




楼主: jiayi

[Just Chat] 每日学英语

 楼主| 发表于 2009-10-21 22:46:30 | 显示全部楼层
Octorber 21, 2009


ESL Podcast 118 - Small Talk at a Business Lunch

James: Hello, are you Muriel Douglas?

Muriel: Yes, and you must be James. It's nice to meet you at long last.

James: Yes, you too. Thanks for agreeing to meet with us about the new account. My associate, Susan Kim, should be here any minute. Would you like something to drink while we're waiting?

Muriel: No, thanks. I'm fine. Did you have a nice holiday?

James: Yes, I did. My family and I went to Tahoe to ski and the weather was great. How about you?

Muriel: I stayed in L.A. and it was sunny the entire weekend. We spent most of the time at home but we did go see King Kong on Christmas day.

James: How did you like it?

Muriel: It was better than I expected. But, you know, I think I would have enjoyed skiing in Tahoe even better. Do you go there often?

James: No, not much. My wife doesn't like to ski. She prefers vacationing where it's warmer, like Hawaii.

Muriel: I don't blame her. I really enjoyed it there when we went a few years ago. I'd like to go back sometime soon.

James: Yes, me too. Oh, here's Susan now. Let me introduce you.

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse
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at long last --- after such a long time, after a very long time

associate --- a companion or friend  vt. & vi. 1. (使)发生联系, (使)联合; 结交, 结伙
n. 其他读音:[əˈsəuʃiit] 1. 伙伴, 同事2. 非正式会员;准会员3. 准学士(获得两年制高校学位)
vt. 1. 交往;(尤指)混在一起2. 表明支持;表示同意        adj. 1. 非正式的;准的;副的 2. 联合的;有关连的

I don't blame her --- I understand, I agree with her, I’ll do the same thing.

should be here any minute
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-10-23 02:31:52 | 显示全部楼层
October 22, 2009


ESL Podcast 119 - Bad Pickup Lines

My friend and I were at a restaurant waiting for our dates to arrive. We sat at the bar and tried to get the bartender's attention to order a couple of drinks.

My friend, Tanya, is very pretty. She is always being hit on by men. So, it was no surprise that five minutes after we sat down, a guy got up from the other side of the bar and walked over to us. He sat down next to Tanya.

He looked at both of us and said, "Hi, I saw you two beautiful ladies sitting by yourselves over here. Could I buy you two a drink?‚"

Tanya looked at me and rolled her eyes and said, "No, thanks. We're waiting for our boyfriends.‚"

We both thought that he would take the hint and get lost, but he didn't.

Instead, he looked at Tanya and said, "Do you come here often? "

Tanya tried to ignore him, but he wouldn't give up.

He said, "You look like an angel. Does heaven know you've escaped?‚"

That pickup line was so lame that we almost burst out laughing. Luckily, we didn't need to keep a straight face for long. Our dates walked in and the guy left. Charlie, my date, apologized for keeping us waiting. I told him that it was no big deal. We had plenty of entertainment.

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse
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pickup line --- try to ask out for a date

hit on --- ask for a date.

roll one’s eyes --- look around, usually look up. You don’t disagree someone

take the hint --- doesn’t understand what’s the person say

get lost --- leave because don’t like it

lame --- really bad, very weak

keep a straight face --- not to laugh

no big deal --- not important

burst out laughing ,   sit by yourselves  ,   keep sb waiting ,   buy sb a drink
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发表于 2009-10-23 02:57:46 | 显示全部楼层
lame这里用“蹩脚的”解释最为贴切。而pickup line的意思应该更为复杂一些:

A pick-up line is intended to be short and easy method of "picking up" (i.e., engaging) another person for sex, romance,or dating. They are usually used to initiate a conversation (an opener). The line is usually brief, and is intended to display wit and arousal to its targeted listener. However, the very nature of pick-up lines, short and often crude, means that there is a low chance of success when they are used.


参与人数 1财富 +7 收起 理由
jiayi + 7 Good! Are u free now?


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发表于 2009-10-23 23:08:53 | 显示全部楼层

1、I can't believe I made it into San Francisco, at long last! 这里的made it into 是什么意思?

2、I was out of the airport and off on my vacation. 这里be off on 又是什么用法那?
lotusleaf 发表于 2009-9-25 22:04

1. made it into = arrived in (San Francisco)

2. I was out of the airport and starting my vacation/holiday


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jiayi + 7 Good!It's easy to understand now


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 楼主| 发表于 2009-10-24 04:27:36 | 显示全部楼层
lame这里用“蹩脚的”解释最为贴切。而pickup line的意思应该更为复杂一些:

A pick-up line is intended to be short and easy method of "picking up" (i.e., engaging) another person for sex, romance,or dati ...
morriconean 发表于 2009-10-23 02:57

It's nice to see you. Are you free now? Do you pass the exam?
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-10-24 04:28:56 | 显示全部楼层
October 23, 2009


ESL Podcast 120 - Employee Performance Review
Don: So how did your end-of-the-year review go?

Becky: Oh, it was okay. I had my meeting with Mitch this morning and his bottom line is that he thinks I need to show more initiative. He thinks that I need to start being more creative.

Don: Did he actually say that?

Becky: Well, not in so many words. But I know that productivity is a big issue for him. Oh, he said the usual things like "Keep up the good work" and "Thanks for your hard work," but he also said that he's thinking about bringing some employees into my department. That, to me, means he's not satisfied with what I've been doing.

Don: Are you sure you're not reading too much into what he said?

Becky: No, I don’t. Either I shape up or my job is on the line .

Don: Well, I think you may be overreacting. Mitch likes to give everybody constructive criticism and I think that's what he was doing.

Becky: Do you really think so?

Don: Yes, I do. If you ask around, other people will tell you the same thing.

Becky: Maybe you're right. Thanks, Don. I feel better.

Don: I'm glad to hear it.

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse
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bottom line --- Here is what’s the most message  概要,账本底线

show more initiative --- start your things on your own   [ iˈniʃiətiv] n. 1. 主动性, 首创精神2. 主动的行动, 倡议3. 主动权4. 新方案 5. 主动性;积极性;自发性

shape up --- improve                                                         ship out --- leave
Shape up or ship out!  好好干,否则就卷铺盖走人

on the line --- could be fired

constructive criticism ---  give some comments to let sb do it better

Keep up the good work   , read too much into , overreacting
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-10-27 23:24:52 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 jiayi 于 2009-10-29 00:35 编辑

October 27, 2009


ESL Podcast 121 - Cooking Dinner
I'm not a very good cook but I decided to surprise my wife by making a three-course meal. I went to the supermarket to get the dessert, and I stopped by the farmer's market to get some fresh vegetables, my ingredients for the salad.

The meal would start with a salad. I washed the vegetables in the sink, chopped them up, and mixed them in a bowl with a light dressing. That was pretty easy.

The next course was going to be more difficult. The main dish would be salmon. I put the oil and the fish in the pan, but it was difficult to know when it was done, not underdone or overcooked.

The last part of the meal would be the dessert. I decided to buy a small chocolate cake. The meal turned out pretty well and my wife enjoyed it. After dinner, we went into the kitchen and saw all of the dirty dishes that needed washing(being washed?). I realized that cooking isn't(wasn't) the hard part, it's the cleaning up!

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse
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stop by --- go from one site to another and stop first to do sth

ingredients --- different parts for food  原料

sink --- vt. & vi. 1. (使)下沉; (使)沉没                n.1. 水池, 水槽

light dressing --- dressing: n.1. 穿衣; 穿戴,打扮2. (拌制色拉的)调料3. (保护伤口的)敷料

done, under done, overcooked , three-course meal , chop sth up
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发表于 2009-10-28 09:41:49 | 显示全部楼层
627# jiayi

this man is not a very good cook but a good husband.


参与人数 1财富 +7 收起 理由
jiayi + 7 exactly


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发表于 2009-10-28 11:43:11 | 显示全部楼层
long time no see.
I believe I could improve my English by following your everyday course. Thank you.


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jiayi + 7 join us :)


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 楼主| 发表于 2009-10-29 00:39:59 | 显示全部楼层
Sometimes I am confused about the script. For example, I changed some words in the red color in podcast 121. But I am not sure if it is correct in original text. Is it possible that it's a common use but I don't know?
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-10-29 00:44:00 | 显示全部楼层
629# dancingpenguin

Join us   I think it can improve our English. And I recommend you to find another person who can study with you together. For example, I memoried the article with lotusleaf everyday. I think it's really useful.
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-10-29 00:49:13 | 显示全部楼层
628# 月亮河

Exactly, he gave his wife another big surprise in today's podcast. When I heard this today, I asked my husband to follow him.  In fact, I never think a way like this surprise. A good idea, is it? Let's get started.

October 28,2009


ESL Podcast 122 - Packing Toiletries for a Trip

It was going to be my wife's 30th birthday this week and I was surprising her with a trip to San Diego for the weekend. Since it was going to be a surprise, I needed to pack both of our bags before picking her up from work and hitting the road.

Packing my stuff was easy, of course. I knew that the hotel would have shampoo, conditioner, and body lotion so I didn't pack any. I packed her brush, comb, hair dryer, nail clippers and emery board. I made sure that I didn't forget any of her make-up: foundation, mascara, eye shadow, blush, and lipstick.

I had everything we needed for our little trip. I'm sure my wife will be surprised, and I know she loves surprises!

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

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toiletries --- all the things you need for your teeth, hair, etc.

hit the road --- start travel.
For example:
I’ll hit the road at

conditioner --- n. 1. 调理的物品或物质; 护发

nail clippers --- clippers: n. 1. 大剪刀, 修剪工具, ,

emery board --- woman usually use to make their finger nails smooth
n. 1. 大剪刀, 修剪工具, 钳子,

make-up --- generally word for the all of the things women put on their face

foundation --- 粉底霜

mascara --- n. 1. 染眉毛油
1. 涂染眉毛油

blush --- what you put on your cheeks
1. 因羞愧而脸红,尴尬
1. 脸红,羞愧,

pack bags , pick sb up
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发表于 2009-10-29 00:54:24 | 显示全部楼层
Sometimes I am confused about the script. For example, I changed some words in the red color in podcast 121. But I am not sure if it is correct in original text. Is it possible that it's a common use  ...
jiayi 发表于 2009-10-29 00:39

need washing= need to be washed

cooking here is referred as talking general present tense, not in particular past tense.


参与人数 1财富 +7 收起 理由
jiayi + 7 Thank you! You are really a good teacher


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 楼主| 发表于 2009-10-29 01:19:59 | 显示全部楼层
need washing= need to be washed

cooking here is referred as talking general present tense, not in particular past tense.
zhangyl 发表于 2009-10-29 00:54

Thank you! You are really a good teacher
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-10-30 01:33:14 | 显示全部楼层
October 29, 2009


ESL Podcast 123 - Pop and Jazz Music

Abby: Hey, what are you listening to?

Bill: Right now I'm listening to the Foo Fighters’ latest album. There are some really good tracks on this CD, including their new single.

Abby: Let me see your iPod for a minute. It looks like you've got a ton of good stuff loaded up. I like Gwen Stephanie, too, and what's this? Shakira? I had no idea you were a fan of hers.

Bill: I think she's a really talented singer and songwriter . And, well, she's hot, too.

Abby: Yeah, I bet. Let's see. You've got some great jazz and blues standards here, too. Charlie Parker, Duke Ellington, and Billie Holiday. This one is a live recording, and these are compilations. You've got their greatest hits and some bootleg stuff, too. I never knew you were such a jazz buff.

Bill: Yeah, I like all kinds of music. Now, where are you going with my iPod?

Abby: I thought I’d just borrow it for a little while.

Bill: Yeah, right. Hand it over. I've got to download my favorite podcast.

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

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album --- big, black , like CD 1. 集邮簿, 相册,影集, 2. (唱片或磁带等上的)音乐专辑,歌曲专辑;唱片

I bet --- 1. I am sure that’s true.   Yes, I agree.      2. When you don’t believe someone

blues standards --- a  type of music ,a little sad

live recording --- 现场录音

compilation ---   1. 收集;选编;选辑2. 编纂;编著;编写

greatest hit --- most popular songs

bootleg --- illegal recording usually at a concert  vt. 1. 非法制造或贩卖  adj. 1. 非法制造或贩卖的

buff --- fan

Yeah, right  --- no, you can’t , I don’t believe that

Hand it over --- give it back to me
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-10-30 01:51:45 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 jiayi 于 2009-10-30 02:10 编辑

Do you use bootleg software ?  I installed a little software in my computer now, some are trial, some are free. I even don't install Microsoft Office and use a open office software which is free instead. I couldn't imagagine how the company to protect their copyright before, since you could get a bootleg software easily. But now, I found it was hard to use a bootleg software. Although I took some software here but all of them were not based on English Operating Sytstem. If it's downloaded from internet, usually virus or  trojan included in it too. It's expensive to update the software on time, that's why many of the companies use the old version software.


参与人数 1财富 +5 收起 理由
月亮河 + 5 bootleg? no idea about it.


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 楼主| 发表于 2009-10-31 03:37:04 | 显示全部楼层
October 30, 2009


ESL Podcast 124 - Asking for Clarification in a Business Meeting

I was negotiating a contract with a new business partner, and we had a meeting to clarify the terms.

Bill: If I understand the terms correctly , the length of the contract would be one year with a one-year option. Is that correct?

Ms. Samuels: Do you mean the contract for equipment rental or the one for training?

Bill: I was under the impression that both contracts had the same terms.

Ms. Samuels: Yes and no. Let me see if I can clarify that. The terms are the same except that the contract for training has a clause that allows for the cancellation after the first six months.

Bill: Could you elaborate on that?

Ms. Samuels: Sure. What I mean is that either side could cancel the training contract after the six months as long as it's in writing.

Bill: Let me see if I have that right. This contract is for six months of training, but if it isn't cancelled, continues for another six months. Is that right?

Ms. Samuels: Yes, that's right.

Bill: Okay, that's clear enough. Let's move on to the other terms

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

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Clarification --- [ˈklærɪfɪˈkeɪʃən] n. 1. (液体的)澄清,净化;澄清法2. (意义等的)澄清、说明

negotiate a contract --- talk to sb and try create an agreement between two people
negotiate: [niˈɡəuʃieit] : vt. & vi. 1. 谈判; 磋商; 协商; 议定; 商定; 达成协议  vt. 1. 兑现(支票等)2. 通过,越过(险要路段)

clarify the terms --- clarify: to explain sth you don’t understand  terms: conditions or the part of the contract
clarify: vt. & vi. 1. 使清楚; 澄清  vt. 1. (尤指通过加热使黄油)纯净,净化

Clause --- a part of the contract about the exception
n. 1. 从句,分句,子句2. (法律文件等的)条款

Elaborate ---  give more detail.   Example:  Could you elaborate on that?
vi. 1. 详尽说明   vt. 1. 详细制定2. 详尽阐述;详细描述   adj. 其他读音:[iˈlæbərit] 1. 复杂的; 精心制作的

If I understand the terms correctly   
I was under the impression that
Let me see if I….(can / have that right…)
What I mean is that…
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-3 05:28:01 | 显示全部楼层
November 2, 2009


ESL Podcast 125 – Moving
Edmundo: What are you doing?

Ruth: Oh, I'm packing. My lease is up at the end of the month and I'm moving to Vancouver for six months while my boyfriend is finishing his degree at the university.

Edmundo: Oh, wow, are you moving yourself or are you using a moving company ?

Ruth: I'm renting a U- Haul and doing it myself. I'm putting some of my furniture in storage since we plan to move back here after he graduates.

Edmundo: Can I help? Do you need me to forward your mail?

Ruth: Thanks for the offer. I've submitted a change- of-address form to the post office so I hope my mail will get forwarded automatically. One thing I have to remember to do is to shut off the utilities‚ gas, electricity, and phone‚ but I'll have two more weeks to do that.

Edmundo: Well, good luck in Vancouver. I don't envy you. I hate moving. Let me know if you need any help with those boxes.

Ruth: Thanks a lot. I appreciate it.
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lease is up ---  contract when you rent a apartment or house.  lease:  vt. 1. 租, 租借  n. 1. 租约, 租契

U- Haul --- a popular company name in USA
Haul : vt. & vi. 1. 拖, 拉  vt. 1. 运送2. 传讯  n. 1. 拖, 拉2. 拖运货物的距离3. 一网的捕获量, 一次偷得的数量4. 大批赃物;大量非法物品 5. 很高的得分     vi. 1. 强迫(某人)去某处

Storage --- rent a place to keep your things

shut off the utilities --- utility: n. 1. 功用, 效用2. 公用事业3. 应用程序;实用程序;公用程序

I don't envy you --- envy: n. 1. 妒忌; 羡慕  vt. 1. 妒忌; 羡慕

forward your mail , a change- of-address form
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-3 22:28:23 | 显示全部楼层
November 03 , 2009


ESL Podcast 126 - Award Show Season
It's that time of year again. It's award show season. No, I'm not talking about the Nobel Prizes. I'm talking about the entertainment awards. This is the time of year when the TV shows and movies are nominated as the best of the year. Celebrities get together at an award ceremony and the winners are announced. My favorites are the Emmy Awards for television, the Academy Awards for the movies, and the Grammy Awards for records. But, I'm up for almost any award show‚ the Golden Globes, the SAG Awards, even the People's Choice Awards.

For some people, the best part of watching the award shows is the pre-show. The celebrities arrive on the red carpet and are interviewed. Sometimes what they are wearing, made by the top designers and jewelers, gets more attention than anything they say. But, it's still fun to see all of the celebrities all in one place, and you never know what will come out of their mouths when they win‚or better yet‚when they lose.

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse
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award show season ---   award:vt. 1. 授予, 奖给; 判给   n. 1. 奖品, 奖金

nominate --- You could win the prize  vt. 1. 提名…为候选人; 任命2. 挑选,指定(时间、日期、名称等)

ceremony --- a formal event which you give some sth or sth important happened  n. 1. 典礼, 仪式2. 礼节, 礼仪, 礼貌

Acadent Awards ---  学院奖... 奥斯卡金像奖   Oscar
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发表于 2009-11-4 04:53:14 | 显示全部楼层
Do you use bootleg software ?  I installed a little software in my computer now, some are trial, some are free. I even don't install Microsoft Office and use a open office software which is free inste ...
jiayi 发表于 2009-10-30 01:51

I just installed some necessary software on my home computer. Such as acrobat, anti-virus, realplay etc. Also you can search some english version software even in Chinese web site. Or you can make your OS be compatible with non-English version software.


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jiayi + 7


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