help. He looked up and was clearly relieved. He was from Houston, Texas, he told me, and he was visiting his daughter. She was at work that afternoon and he wanted to take the opportunity to buy her a present before she got back. But, he wasn't accustomed to driving in L.A. and he got all turned around. His daughter lived near the Los Angeles County Museum of Art and he needed to find his way back.

I was familiar with that area so I gave him some directions:

"When you drive out of the mall, turn left and get into the far right lane. You need to get on the 10 freeway and the on- ramp will be on your right. Go about two blocks and you will see a sign that says 10W right after you cross under the bridge. Once you are on the freeway, look out for the exit for La Brea Avenue. Get off at that off- ramp and you will be heading north on La Brea. Go straight up La Brea, past Venice Boulevard, and keep your eye out for Wilshire Boulevard. If you get to Beverly Boulevard, you've gone too far. A good landmark to look for is the big Samsung sign on the corner, at the intersection of La Brea and Wilshire atop an office building. Make a left on Wilshire, going west. Go about six blocks and you'll see the museum on the right- hand side."

The man said that he knew his way from the museum and thanked me for the directions.

I was glad I could help. I don't envy anyone who has to drive the freeways in L.A. It's not for the faint of heart!

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse
Relieved --- feel calm, relax
Turned around --- get lost
On-ramp --- where you get on a free way
Keep your eye out for --- watch carefully for
Landmark --- a sign or a building that help you find where you are. You can see it easily.
Atop --- at the top of
Envy --- n. 1. 妒忌; 羡慕
Faint of heart --- for those who are weak.
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-10-2 00:41:18 | 显示全部楼层
October 1,2009

ESLPodcast 106 - High School Jobs

I got my first part-time job when I was 15 working at a car wash in the summertime. A friend of mine, Rob, worked there and got me the job. I think it paid $2.90 an hour, which I considered a fortune . There were no allowances in my family, so most of my brothers and sisters started working as soon as they could to get spending money. I hated working at the car wash, drying cars all day. After only about six weeks working there (though it seemed much longer), I up and quit one day. I felt badly about not giving a two-week notice , but I had it up to here with the job. Luckily, another friend of mine got me a job working at a nursing home, washing dishes in the kitchen. I started the day after my 16th birthday, qualifying me for a slightly higher minimum wage.

Life scrubbing pots and pans was no picnic, let me tell you. I lasted there for only three months, working after school and on weekends while trying to keep up with my homework in high school. My next job was much better: Making keys at a locksmith. The working conditions were much better, and I had flexible hours around my school schedule. I stayed at that job for nearly seven years, right through my college years at the University of Minnesota. To this day I still know the names of all the common key blanks, but it doesn't come in handy very often!

Script by Dr. Jeff McQuillan

Fortune --- a lot of money.  Exp: Forturn 500 companies
Up and quit --- suddenly decide to do sth. Suddenly decide to quit.
Two-week notice --- before you quit
Have it up to here --- I was tired of the job I couldn’t keep up with it.
Nursing home --- Usually for old people live
Scrubbing pots and pans --- to rub very hard
No picnic --- wasn’t easy, wasn’t fun
Come in handy --- to be uesful
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-10-2 00:58:49 | 显示全部楼层
Do you think it is a good choice to let kids get their spending money? If you think so, what time will be proper to let them to do that?

In my opinion, it's good to let kids to do some different jobs before they decide their careers. However, do you think it's useful to spend seven years working after school and weekends for the same job? and  later he don't think it come in handy when he grow up.
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发表于 2009-10-2 19:35:26 | 显示全部楼层
Do you think it is a good choice to let kids get their spending money? If you think so, what time will be proper to let them to do that?

In my opinion, it's good to let kids to do some different jobs ...
jiayi 发表于 2009-10-2 00:58

"Do you think it is a good choice to let kids get their spending money? If you think so, what time will be proper to let them to do that?"

It is hard to understand from your sentences.
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-10-2 23:06:03 | 显示全部楼层
The sentence is really confused. These two questions should dissociate.

1.Do you think it is a good choice to let kids get their spending money?
2.If you want your kid to get his allowance by doing some housework, what time will be proper to do that?"

I have no idea when will they want to have their own allowance. Is it about 5 years old? Then my daughter can help me do some housework.
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-10-2 23:06:26 | 显示全部楼层
ESLPodcast 107 - Going to the Dentist
I went to the dentist to get a check-up and cleaning. I showed up at the dentist's office a few minutes before 10. I gave the receptionist my name and told her that I had a 10 a.m. appointment. She said that the doctor was running a little late and that I should take a seat. After about 15 minutes, a dental assistant came out and told me to follow her. She led me to a room and told me to take a seat in the exam chair, and then she put a dental bib on me.
The dentist came into the room.
Dentist: Hello, how are you today? Here for your six month check-up?
Gary: I'm fine, Dr. Meecham. Yes, just a cleaning and check- up today.
Dentist: Oh, fine. Let's take a look.
She probed my teeth and checked my gums.
Dentist: Well, it looks like you have a cavity and your crown is loose. We need to fill that cavity before it gets any worse and the crown needs to be refitted. Make an appointment for next week and I'll take care of them.
Gary: Okay, I'll do that, but my crown was just put on last year. Will my dental insurance cover the work?
Dentist: Since you had that done here, we'll take care of it. There won't be a charge. And, your insurance should cover the work on the cavity. Now, I'm going to have the hygienist do your cleaning and I'll see you soon for the other work.
Gary: Thanks, doctor.
The hygenist came into the room and had me rinse with mouthwash. She began her cleaning and finished by polishing my teeth. On my way out, I tried to make an appointment for the following week. Unfortunately, there were no appointments available for two weeks, and the time they had was an inconvenient one, but I said I’d manage. I have to say, going to the dentist can be a pain, in the mouth and in the butt.
Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

showed up --- arrive at the place
receptionist --- 前台接待
bib --- what they put on you around your neck   (小儿用的)围嘴
probe --- n. 探索, 调查  探针, 探测器  vt. & vi. 探索; 用探针(或探测器等)探查, 探测

crown ---王冠, 冕   王权
hygienist ---- someone who is responsible for cleaning your teeth   卫生学者
rinse --- vt. 漂洗, 冲洗  用清水漂洗掉(肥皂泡等)    n. 漂洗, 冲洗  染发剂  清洗
polish --- vt.&vi (使)光滑, 擦亮 n. 光泽剂, 上光蜡, 亮漆  擦亮, 磨光
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-10-2 23:22:18 | 显示全部楼层
Imitate first, then write, revise and revise.

I think you miss the step of revising after you writing.

I did not see you went back and revised what you wrote before.
zhangyl 发表于 2009-10-2 19:47

Exactly. I don't revise my writing at all.That's why I can't improve my writing although I wrote many articles. I just think it's a task for me.

You are a great teacher. Thank you very much!

I should do it later. Now I am a little busy because I take a training course which is taught by English. It's really hard to me,so I take a lot of time to focus on it.

Just like you say, imitate first. I'll keep listening in these days and try to memory it.
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发表于 2009-10-3 01:07:42 | 显示全部楼层
Exactly. I don't revise my writing at all.That's why I can't improve my writing although I wrote many articles. I just think it's a task for me.

You are a great teacher. Thank you very much!

I s ...
jiayi 发表于 2009-10-2 23:22

good try and keep going.


参与人数 1财富 +7 收起 理由
jiayi + 7 Thank you for your encouragement.


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发表于 2009-10-3 01:20:58 | 显示全部楼层
The sentence is really confused. These two questions should dissociate.

1.Do you think it is a good choice to let kids get their spending money?
2.If you want your kid to get his allowance by doing  ...
jiayi 发表于 2009-10-2 23:06

It is a good motivation. How a parent chooses to motivate their children is different. But as long as parents are educating their kids and make a positive contribution, I do not see how it is a problem.
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-10-5 23:12:54 | 显示全部楼层
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