本帖最后由 Frank 于 2014-3-17 11:56 编辑
177# Frank 像这套房,一般下家还要承担多少个percent for 乱七八糟的费用阿?还有,放租两间卧室(一层?)的话,租金如何阿,
aniia 发表于 2014-3-17 11:10
如果你是指买房时的支出,房屋交易本身之外,最大块开支多数是安省或某些市区的土地转让税了。安省大部分地区(包括密西沙加,奥克维尔和伯灵顿)只需要缴交省的土地转让税,但是如果是在多伦多市区(注意: 不是大多地区,而是City or Toronto)则需要同时缴交一个城市土地转让税(详情请看这个链接),
- 0.5% of the value of the consideration up to and including $55,000,
- 1% of the value of the consideration which exceeds $55,000 up to and including $250,000, and
- 1.5% of the value of the consideration which exceeds $250,000, and
- 2% of the amount by which the value of the consideration exceeds $400,000 for land that contains at least one and not more than two single family residences.