




楼主: jiayi

[Just Chat] 每日学英语

 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-25 23:39:25 | 显示全部楼层
November 25, 2009


ESL Podcast 141 - A Brainstorming Session

Judy: I've called this meeting so we can brainstorm some fundraising ideas. As you know, we're in danger of closing. Any thoughts?

Stan: I thought that Juan was working on getting donors.

Judy: He is, but we can't count on that coming through.

Dominique: How much do we need to raise? What's a ballpark figure?

Judy: We need at least $50,000 for next year.

Dominique: That's a lot of money, but I think we'll come up with something. How about a benefit performance?

Stan: That sounds promising . Who can we get to perform?

Judy: It would be great to get someone like Barry Manilow.

Dominique: I think we're shooting too high. I was thinking more like a local band or comedy group.

Stan: I've got it. My brother works for The Improv. He knows a lot of comedians from this area. Maybe we can get a few of them to perform.

Dominique: That would be great.

Judy: I like how this is shaping up . We're out of time, but let's meet again on Friday to hammer out the details. Thanks everybody.

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse
Special thanks to Dr. Marlene Rodriguez
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A Brainstorming Session --- brainstorm: v. a group of people get together try to think of ideas to solve problem                                session: a meeting

Fundraising --- try to make money , usually for a organization   n. 1. 筹款,募款   adj. 1. 筹款的

Donors --- someone who gives move.   V. donate
n. 1. 捐赠者,赠与者, 捐赠机构2. 献血者; 捐血者 ;器官捐献者

come through --- someone who is going to help you, usually out of difficult situation, and they haven’t yet help you, but you hope that they’ll do their promise to help you.
1. 穿过; 穿透2. 到达3. 传来, 接通4. 明显地表现出来5. 获准6. (健康)恢复; 脱险

ballpark figure --- a guess, it may not necessary true
ballpark: a place where you play baseball or football.

Benefit performance --- a special  performance where people pay money to see the entertainment. The performance let money go to help organization

sounds promising --- it sounds like a good idea , it sounds like it actually work. Also say ‘ Looks promising’

shooting too high --- aim too high, you are try to do more than it’s possible, too difficult.

Comedy --- [ˈkɔmidi] n. 1. 喜剧2. 喜剧性3. 滑稽;幽默;诙谐

The improv --- a short for improvisation , a place where you have comedians
                [ˈimprəuv] 1. 〈口〉即兴表演(的)

Comedians --- someone who tells jokes

shape up --- you like our things developing, to improve yourself   1. 改进, 顺利发展

to hammer out the details --- to figure out, to go over all of the details.

call the meeting, in danger of, count on
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发表于 2009-11-26 01:09:17 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-26 23:15:13 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-26 23:15:39 | 显示全部楼层
November 26, 2009


ESL Podcast 142 - At a Nighclub

My friend Sabrina and I decided to go out dancing last weekend. We went to a club called the Fine Line and when we got there, there was long line outside. That's one thing I hate about L.A. clubs. The hottest ones have long lines and it's hard to get in unless you're on the VIP list. Sometimes, the bouncer will pick cute girls out of line and let them in.

Sabrina always gets attention when we go out together and the bouncer noticed her right away. We paid the cover charge and got our wristbands.

The first thing we did was to head over to the bar.

Andrea: The music is pretty good. Hey, is that Jeff on the dance floor over there? He's so hot.

Sabrina: Where? Over there by the stage? Let's go see.

Jeff: Hey, did you guys just get here?

Sabrina: Yeah. Who are you here with?

Jeff: The DJ is a friend of mine. I came with him and some of his friends. We have a private room in the back. Do you guys want to come check it out?

Andrea: Sure.

Sabrina: Definitely.

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse
Special thanks to Dr. Marlene Rodriguez

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bouncer --- the person who in charge of letting people in, deciding who gets in the club

cover charge --- like a ticket, it’s how much you pay just get in the club

stage --- where the band would play , usually in front of the club

DJ --- disc jockey

check it out --- take a look

pick someone  out of line
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-27 23:16:07 | 显示全部楼层
November 27, 2009


ESL Podcast 143 - Fighting a Parking Ticket

Mindy: Hey, where are you going?

Eric: I'm going to traffic court. I got a parking ticket and I'm going to fight it.

Mindy: How much was the fine?

Eric: It was only $40. But it's not the money, it's the principle of the thing.

Mindy: Why? Weren't you parked illegally?

Eric: No, I wasn‘t. The street I live on has metered parking from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM. After 6, you can park there with a permit. Well, I parked my car at 7:30 PM and I have a permit. But, I still got a ticket.

Mindy: Did you display the permit clearly? It isn't expired, is it?

Eric: Yeah, it's clearly displayed and it's good until June 2007.

Mindy: Well, it sounds like you have a good case. Are you representing yourself or did you hire a lawyer?

Eric: I'm going there by myself. Wish me luck.

Mindy: Good luck. If the judge locks you away, I promise to visit you in jail.

Eric: Thanks a lot. I'll remember that.

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

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parking ticket --- what you get when you park your car illegally

traffic court --- criminal court, civil court

How much was the fine --- fine: the money that you pay to the government

principle of the thing --- principle: a idea, usually sth that you believe it.
                             Principal: the primary, first, the most important. In school, principal is the director or headmaster.

Metered --- a street that you can get parking meters, and parking meters are little machines that you put money into.

a good case --- a  good argument

lock sb away --- put sb in prison
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-1 02:01:04 | 显示全部楼层
November 30, 2009


ESL Podcast 144 - Who Pays?

David: Hey, Sally. Can I run something by you?

Sally: Sure, what's up?

David: Well, a friend of a friend wanted some help with her taxes and we agreed that we would talk about it over dinner. At the end of the night, when the check came, she expected me to pay! It was really awkward. It wasn't a date and I was doing her a favor! Am I crazy or was she taking advantage of me?

Sally: It definitely sounds like she took advantage of your generosity. If she was asking a favor, she should have paid. No question.

David: The thing is, I thought she was really pretty and I wanted to ask her out after I met her. But, now I'm not sure.

Sally: Well, I think that unless you asked her out, you shouldn't have to pay for her. And, these days, a lot of people go Dutch even if one person asks out the other. Based on what happened the other night, I'd stay away from this woman. That is, unless you don't mind being her sugar daddy.

David: Yeah, right. I'm too broke to be anybody's sugar daddy, even if I wanted to. I think you're right. That will be the last I see of her.

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse
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Can I run something by you --- usually to tell them and to ask their opinion

Awkward --- strange, feel comfortable

take advantage of --- ask them to do sth much more than what they said, they would be nice to you, and you treat them in a not nice way

generosity --- to give other people your time, money etc.

go Dutch --- everyone pays for themselves

sugar daddy ---  you are a man who pays everything that a woman want.

Yeah, right --- I disagree, that’s not true. I don’t believe you.

too broke to --- not to have any money

The things is , stay away from
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发表于 2009-12-1 13:28:44 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-2 02:08:44 | 显示全部楼层
December 01, 2009-12-01


ESL Podcast 145 - The Big Game

On my way home from class, I ran into Cara, a schoolmate that I have not seen in a few months. I stopped to say hi to her.

Mark: Hey Cara! How's everything? Long time no see.

Cara: Yeah! It's been a while. I'm doing alright. What about you?

Mark: Great! I'm excited about the Big Game this weekend. Are you going?

Cara: Uh, no. What Big Game?

Mark: Are you kidding? This is the biggest football game of the season! And we're playing against one of the best teams in the state, so it's going to be really exciting.

Cara: Wow, that sounds like fun! Who are you going with?

Mark: A big group of friends Hey, you know what? One of my friends has to go out of town this weekend and he won't be able to make it to the game, so I have an extra ticket. You want to join us?

Cara: Sure, I would love to go! I've never been to one of our school's football games before.

Mark: Awesome! There's a bus picking students up in front of the dorms at 1pm. Meet us there at 12:30.

Cara: Sounds like a plan! Thanks for giving me the extra ticket. I'll see you Saturday.

Mark: Alright, see ya!

Script by Meropi Peponides
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run into --- meet someone that you won’t expect

Big Game --- the most important football game at a high school or university, usually a game between the teams and it’s most important rival.

Awesome --- That’ great

Sounds like a plan --- That’s a good idea.

How's everything ,  you know what,  to make it , go out of town
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-2 02:14:40 | 显示全部楼层

That's great!

In my opinion, it's a good way to study at odd moment. I listen to it on my way to/from work.
Both lotusleaf and I think it's useful,especially when we memory one podcast everyday.
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发表于 2009-12-2 23:27:02 | 显示全部楼层
That's great!

In my opinion, it's a good way to study at odd moment. I listen to it on my way to/from work.
Both lotusleaf and I think it's useful,especially when we memory one podcast ev ...
jiayi 发表于 2009-12-2 02:14



参与人数 1财富 +7 收起 理由
jiayi + 7 Hehe, memory quickly but forget quickly


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 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-3 00:05:59 | 显示全部楼层
December 2, 2009


ESL Podcast 146 - Suggestions at Work

Our company has been growing very quickly and I was put in charge of reorganizing our office space to accommodate several new employees. I asked my co-worker, Petra, for her advice.

Fernando: I was thinking of dividing up two of the larger offices into four smaller offices. What do you think about that?

Petra: Well, it seems to me that doing that would only solve part of the problem. Have you considered converting the conference room into offices?

Fernando: I'm not sure that will work. We don't have another meeting space if we do that. What are your thoughts on turning the coffee room into one large office with cubicles?

Petra: In my opinion, that's not going to be a very popular solution.

Fernando: The way I see it, there are no easy solutions and that may be the best one. Do you have any other suggestions?

Petra: No, none that would really work. In my opinion, the only solution is to divide up the executive offices. But, I know, I know. That's not going to happen. My suggestion is to ask a few more of the old employees. Maybe they'll think of something.

Fernando: I think you're right. It's not going to be an easy decision and I can use all the help I can get.

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse
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accommodate --- v.  make room for  n. accommodation

Have you considered --- have you thought about, usually used when you make a suggestion

cubicles --- It’s like a little office inside big office. Some times in big offices, people will not have their own private office with the door, they’ll just have space that called a cubicle.
[ˈkju:bɪkəl] n. 1. 小卧室, 斗室

The way I see it --- This is my opinion, it’s still polite but a little more direct,

Executive ---the most important people, the presentment, the  people at the top, the bosses

Conference --- n. 1. 会议, (通常持续几天的大型正式)会议, 研讨会2. 讨论,  商谈 3. (正式)讨论会,商讨会4. 体育协会(或联合会)

Be put in charge of , . What do you think about….. ,  it seems to me that……  ,  What are your thoughts on , I can use all the help I can get
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-3 00:12:46 | 显示全部楼层
lamjin 发表于 2009-12-2 23:27

Hehe, it's just temporary memory. Memory it quickly but forget it quickly too. But I think it's still useful. At least I don't need to pay so much time to memory now, half an hour to memory is OK. While at first time, I need at least 1 hour.


参与人数 1财富 +10 收起 理由
zhangyl + 10


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发表于 2009-12-3 00:26:25 | 显示全部楼层
Hehe, it's just temporary memory. Memory it quickly but forget it quickly too. But I think it's still useful. At least I don't need to pay so much time to memory now, half an hour to memory is OK. W ...
jiayi 发表于 2009-12-3 00:12


Keep going.


参与人数 1财富 +7 收起 理由
jiayi + 7 Thank you!


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 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-3 00:27:58 | 显示全部楼层
Listening time is not included in this half an hour. My memory is not good.
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-3 09:49:14 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-3 23:25:20 | 显示全部楼层
December 03, 2009


ESL Podcast 147 - Reading and Watching the News

I'm a news junkie. I like to read two newspapers everyday. I don't just look at the headlines. I read most of the stories. I like the political news, the business news, the editorials, and the entertainment news. The only things I don't usually read are the sports pages and the classifieds.

I also try to catch the local TV news each day. I like to watch Channel 4 for the news reporting, but I like the weather report on Channel 9 mainly because the reporter is not only good, she's beautiful! For the national news, I like all three of the network anchors, so it doesn't matter which one I catch.

On top of that, I like to read a newsmagazine each week. I like the longer feature stories that give more in-depth coverage of that week's top stories.

So, when I said I was a news junkie, I wasn't joking. When I travel to other countries, the first thing I do is look for an English-language newspaper. Then, I can relax!

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

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junkie  --- n. 1. 吸海洛因的成瘾者

editorials --- is opinion, usually someone on the new paper who works for the newspaper

classifieds --- classifieds adv, advertisement for everything

network anchors ---  each of the three network has their own program, and the person who reads the news is called the anchor.

On top of that --- in addition to

Feature --- a longer story that give more information

in-depth coverage --- to have a lot of detail about the particular topic.
in-depth: with a lot of detail, talking  about sth for a long time and giving very specific detail information
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-3 23:36:58 | 显示全部楼层
I am an internet junkie. I am not joking. Everyday the first thing I do is go on internet. Then, I can relax!
I want to change it because I really spend a lot of time on it, but my willing power is always not strong enough.
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-5 00:21:28 | 显示全部楼层
December 04, 2009


ESL Podcast 148 - Paying the Bills

Grace: Did you already pay the bills for this month?

Will: No, I haven't gotten around to it yet. Why?

Grace: We got a late notice from the credit card company. The notice says that they haven't received the payment yet and it's past the due date. We are being charged a late fee plus a finance charge of 15%.

Will: Let me see that. That can't be right. I paid the minimum payment on the last bill. I better call and talk to customer service tomorrow. I'm sure it's a mix-up.

Grace: I really hope so. The last time we were late with the payment, I tried calling them and telling them that the check was in the mail, but they didn't buy it.

Will: That's different. Don't worry about it. I'm sure I'll get it straightened out. Worse comes to worst, we're only a month late. They won't send the collection agency after us.

Grace: I know I can count on you to take care of it. I just don't want this late payment to affect our credit rating.

Will: Leave it to me. I'll take care of it on Monday. It's as good as done.

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

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get around to it --- you are planning on doing it, but you haven’t done it yet, maybe because  you don’t  think it’s very important or maybe because  you are so busy that you haven’t been able to do it.   

finance charge --- like a interest that you pay on a loan. money the percentage that you have to pay on what you loan, this is how credit card company make money, one way they make money

but they didn't buy it --- buy: believe

mix-up --- a mistake

get it straightened out. --- to get it fixed, to solve the problem, to end the confision

Worse comes to worst --- in the worst possible situation. With the worst scenario.

collection agency --- usually private companies that are responsible for getting money that is owed to companies.

credit rating --- the information that companies look at  when they want to see if  you are good with your money, if you pay the bills on time.  And if you don’t, you can get a bad credit rating.

It's as good as done --- you don’t have to worry about it. I am going to do it. There will be no problems.

late notice , past the due date , late fee
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-5 00:29:19 | 显示全部楼层
I like these podcasts. They talk different topics everyday. In this podcst, I know all of the words but I don't know to use these words in this way.

I always doubt if the credit card company can make money if they just do Chinese business. I think most of Chinese will pay all the bills on time, not only the minimum payment.
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发表于 2009-12-5 02:31:14 | 显示全部楼层
I like these podcasts. They talk different topics everyday. In this podcst, I know all of the words but I don't know to use these words in this way.

I always doubt if the credit card company can make ...
jiayi 发表于 2009-12-5 00:29

Try to write more, you will get used to that.

For Chinese, if you pay back all the time, you will obtain good credit level. It is easy to mortgage or loan for future.


参与人数 1财富 +7 收起 理由
jiayi + 7


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