




楼主: jiayi

[Just Chat] 每日学英语

 楼主| 发表于 2010-10-15 04:46:35 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 jiayi 于 2010-10-15 04:49 编辑

859# janezhu

Good for you to study something that you are interested in. I think you'll have a a fruitful future

I was hardworking when I landed two years ago. However, I have been lazier little by little. I always think I can do it tomorrow.  I should learn something now.


参与人数 1财富 +5 收起 理由
janezhu + 5 Hold hands:)


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 楼主| 发表于 2010-10-16 04:44:13 | 显示全部楼层
ESL Podcast 266 – Making a Move on Someone
A.J.: What was going on with you and Tiago in his office earlier today? You two were pretty cozy in there.

Gloria: What? Oh, I was a little upset about messing up my presentation in the morning meeting, and Tiago was trying to reassure me about it.

A.J.: It looked like he was doing more than comforting you. He was sitting really close to you and he had his hand on your shoulder. If you ask me, he was making a move on you.

Gloria: Don’t be ridiculous! Tiago and I are just friends.

A.J.: Would you notice if he was? Remember Paul? He hit on you for two weeks before you noticed.

Gloria: That was completely different. He wasn’t hitting on me. He was bothering me, and I actually had to file a sexual harassment complaint against him before he’d stop. You’re comparing apples and oranges.

A.J.: I’m just saying that you’re not the most observant person when it comes to these kinds of things. Mark my words. Tiago is interested in you.

Gloria: If he is, I’m flattered. He’s a very attractive guy.

A.J.: That’s what all the women say. Some guys have all the luck. To add insult to injury, he doesn’t even know that women find him attractive. Even the other men in the office think he’s a nice guy.

Gloria: What can I say? Tell me the truth. Do you really think he’s interested in me?

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse
Making a Move on Someone --- to show your romantic interest to them
Cozy --- very comfortable, and often close someone else   ‘I am cozy sitting in my living room watch TV’
Reassure --- make someone feel better about something, to help someone feel less worried  
[ˌriəˈʃʊr,ˈriə'ʃur] vt.  消除恐惧或疑虑; 恢复信心;使…安心;打消…的疑虑
Ridiculous --- silly, unreasonable   [rɪˈdɪkjələs] 可笑的, 荒谬的,愚蠢的,荒唐的
hit on --- to say something that would express romantic interest
sexual harassment --- harassment: when you do sth or say sth ,usually at work, that is considered impropriate  , sth usually related to having a romantic or sexual interest in another person , but you do sth that is against rules                            [ˈhærəsmənt] n. 烦恼;烦扰;骚扰
observant --- to be aware of what is happening around you [ˈhærəsmənt]
Mark my words --- listen carefully to what I say and remember it
Flattered --- happy or pleased to know that another person thinks you are good…  深感荣幸
To add insult to injury ---  you are describing a bad situation that is even/becoming worse. Sth bad that happens after sth else bad happens
Insult: [ɪnˈsʌlt] n. 侮辱, 辱骂, 侮辱性的言论 vt.
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-10-21 04:43:44 | 显示全部楼层
ESL Podcast 267 – Getting a Traffic Ticket
I was driving down the street when I saw a police car behind me. Suddenly, it turned on its siren. I realized that I was being pulled over.

Officer: Can I see your driver’s license, registration, and proof of insurance?

Ray: Sure. Here you are, officer.

Officer: Did you know that you were speeding? You were going 70 in a 55 mile an hour zone.

Ray: I was? No, I didn’t know.

Officer: You also ran a red light and your brake light is out. I see that your tags have also expired. I’m going to have to cite you for all of that.

Ray: I’m sure I didn’t run a red light, and I didn’t know my brake light wasn’t working. I just renewed my registration and I’m still waiting for my new tags to arrive in the mail. Is there any way I can get away with just a warning?

Officer: I’m afraid not.

Ray: What’s the fine for all of those violations?

Officer: That information is on the back of the citation. Here you are. Have a nice day.

Ray: Thanks. Thanks a lot!

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse
Siren --- a loud noise made by police car
be pulled over --- the police officer is telling you to stop your car and go to the side of the road so he/she can talk to you
cite --- give someone a ticket that says they did something wrong
What’s the fine for all of those violations --- fine: amount of money you have to pay as a punishment.    violations: things that you do against the law
Citation --- the piece of paper that the police officer gives you that tells you what you did wrong and that you have to pay some money for. Another word for ticket.
get away with just a warning


参与人数 1财富 +5 收起 理由
janezhu + 5 Not accumulating moving, not reaching a


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 楼主| 发表于 2010-10-22 04:55:11 | 显示全部楼层
ESL Podcast 268 – Get-Rich-Quick Schemes
Bill: What are you watching?

Susan: I’m watching a really interesting TV program. It’s about how to make a lot of money quickly and easily.

Bill: Are you watching an infomercial? Those things are scams! You should know better than to fall for some get-rich-quick scheme.

Susan: This isn’t a scam. This program is about how make money with no capital. All I have to do is to get other people to sell these products and I’ll get a cut of the profits.

Bill: That sounds like a pyramid scheme. Only a few people at the top make money, while all of the other people lose their shirts.

Susan: It doesn’t seem like a fraud to me. Sit down and watch for a minute and you’ll see all of the testimonials from people who have used this system and who have struck it rich. It may really work.

Bill: There’s a sucker born every minute. How much do you have to pay to learn the secrets to this system?

Susan: It’s only $179.95, and I can pay in monthly installments. The program comes with a step-by-step book and video on how to get started.

Bill: I think you’re wasting your time. I can think of a lot of things I’d rather spend $179.95 on.

Susan: That’s your prerogative. Don’t come to me later when I’m a millionaire and you want my business advice.

Bill: Don’t worry. That will never happen.

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse
Infomercial --- comes from two words : information and commercial.   商业信息片
Scam --- a plan for making money, usually by cheating to other people, usually illegal花招; 欺诈;诈财骗局
fall for some get-rich-quick scheme. --- fall for sth: to be tricked/fooled into doing sth or beliving sth that isn’t true.
Capital --- here means a large amount of money
a cut of the profits --- a cut of sth: a part/percentage of..
lose their shirts --- lose everything
fraud --- when you cheat/lie to sb to get their money欺诈, 欺骗行为2. 骗子3. 伪劣品;冒牌货
testimonials ---- what customers and other people say about a product/service, usually it’s a good thing推荐书;证明书;鉴定书2. 表扬信;感谢信;奖状
strike it rich --- to be very successful with sth, usually to make a lot of money
sucker --- a person who is easily fooled/tricked by another person/ideas
installments --- partial payments when you buy sth but you don’t pay the whole thing right away, you pay a little each month分期付款
prerogative --- person’s right to do sth , a person decide to do sth.    ‘That’s you prerogative..’  (usually you disagree it)
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-10-23 05:05:52 | 显示全部楼层
ESL Podcast 269 – Health Insurance Plans
At my company, I have a choice of health insurance plans. We can pick between HMOs and PPOs, and I have been with the same managed health plan for the past few years. It’s the plan that has the lowest co- pays and the best coverage, and the network of doctors is fairly large. The drug coverage is good and the affiliated hospital is close to my house. Unfortunately, I’m discovering that it’s also the plan with the largest bureaucracy and patients can easily get lost in the shuffle.

I have a primary care physician, but like other plans, if I want to see a specialist, I must be referred by my primary care physician. I have been trying to see an eye specialist for a few weeks. I called my doctor’s office for a referral, but the nurse told me that I needed to first make an office visit. I tried to get an appointment, but there weren’t any openings for five weeks! I tried to leave a phone message for my doctor to talk to her about my situation, but she never returned my call. I tried several more times, and still received no response.

I finally decided to file a grievance. I know that I have patient rights, and that if I didn’t feel I was being treated fairly, I could file a complaint. I just hope that filing the grievance will get me a resolution to this problem. I’d like to see an eye specialist before I go blind!

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse
co- pays --- amount of money that you have to pay the doctor every time you have an appointment
affiliated --- one that is connected to/associated with    [əˈfilieitid] 隶属的, 附属的, 有关连的
bureaucracy --- organization that has very difficult/complex rules that you have to follow
[bjʊˈrɑkrəsi] 官僚制2. 官僚主义, 官僚作风3. 官僚体制;实行官僚体制的国家
get lost in the shuffle --- not to receive the attention that you need because there are so many other people
primary care physician --- the doctor that knows a lot about many different things. Opposite: specialist
grievance --- a complaint [ˈɡrivəns] 委屈, 苦衷, 不满, 怨恨2. 牢骚
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-10-27 03:58:16 | 显示全部楼层
ESL Podcast 270 – Airport Announcements
I was walking through the airport to Gate 11 to catch my flight when I heard this announcement:

“Attention passengers on English Air flight 232 to Boise. The departure gate has been changed. The flight will now be leaving from Gate 26.”

That was my flight! I looked at the flight information monitors, turned around, and walked in the opposite direction. As I was approaching Gate 26, there was another announcement:

“This is an announcement for passengers on flight 232 to Boise. The flight has been delayed due to bad weather conditions. The flight crew has arrived at the gate, but the ground crew is still de-icing the wings of the aircraft. Our new departure time is 10:50 AM.”

I thought the gate agent was done, but she had another announcement to make:

“I’m afraid that flight 232 is overbooked. We’re looking for passengers who are willing to take a later flight in exchange for a travel voucher worth $300. Any passenger who is interested should see an agent at Gate 26.”

Oh, no, I thought. I hope I don’t get bumped from this flight. Fortunately, a few minutes later, I heard this. It was music to my ears.

“We are now ready for boarding.”

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse
departure gate ,  the flight information monitors,
flight crew / ground crew  ---  people who work for the airline/ ground crew  who work at the airport
crew: 全体船员, 全体机务人员
de-icing --- remove the ice 除冰
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-11-3 03:19:00 | 显示全部楼层
ESL Podcast 271 – Using an ATM
I went to bank this morning. Instead of standing in line to talk to a bank teller, I decided to use an ATM, but it wasn’t working.

Robin: Excuse me. Could you help me? I’m trying to use this ATM machine, but it stopped working after I put in my PIN and it won’t give me back my ATM card.

Bank clerk: It looks like the machine is jammed. Step over to this teller window and I can help you. What transactions are you trying to make?

Robin: I want to make a deposit, transfer some money between my checking and savings accounts, and make a cash withdrawal.

Bank clerk: I can make those transactions for you.

Robin: Okay. Let me take this check out of the deposit envelop. And what about my card?

Bank clerk: I’ll call the technician and she should be able to retrieve it for you.

Robin: Thanks a lot. I guess that the machine just doesn’t like me.

Bank clerk: It’s not you. Those machines just act up sometimes.

Robin: In that case, I won’t take it personally.

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse
bank teller --- the person who works at the bank, who helps you give you money,cash,check
jammed --- sth that stop working in the machine, normally we use it when we are talking about papers/card in machine so the machine doesn’t work properly   卡住了机器出故障等无法正常运转
make a deposit --- put some money into her account
act up --- call problem  (机器等)功能失常,    做出适当反应,    行动倔强, 任性   胡闹,出毛病
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-11-4 04:59:09 | 显示全部楼层
ESL Podcast 272 – Time Management
Ruby: I’m snowed under with work! I can’t seem to keep up with everything I have to do. You’re always so organized and efficient. How do you do it?

Ian: I’m not always organized and efficient, but I’ve gotten better since I read a book about time management. I use a few tools that the book recommends, which help me to plan and to keep track of deadlines.

Ruby: Do you think it would help me?

Ian: Definitely. This is what I do. I keep a to-do list of all of the things I need to do. Then, I decide which tasks are high-priority and which have low- priority. I write down the deadline I’m given for the task or I assign a deadline of my own, and I make a note of the most urgent tasks.

Ruby: That seems pretty simple, but how do I keep track of the progress I make on a task? Sometimes things just slip through the cracks for me.

Ian: I do a couple of things. First, I keep my list updated. I check off or cross off those that I’ve done. I also put reminders for myself on my computer to help me with scheduling. It helps me to remember my appointments and to allocate my time better.

Ruby: That sounds like a great system. All I need now is some extra time so I can start doing some time management!

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse
Be snowed under --- to have too much work to do, to be very busy
slip through the cracks --- to be forgotten
cross off --- to draw a line through it to show that you have completed it, same as check off, a check mark
allocate --- to give time/money/sth to sb for specific purpose
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-11-5 04:15:37 | 显示全部楼层
ESL Podcast 273 – Telling Secrets to Parents
Therese: I can’t believe you told Mom and Dad about me driving the car last Saturday when I wasn’t supposed to. I thought we had a deal. You wouldn’t tell on me and I’d take you and Kathy to the movies this weekend. You’re such a tattletale.

Stephen: I swear it wasn’t me! Why would I tell? We do have a deal and I’ve held up my end.

Therese: Forget it. The deal is off. There’ll be no movie this weekend.

Stephen: Hey, I told you it wasn’t me who spilled the beans. Are you sure it wasn’t Jeffrey?

Therese: Don’t try to put the blame on somebody else. I know it was you.

Stephen: How?

Therese: You’re a terrible liar.

Stephen: Well, if I did tell on you, I didn’t mean to do it. Come on, please! I really want to see that movie this weekend. What can I do?

Therese: Hmmm...that’s a good question. How about doing my chores for two weeks?

Stephen: Two weeks?! No way. How about one week?

Therese: You’ve got a deal. I’ll take you if you do all of my chores for a week. But I’m warning you. You’re on notice. If you tell on me one more time, you’ll be dead to me.

Stephen: Yeah, yeah. I heard you.

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse
tell on me --- tell another person that you are doing something wrong/bad.  
Tattletale  --- A negative word. Usually for a child who tells parents/adults that another child is doing something wrong.
held up my end --- you did what you agree to do
spilled the beans --- to accidently to tell someone a secret
put the blame on --- to say that someone else did the action
liar --- someone who lies
mean to --- have the attention to
chore --- sth that you do on the regular basis ,usually it’s sth at home in your house that involve cleaning, washing…
on notice --- you are give them a warning
be dead to me --- no longer think of that person as being one of your friends/part of your family
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-11-6 04:55:49 | 显示全部楼层
ESL Podcast 274 – Buying Stamps at the Post Office
Clerk: Can I help you?

Tamika: I’d like to buy some stamps.

Clerk: In what denomination?

Tamika: I’m not sure. I need them for sending regular letters and for Priority Mail.

Clerk: The current rate for sending a first-class letter is 41 cents. With first- class service, your letter will get there in three to seven days for domestic mail.

Tamika: For the first-class stamps, how many come in a book or a roll?

Clerk: There are 20 in a book and 100 in a roll. To send a Priority Mail envelope, you can get $4.05 stamps, and delivery is usually in two to three days. How many would you like of each?

Tamika: I’ll take one book of the stamps and four Priority Mail stamps. Can I buy stamps to send an Express Mail envelope, too?

Clerk: You can. Those are $14.40 each.

Tamika: Could you add one of those, too? And how much is it to send a postcard? I don’t need any stamps for those today, but I’m just curious.

Clerk: It’s 24 cents to send a postcard. Okay, that’s a book of 41-cent stamps, four Priority Mail stamps, and one Express Mail stamp. Anything else?

Tamika: Could I pick the design of the first-class stamps?

Clerk: Yes. You can choose from these commemorative ones or the standard flag design.

Tamika: I’ll take the commemorative ones.

Clerk: Your total comes to $38.80.

Tamika: Here’s $40.

Clerk: Here’s your change and your stamps. Have a nice day.

Tamika: Thanks. You, too.

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse
Denomination --- the amount of money that the stamp worth  
[dɪˌnɑməˈneʃən]  宗派, 教派2. 面额, 单位, (尤指钱的)面额, 面值3. <正>名称, 种类名, 名目
Priority Mail --- a little bit faster service
a first-class letter --- normal regular type of mail   .  another meaning: very high quality
Domestic --- within in one country , opposite with ‘international’
[dəˈmɛstɪk] adj. 1. 本国的, 国内的2. 家庭的, 家用的3. 驯养的4. 喜爱家庭生活的;享受家庭乐趣的;乐于操持家务的 n.1. 家佣;佣人 2. 家庭纠纷;家庭矛盾3. [有时用复数]国(产)货,国产品,本地产品
how many come in --- how many there
commemorative ones or the standard --- commemorative: remembers important event/person  adj.用作)纪念的;纪念性的(commemoratory)   n.1. 纪念物;纪念邮票;纪念币
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-11-10 05:58:44 | 显示全部楼层
ESL Podcast 275 – A Soccer Match
Shandy: Oh, that player just hit my boyfriend! Did you see that? That was definitely a penalty.

Giuseppe: No, I didn’t. I was watching the goalie. The referee isn’t doing anything.

Shandy: I can’t believe it. Why isn’t the coach talking to that referee? I’m sure the other player deliberately kicked Fabio with his cleats.

Giuseppe: Hey, look! Fabio has the ball and he’s taking it all the way down the field. He shoots, he scores! That’s his second goal of the game. He’s going to win the game for the team.

Shandy: What’s he doing now? Why is he on the ground? Is he hurt?

Giuseppe: I don’t know. The trainer is helping him off the field. It doesn’t look serious.

Shandy: That’s good, but he hates sitting on the bench. He won’t want to watch the rest of the match from the sidelines.

Giuseppe: Look at the stands over there!

Shandy: What’s happening? Why are they all standing up? Oh, they’re starting a wave. I thought for a minute that the fans were getting into a brawl.

Giuseppe: It’s coming this way.

Shandy: Okay, here we go!

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse
Penalty --- a punishment against team/player who breaks a rule during the game
Goalie --- goal keeper, the player tries to stop the other team from getting points守门员
Referee --- the person who watch the game and make sure that everyone is following the rules
Deliberately --- on purpose, it’s what we had plan to do慎重地;谨慎地2. 故意地,蓄意地,存心地
Cleats --- shoes that have many small points on the bottom
Match --- game
Sidelines --- in this case means the area around the sports field
Brawl --- another word for a fight, a very laud ,noisy fight
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-11-12 05:48:34 | 显示全部楼层
ESL Podcast 276 – The Stock Market
Heather: What’s the matter? You look terrible.

Paul: Haven’t you seen the paper? The stock market went down a lot yesterday. The NASDAQ is down 100 points and the Dow is down 30! My portfolio is in big trouble.

Heather: I knew you had some stock options in this company, but I didn’t know you were so heavily invested in the market.

Paul: I’m invested in the bond market, in derivatives, and I have shares in a lot of companies that took a nosedive yesterday.

Heather: I’m sure you have a good stockbroker who has made sure that your portfolio is diversified and you have different kinds of securities.

Paul: That’s my problem. I don’t have a stockbroker. I decided to invest on my own and to go for less secure stocks hoping for a better return. I thought I could tell the difference between a bear and a bull market as well as the brokers. I guess I was wrong.

Heather: The drop in stock prices won’t last. I’m sure the market will rebound. Just don’t panic and sell everything. The old saying, “buy low, sell high,” is still a good idea, I think.

Paul: I know, I know. I won’t do anything stupid— that is, I won’t do anything even more stupid. I’ll wait to see what happens before taking any action.

Heather: That’s a good idea. Come on. I’ll buy you lunch.

Paul: Thanks. Now that I’m poor, I won’t say ‘no’ to your charity.

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse
NASDAQ --- 纳斯达克指数
Portfolio --- investment   
n.1. 公事包, 文件夹2. 投资组合3. 大臣或部长的职位或职责4. 求职时用以证明资历的)作品,整套照片 5. (公司或机构提供的)系列产品,系列服务 6. 有价证券组合7. 纸夹;装在文件夹(或纸夹)内的一套图纸(或文件)8. (保险)业务量;业务责任9. (艺术家等的)代表作选辑10. (金融)总资产
stock options --- opportunities that the company you work for gives you to buy stocks in the future at certain price  购股选择权
bond market --- where you buy/sale bonds which are promises that the government/other organization will pay back money with interest    债券市场
derivatives --- agreements between two people/businesses where the price of the agreement is based on other stocks/bonds that worth money衍生性金融商品
derivative:  to come from something else
nosedive --- a sudden decrease     take a nosedive
diversified --- involving many different of things  [daɪˈvəsəˌfaɪd]  多样化的;多种经营的
a bear and a bull market
rebound --- recover 弹回;反弹
panic --- to do sth without think about it carefully, usually because scare (使)恐慌
charity --- when someone helps someone health , usually help poor people n. 慈爱, 仁慈; 救济金2. 慈善团体;慈善事业3. 宽厚, 宽容
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-11-13 04:11:20 | 显示全部楼层
One of the things I like to do on the weekends is go to garage sales. I’m a bargain hunter and collector, so garage sales are good places for me. I look in the newspapers or just follow homemade signs to find the sales in my neighborhood. Whether it’s because people are doing spring cleaning or getting ready to move, there are always plenty of sales in my area.

After going to a lot of garage sales, I’ve learned a few things about getting what I want at the price I want. Bargaining on price is par for the course at any garage sale. If you don’t want to get ripped off, you’ll try to get the sellers to lower their price. I’m an early bird and I usually get to the sales before other people to get the best items. But to get the best prices, be sure to go back right before the sale ends. Most people are desperate to sell so that they don’t have to store those things again or to lug them to a charity office to give them away. That’s when people are ready to slash their prices. It’s true that there is a lot of junk and knickknacks at garage sales. But one person’s trash is another person’s treasure!

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse
par for the course --- Normal, standard, expected.  It comes from the game of golfing.
get ripped off --- to pay more than you should, to get a bad deal
desperate --- when you are very worried/anxious about sth and you’ll anything to change it不顾一切的, 拼命的
lug --- to carry sth, usually sth that is heavy and difficult to move
charity --- when you give sth to someone who needs money/foods..
give them away --- to give sth to someone for free
to slash their prices --- reduce the price, usually to lower it a lot
junk and knickknacks --- junk :anything that has no value     knickknacks: 小玩意儿
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-11-17 05:27:02 | 显示全部楼层
ESL Podcast 278 – Meeting the Future In-laws
Atsushi: I don’t mind telling you that I’m really nervous about meeting your parents.

Scarlet: You look like you’re going to face the firing squad. It’s not going to be that bad.

Atsushi: I wish I could believe that. I’m going to try to make a good first impression, but I don’t think they’re going to like the fact that I’m a professional musician.

Scarlet: I’ve already told them about you, so there won’t be any surprises.

Atsushi: It doesn’t help that your last boyfriend was a straight-laced college student. Couldn’t you have dated a convict before me? I’d look pretty good to your parents in comparison.

Scarlet: How do you know I didn’t? You don’t know everything about me.

Atsushi: Very funny. Maybe we should postpone this visit with your parents for a little while.

Scarlet: No!

Atsushi: I’m just putting it out there.

Scarlet: We’ve put off this visit for months and my parents are really starting to wonder if you really exist. Let’s not blow this visit out of proportion. They’re only my parents.

Atsushi: I know, but they may also be my in-laws soon.

Scarlet: I know, but it’s not like our whole relationship is riding on this visit. I’ll still like you no matter what. And plus, my parents know I have good taste in men.

Atsushi: At least I know that’s true!

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse
face the firing squad --- be in a very difficult/danger situation.  Squad: small group.  Firing squad: suppose to kill one of the people perhaps who is a prisoner   行刑队,执行死刑的射击队
straight-laced --- someone who is very traditional, someone who is very safe   
convict --- someone who has been arrested and put in prison  囚犯
postpone --- delay
putting it out there --- to present an idea for consideration by other people, it’s a suggestion, and say , think about it.
blow this visit out of proportion --- make it more important than it really is
riding on --- depend on
make a good first impression
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-11-18 09:28:50 | 显示全部楼层
ESL Podcast 279 – Saying Goodbye

Mina: I’d better be going. See you later.

Oliver: It might be awhile before we run into each other again.

Mina: Why is that?

Oliver: I’m going to Puerto Rico for three months starting next Tuesday. I got a job there for the summer.

Mina: I didn’t know that. That’s great! I’ve never been to Puerto Rico, but I’ve heard it’s nice. Have a good trip. It’s a shame we didn’t have more time to catch up. Is your girlfriend going with you?

Oliver: Yeah, she is. She got a job there, too, so we won’t have to be apart for three months.

Mina: That’s good. It’s too bad I won’t get to see her before you two leave. Give her my best.

Oliver: I will. Oh, I’d better get going or I’ll be late.

Mina: It was good seeing you.

Oliver: You, too. Stay in touch.

Mina: I will. Let’s get together when you get back from Puerto Rico.

Oliver: I’d like that. Bye.

Mina: Bye.

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse
run into each other --- see the other person often without expecting it, almost by accident.   ' I ran into my friend today at the store'
It’s a shame --- it's too bad
catch up --- to talk all about all of the thing you have done since the last time you met this person. Usually we use this expression when it has been a long time since you have seen the other person.    For example: 'Let's get together for coffee to catch up'
Give her my best.  It was good seeing you. Stay in touch.
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-11-19 09:37:59 | 显示全部楼层

ESL Podcast 280 – Viral Marketing

Jayna: I have an idea for creating buzz about our new product.

Maksym: What is it?

Jayna: I think we should use viral marketing. We can spread information about the product quickly and among the most likely customers.

Maksym: I really don’t understand it. How would we do viral marketing?

Jayna: Well, the key is to get plugged into a few people who have large social networks already, such as bloggers and other people with popular websites. We get them talking about the product on their websites and people who visit those sites will tell their friends about it, and they will in turn tell their friends, and so on. If we use these existing social networks, news about our product will spread very quickly.

Maksym: What about the cost?

Jayna: That’s just it. It’s very low-cost because it works through word of mouth.

Maksym: That sounds promising. Why don’t you put together a short presentation about it to present at the department meeting on Friday?

Jayna: Great. I’ll get working on it right away. I think it’s going to transform the way we reach our customers.

Maksym: I appreciate your enthusiasm, but let’s see how it goes over with the rest of the department on Friday.

Jayna: Sure thing.

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

Viral Marketing --- adj. comes from words, virus, to talk about sth that spreads from one person to another, it's sth that infects some person, to give sb a sickness.
to spread quickly. Just like you can have a virus spread quickly from one person from another.
Viral marketing is not a negative thing,just a way that company use existing connections among people to get their message out

buzz --- excitement about sth

get plugged into  --- to get involved of sth

in turn --- one after another, as a result of sth

That’s just it --- here is the interesting thing about it

word of mouth --- people learning about sth because they hear other people talking about it. 'There could be a good word of mouth about ESL podcast...'

sounds promising --- it sounds a good idea

goes over --- let's see if it is accepted or rejected. You could say 'going over well/badly'

Sure thing --- I agree with you
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-11-23 11:11:25 | 显示全部楼层

ESL Podcast 281 – All-Inclusive Vacations
Mei: Let’s go on an all-inclusive vacation to a resort in Jamaica!

Guy: I’d like to go to Jamaica, but I don’t know about going to an all-inclusive resort.

Mei: It saves so much time in planning. With these vacation packages, all of our lodging is included and we don’t have to pay extra for anything. For one fixed price, we get unlimited food and drinks, and all of the activities and entertainment we want.

Guy: It sounds a little too predictable to me. You know that when I travel, I like to go off the beaten track. The fun is in going out of the tourist areas to find the real character of a place.

Mei: I know, but a resort has its pluses. If we pick a good resort, we’ll know that everything will be first rate. There won’t be any problems with substandard amenities or service.

Guy: That may all be true, but I’m still not convinced. I’d rather keep looking until we find a good compromise that will have the predictability you want and the spontaneity that I want.

Mei: Okay, but we agree on Jamaica, right?

Guy: Yeah, that’s right. It’s Jamaica or bust!

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse
All-Inclusive Vacations --- the vocation includes every thing

resort --- n. a large hotel,usually a little more expensive that has many things for you to do, it has many nice services available

lodging --- lodge: another name for hotel, lodging: where  you are going to sleep, your room where you are sleeping in a hotel

fixed price --- a price that doesn't change no matter how much you use it or not use it

predictable --- you know what'll happen, there is no suprise

go off the beaten track --- do sth uncommon,to go somewhere where most people don't go
beaten track: 踏平的路

pluses --- positive things.  ops:minuses, nagative things;
People may talk about the pluses and minuses, the good and the bad,the advantages and disadvatages

first rate --- very high quality, excellent

substandard amenities --- substandard:below you expected   amenitiy : thing that make place comfortable

compromise --- aggrement on sth that both people can say yes

spontaneity --- oppsite to predictability

bust --- sth or bust: you have plans to do sth and you are going to work very hard to do it.
go bust: to lose/fail to do sth, often it can mean to lose your money. Sometimes we use this expression when we talk about travelling to a place
It's Newyork city or bust: it's meaning we gonna go to the Newyork, we gonna to do anyting possible to got there
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-11-23 23:39:21 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 jiayi 于 2011-1-1 03:33 编辑

It's the time to change another way to learn.


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那时枫叶 + 10 fully support!:)


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发表于 2011-2-20 11:26:32 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-23 02:56:14 | 显示全部楼层
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