




楼主: jiayi

[Just Chat] 每日学英语

 楼主| 发表于 2010-7-26 22:43:55 | 显示全部楼层
ESL Podcast 254 – Good Hygiene
Juanita: Hey, where have you been? I was going to invite you to lunch, but you weren’t at your desk.

Bill: I was at a training.

Juanita: What was it on?

Bill: Office hygiene.

Juanita: Hygiene? You’re kidding. Your office is pretty messy but I wouldn’t say you needed hygiene training.

Bill: Very funny. Each department has to go through it. You’ll have your turn next week. Apparently, the management wants to reduce the spread of illnesses around the office. They say that people are taking too many sick days and it’s bad for productivity.

Juanita: So, we all have to sit through a training. What a pain! It’s not like we don’t know how to wash our hands.

Bill: Yeah, I know. The trainer did a pretty good job, though, explaining how germs spread around the office. It’s easy to infect other people when you have a cold or something else that’s contagious. She said that viruses get around pretty easily. She gave us some pointers on how to prevent it, though.

Juanita: Well, I use antibacterial soap all the time, so I don’t worry about it.

Bill: You know, the trainer said that those soaps may not be that effective. People think they’re sterilizing their hands, but they may be doing more harm than good.

Juanita: Really? I’ve never heard that before.

Bill: Then you’d better go to the training. I guess you need it more than I do.

Juanita: Yeah, very funny.

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse
Hygiene --- being clean, particularly being clean to avoid sickness卫生学, 保健学
Apparently --- it seems
Germs --- very small things in the air/water that you can’t see but that make people sick. It’s how the diseases spread. 细菌
Contagious ---  can be passed from one person to another传染性的
antibacterial soap --- a kind of soap is used to wash your hand and suppose to kill the germs抗菌的
bacterial: 细菌的
sterilize --- kill all the germs    vt. 消毒;使无菌
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-7-28 02:21:04 | 显示全部楼层
ESL Podcast 255 – Questions About a Product
Paul: Could you help me? I have a few questions about this computer printer.

Clerk: Sure. I’ll try.

Paul: What I’m wondering is whether this machine can be used as a copier as well as a printer.

Clerk: Yeah, it can. This is a multifunction machine. It can be used as a printer, copier, and a fax machine.

Paul: Can you show me how that works?

Clerk: Well, it’s pretty straightforward. Just hook it up to your computer and you can use it like any other printer. If you want to make copies, just put your document on the glass or in the feeder and press this button.

Paul: That seems pretty simple. How do I use it as a fax machine?

Clerk: Just put your document in the feeder like you would for copying, but instead of pushing the “copy” button, press the “fax” button. Make sure it’s hooked up to a phone line, of course.

Paul: Okay. I think I’ve got it. Does this model come with a warranty?

Clerk: All of the machines made by this company have a one-year warranty against defects. If there’s a problem with it, the manufacturer will repair or replace it.

Paul: That’s good. If I change my mind or decide it’s not what I want, can I return it?

Clerk: You can return the item for an exchange or a refund within 30 days.

Paul: Is there a restocking fee?

Clerk: No, we don’t have a restocking fee. Just make sure you have your receipt.

Paul: I think those are all the questions I had. I appreciate your help.

Clerk: You’re welcome. Let me know if you have other questions.

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse
hook it up --- to connect two machines together.   
feeder --- the part of copier that hold the paper进料器;供给装置
defect --- things that are broken because the machine was made correctly缺陷
a restocking fee --- when you buy some machine and you bring it back to the store, sometimes the store doesn’t give you all of the money back, they keep 10 percent as a restocking fee, meaning they have to do something to make the machine salable again. This is very common with electronics, computers ,sometimes televisions
come with a warranty  , under warranty
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-7-29 03:34:06 | 显示全部楼层
ESL Podcast 256 – Looking for Ideas
Ling: Ugh!

Sam: What’s the matter?

Ling: I’m trying to jot down some ideas for the meeting tomorrow but I’m drawing a blank.

Sam: When I’ve got a block, I usually step away from it for a while and come back to it later. Then I can look at it with a fresh perspective.

Ling: I don’t have time to take a break. I need to come up with something quick or I’ll have to go into that meeting empty-handed. I can’t let Danielle show me up again. At the last meeting, all of the department heads loved her ideas and they’re starting to think she walks on water.

Sam: Well, I don’t think it helps to sit around worrying about it. Nothing will come to you if you work yourself up too much.

Ling: You’re right. I’m too wound up to think straight. It’s like my brain is in a fog.

Sam: Come on. We’ll go take a quick walk. I’m sure that’ll do the trick. If it doesn’t, I’ll help you work on your resume.

Ling: Gee, thanks. I’ve known all along that you’re after my job.

Sam: Me? After your job? I wouldn’t touch your job with a 10-foot pole. I couldn’t take the pressure. I prefer being a lowly employee and giving you a hard time everyday.

Ling: Thanks a lot. Between you and Danielle, my days here are numbered.

Sam: Come on. Let’s go before you get even more depressed!

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse
jot down --- write sth down quickly       jot: 匆忙记下
I’m drawing a blank --- not to be able to think of a good idea to sth   
fresh perspective --- a new or creative way of looking at sth
perspective: 远景, 景 ; 观点, 想法; 透视
I’ll have to go into that meeting empty-handed. ---  unprepared
show me up --- do sth better than someone else, it means to make the other person look bad by doing sth better than them,  a negative thing to say about the person.  ‘He is trying to show me up’
walk on water --- to be perfect
work yourself up --- become very worried about sth
wound up --- to be nerves, to be stressed out
my brain is in a fog --- confused, unclear
do the trick --- to do what something is suppose to do
I’ve known all along that you’re after my job --- I’ve known for a long time that you want my  job
my days here are numbered --- not be here very long, lose the job soon
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-7-31 03:37:42 | 显示全部楼层
ESL Podcast 257 – Finding a Book at a Bookstore
Clerk: Can I help you find something?

Adrian: Yes. Can you tell me where the non- fiction books are?

Clerk: Are you looking for hardbacks or paperbacks?

Adrian: I’m not sure. I think hardbacks.

Clerk: Well, the non-fiction new releases are at the front of the store. The non-fiction section is behind the fiction shelves on your right. The hardbacks are on the top shelves and the paperbacks on the bottom ones. Is there a specific book I can help you find?

Adrian: I’m looking for an old book and I’m not sure of the title. It’s something like, “The Literary Crisis.”

Clerk: Do you know the name of the author?

Adrian: No, I don’t. I saw it mentioned online and I actually wrote down the ISBN, but I can’t find it now.

Clerk: Well, if it’s an old book, it may be out- of-print, but let me look it up in our system. If it was a bestseller at one time, there’s a chance that it’s still in print. Let me check…Okay, here it is. It was published in 1982, and unfortunately, it is out-of- print. You may want to try a used bookstore, like Bookwoman’s down the street.

Adrian: Thanks, I’ll give them a try. I’m also looking for a biography. Can you tell me where they are?

Clerk: Sure. The biographies are behind the reference section over there. Let me know if you need any more help.

Adrian: Thanks. I appreciate it.

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse
non- fiction ---  Things are real.         fiction: imaginary小说
new releases --- releases: Books that have recently published
biographies ---传记;传记作品
reference --- places where they have books such as dictionaries, these would be a place where you sell books that have lots of different kinds of information about specific topics
give sth a try. ‘I am going to give this restaurant a try’
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-10-5 02:45:34 | 显示全部楼层
ESL Podcast 258 – Moving in Together
My girlfriend and I have been going out for a year and I thought it was time to have a heart-to-heart with her.

Simon: I have something I want to talk to you about. Can you come over here and sit down for a minute?

Paula: Uh oh. Is something wrong?

Simon: No, nothing’s wrong. In fact, everything’s right. We’ve been together for a year and I’ve been happier than I’ve ever been.

Paula: Me, too. Things are going great. What is this all about?

Simon: I want us to move things to the next level. I want us to move in together.

Paula: Simon, I love you, but we can’t do that. You know how conservative my parents are. They would never approve.

Simon: They like me, don’t they?

Paula: It’s not a matter of whether they like you or not. They both adore you as much as I do. But two people moving in together before they’re married goes against their beliefs and mine.

Simon: But don’t you want to?

Paula: I’m very happy with you, but I want things to go on as they are. We spend so much time together anyway, we’re almost joined at the hip.

Simon: Are you saying you want more space?

Paula: No! What I’m saying is that I don’t want to rock the boat when things are going so well. Why don’t we hold off on any more talk about moving in together.

Simon: I suppose that’s okay—for now.

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse
going out --- be dating each other
have a heart-to-heart with her --- have a honest discussion, usually about some personal matter or some important private business that you have with this person. Often talk to them you really think even though that might be difficult
conservative ---  traditional   opposite:liberal           n. 保守的人 adj. 保守的
It’s not a matter of --- not related to …
Adore --- like a lot, love          ‘ I adore that movie’
joined at the hip --- two people spend almost all of their time together that they never  seperate
hold off on --- wait and not do something right now
to move things to the next level,   go against their beliefs,  rock the boat


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月明 + 5 long time no see


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 楼主| 发表于 2010-10-6 02:20:55 | 显示全部楼层
ESL Podcast 259 – Making a Restaurant Reservation
Hostess: Thank you for calling Sakia Restaurant. How may I help you?

Randy: I’d like to make a reservation.

Hostess: For which day and for what time?

Randy: It’s for Friday, the 24th, at 7 o’clock.

Hostess: How many will be in the party?

Randy: There will be seven of us.

Hostess: And the name on the reservation?

Randy: Johnson.

Hostess: And a phone number where we can reach you?

Randy: 310-555-9023.

Hostess: Okay. Let me repeat back to you the information I have. This is a reservation for the Friday after next for seven at 7 p.m. Is that correct?

Randy: Yes, that’s right. Can we have a table by the window in a non-smoking section? I want to be away from the kitchen, if possible.

Hostess: Our restaurant is all non-smoking. We can’t guarantee a window table, but I’ll note your preference.

Randy: Okay, that’s fine. What’s the parking situation at the restaurant?

Hostess: We have a parking lot behind the restaurant, and we also have valet parking. Do any of the guests have special needs?

Randy: I’m glad you asked. I’ll need two high chairs and four booster seats.

Hostess: I’m sorry, but did you say two high chairs and four booster seats?

Randy: Yes, I did. I’m taking all of my nieces and nephews out to dinner.

Hostess: That sounds nice. It should be lively evening.

Randy: You’re telling me!

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse
note your preference --- preference:  your choice, sth that you want
[ˈprefərəns] n. 较喜欢的东西, 偏爱,爱好,喜好
valet parking --- valet: service offered by many restaurant in hotels, you can leave your car with someone, we call that person a valet, and a valet will  park the car and bring it back to you, of course you have to pay extra money for this service.
booster seats --- usually plastic seat that you put on top of the chair, so that slightly older children who are too big for a high chair can sit at the table.   
Booster: 提高〔推进〕的人;升降压机;(火箭的)助推器;多级火箭的第一级, 热情的支持者
Lively --- busy, interesting, full of lots of energy
You’re telling me --- I agree with you completely because I have had similar experience
I’d like to make a reservation,         repeat back to you ,         And a phone number where we can reach you?
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-10-6 02:22:54 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-10-6 23:30:49 | 显示全部楼层
ESL Podcast 260 – Business Trends
Today, I’m going to be giving you a brief overview of the trends that are likely to affect our industry in the next 10 years. It’s difficult to predict the fads that affect how the general public thinks and behaves. However, by looking at recent polls, we have a good idea about one area that is likely to have a dramatic influence on the way we do business down the line.

The trend that I’m talking about is the environment. The biggest concern right now across major business industries here and in other parts of the world is about how “going green” will affect company outlook. The growth of environmentally-friendly products has been off the charts in the past five years, and this trend is likely to continue for at least 10 more years.

If you’ll look at this chart up here, you’ll see what the major trend reports are forecasting. It’s my opinion that it’s time we sat up and took notice.

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse
Trend --- sth that changes in one direction over time, so it is sth goes up or goes down
Overview --- general description of sth
predict the fads --- predict: to say what’ll happen in the future           fad(s): things that are popular for a short  period time and then they are not popular
poll --- a survey or a questioner that gets people opinions about sth
dramatic --- large, important, very exciting
down the line --- in the future
across --- in all/every/each
going green --- begin doing things that  are good for the natural environment, to try not to do things will harm  the air/water/soil….
Outlook --- future , in this case: the future of the company
growth of environmentally-friendly --- increase of good for the environment
off the charts --- very high, much higher/bigger than what we thought.  
Forecast --- predict
sat up and took notice --- begin to pay attention to sth important
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-10-6 23:34:22 | 显示全部楼层
Today's podcast is really hard to me. I couldn't understand it at all before listening to the notes.
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-10-8 02:23:39 | 显示全部楼层
ESL Podcast 261 – Describing People’s Personalities
Joann: Oh, are those pictures of your kids?

Artem: Yes. These are my three daughters and these are my two sons.

Joann: Your sons look so alike. Are they similar in personality, too?

Artem: It’s funny you ask that. My wife and I are always saying how different they are from one another, even though they’re the closest in age. Sergey, the younger one, is moody and a little timid, while his older brother, Dennis, is talkative and cheerful all the time.

Joann: That’s really interesting. You know, I have an older sister and we’re only a year apart, but we have very different personalities, too. When I was little, I was bad-tempered and I always fought with my brothers and sisters, while my sister was a little angel. She was always patient and generous. I really looked up to her.

Artem: It’s hard for me to believe that you were ever bad-tempered. You’re so even-keeled now. Me, on the other hand, I was a selfish and stubborn kid. I’m surprised that my parents put up with me.

Joann: I’m sure you’re exaggerating. All kids are a little selfish and stubborn, I think. Good thing most of us grow out of it as we get older.

Artem: Well, that may be true, but according to my wife and kids, I’m still the most stubborn person in the world. They may be right.
Personality ---  a person’s characteristics that affect what they do
moody and a little timid --- moody: change your emotions/moods the way you act and feel very quickly, often becoming angry/sad for no reason. 喜怒无常   Timid: shy, quiet胆小的 羞怯的         opposite: outgoing
look up to --- admire / respect
even-keeled ---  even temper, not to change you moods quickly, opposite to bad temper
stubborn --- don’t want to change your mind/opinion about sth, you continue to think the same way
put up with me --- to tolerant someone
exaggerate ---  [ɪɡˈzædʒəˌret] make sth bigger/more important than it is
grow out of --- stop doing sth as one gets older
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发表于 2010-10-8 11:15:43 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-10-8 11:58:16 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-10-9 00:30:14 | 显示全部楼层
ESL Podcast 262 – Missing the Tour Group Bus
Kelly: Where is everybody?

Man: Excuse me? Were you talking to me?

Kelly: Oh, no. I was just talking to myself. Our tour group was supposed to rendezvous here at five o’clock for our return trip to the hotel. But there’s no trace of the bus and I don’t see any other people from my group anywhere.

Man: You know, it’s 5:10. Maybe the bus took off already.

Kelly: That can’t be! Our tour guide said that we would meet back here at 5-ish. She didn’t say precisely at 5.

Man: Maybe that’s what she meant. You know, tour guides usually stick pretty closely to a time schedule.

Kelly: Yes, I know, but what am I supposed to do now? I don’t have any way to get back to the hotel.

Man: Do you have the number of the tour company? I could lend you my cell phone to call them.

Kelly: Let me see. No, I don’t. I feel like such an idiot!

Man: Wait a second. Is that your bus over there?

Kelly: Where? Oh my gosh, I think it is! I must be on the wrong side of the park. If I make a run for it, I may be able to catch it before it takes off. Thanks a lot for spotting it!

Man: No sweat, but you’d better step on it!

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse
Rendezvous --- [ˈrɑndeˌvu, -də-]  meet someone at a specific place and time.     ‘Let’s rendezvous at the restaurant at 7pm’   
5-ish ---  approximately at that that time, not exactly at that time, around/about that time    ‘6-ish, 3-ish….’
Precisely --- exactly, you could also say ‘5 clock sharp’
Stick to sth --- follow a plan very carefully, to do exactly what you plan to do, without making any changes
make a run for it --- run/walk very quickly when you have very little time, leave/escape by running
spot --- to see something that is difficult to see
No sweat  --- informal for  ‘no problem’ 不出汗(没什么大不了)
step on it --- hurry, hush, to do something very quickly
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-10-9 00:32:29 | 显示全部楼层
851# 月明

852# 红酒

Thank you for encouragement.
It's my pleasure.
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-10-12 23:51:26 | 显示全部楼层
ESL Podcast 263 – Getting Older
Angelica: Oh sorry, what was I saying? I lost my train of thought.

Yann: You were telling me about the book you’re reading.

Angelica: Oh, yeah. I must have had one of those senior moments.

Yann: Welcome to the club. That’s what happens when you’re over-the-hill like we are.

Angelica: We’re not over the hill! You may be an old geezer, but I still like to think of myself as middle-aged. Isn’t 70 the new 60?

Yann: That’s what they say, but I don’t mind aging. I may be a little absent- minded now and then, but I’m not senile. What I can’t stand is being treated like I am. The other day, I sat at a table at a restaurant for 20 minutes while the waitress ignored me. She waited on all of the tables around me first, and when she finally came to take my order, she didn’t even apologize.

Angelica: Ageism is everywhere. What I hate is to be talked to like I’m a child. Some people think that if you’ve got gray hair, you’re not all there. I’m as sharp as ever.

Yann: I know, but do you know what we’re doing?

Angelica: What?

Yann: We’re griping. That’s what old people are supposed to do all the time, right?

Angelica: You’ve got a point there. Let’s go do something more productive before anyone notices!

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse
I lost my train of thought --- forget what you are saying
Have a senior moment --- forget something
Welcome to the club --- show someone that you have had the same experience, usually a negative experience
over-the-hill --- to be too old to do something well, to be very old
geezer --- informal word to refer a old man, but it’s rude ,not nice to say an old man a geezer
Isn’t 70 the new 60 --- people used to think that being 60 is old , but now being 70 is old and being 60 is not old
absent- minded --- be forgetful
senile --- not to think clearly, to be unable to remember
Ageism --- unfair treatment  of old people
not all there --- not think clearly, senile    ‘ that man over there is not all there’
gripe --- complain
You’ve got a point there --- you understand what someone said well
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发表于 2010-10-13 09:54:47 | 显示全部楼层
Hello Jiayi, How every thing is going? You are really a good example for us to persisting in exploring ONE THING. As other's mention, I am very happy to see you are here too.
Are you still study in English at school? Or you already have worked?
May you have a fruitful future.


参与人数 1财富 +7 收起 理由
jiayi + 7 Thank you!


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 楼主| 发表于 2010-10-14 03:04:38 | 显示全部楼层
ESL Podcast 264 – Preparing for a Video Conference
Emiliano: I’m not sure about this video conference today. It’s the next best thing to having a meeting face-to- face, but I’ve never used most of this equipment before.

Fatima: It’s a piece of cake. Do you want to do a run-through with me?

Emiliano: Do you mind? I’d really like to make sure that I know how to work this webcam and microphone.

Fatima: I don’t mind at all. Okay, we have Internet connectivity, so streaming won’t be a problem. The speakers on both computers are turned up.

Emiliano: Do you know how to adjust this webcam? Right now, it’s focused on my right ear!

Fatima: That’s easy. Just use these buttons to zoom in or out, and you can tilt up or down.

Emiliano: Oh, I see. That’s better. Now you can see my entire face. Are you getting audio on your side?

Fatima: Yes, you’re coming in loud and clear. I think we’re in business.

Emiliano: Well, that wasn’t so hard. Let’s hope it goes this smoothly this afternoon.

Fatima: If you have a problem, just give me a call.

Emiliano: Thanks. I really appreciate it!

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse
the next best thing to sth --- almost as good as, it’s the second best choice/option
run-through --- practice
streaming --- word we use on the internet for when you are able to hear/see something as it actually happens  ‘streaming vedio’
turned up --- increase the volume
tilt --- change/adjust the angle of something
be in business --- to be ready to begin
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-10-14 03:28:04 | 显示全部楼层
Hello Jiayi, How every thing is going? You are really a good example for us to persisting in exploring ONE THING. As other's mention, I am very happy to see you are here too.
Are you still study in E ...
janezhu 发表于 2010-10-13 09:54

Hi Jane, thanks for your concern!

I am not studying English at school now. That's why I should learn it here.  I know it's not enough, just 'a little is better than none'.  Yes, I am working, but the communication is a big problem.

How are you doing now? Hope you everything is going well
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发表于 2010-10-15 00:26:05 | 显示全部楼层
858# jiayi

hehehe,Thanks for your prompt reaction. This is a very good habit to get along well with others, especially living in Canada.

Now I am taking two courses which are AutoCAD and Environmental Technology in night school, and in next January I will take a full time program from semester two because they exempt some of my courses for the semester one. I am so glad to study them. Every day I have to read a lot of pages and do my assignment in order to pass them and hope to learn more. Only from this Sept, I really get a little bit rest and relaxation:)  

Before making this decision, actually I was accepted by York University as their formal student, but it is too far from my home and that major is not easy to find a job for me if compare with others who has experience in this field. Also I experienced some works such as working in Metro Super Market, cell phone function test for six hundred hours.

Though these jobs are very easy and every day I speak with local people, I do not feel very well. I know well myself what is I really enjoy and my talent. My life should not just for surviving. After talking with two Chinese lady who have the similar job and salary as mine, one got PHD from China and have been here for nine years, another one had been in America for five years and later lived in Canada for five years, I choose leave. Beside my life, some people demonstrate that if you only involve in work for surviving, then you will become as them. Of course, they have not chance to say "yes" or "no" in front of their tough life, and of course, some of them deserve my respect. In another hand, some people demonstrate that you will be fine if you never give up your study steps.
So let we never give up our dreams no matter where you are and what are you doing.


参与人数 1财富 +7 收起 理由
jiayi + 7 Good for you :)


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 楼主| 发表于 2010-10-15 04:32:24 | 显示全部楼层
ESL Podcast 265 – Listening to the Radio
Kurt: Turn that radio down!

Gloria: No way! I’m listening to a simulcast of a performance and it’s live.

Kurt: Is it on campus radio?

Gloria: No, it’s on the public radio station. I finally got good reception after putting this long antenna outside my window and I’m not turning it off now.

Kurt: You are so low-tech. I can’t believe you’re still listening to AM/FM radio. You should get satellite radio. You get shows in hundreds of formats, and there are a lot of stations without DJs. And there’s never any static!

Gloria: I like listening to the regular broadcast radio. I don’t have to pay for it and I’m happy with the stations we have in this city. You’re just a technology snob. If it’s high-tech, you love it and have to have it.

Kurt: It’s true that I know quality when I see it, and I don’t settle for less. What’s wrong with that?

Gloria: Nothing, but I don’t have to jump on the bandwagon. Now, be quiet. I’m trying to listen.

Kurt: Fine. This is the thanks I get for trying to give you a little good advice.

Gloria: Shh!

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse
Simulcast --- when you have a live not recorded broadcast of event, usually something that shown in two places/ways at the same time
[ˈsaɪməlˌkæst]  (无线电和电视)同时联播

live --- it’s not recorded, it’s happening right now

campus radio --- radio station that is owned by a college/university

antenna --- [ænˈtɛnə]   a long thin piece of madel that you use to get the redio waves into your radio

static --- noise on the radio /TV that is not suppose to be there
adj. 1. 不变化的, 不发展的, 静止的, 静态的2. 静电的3. (力 )静力的
   n.1. 天电(干扰)2.  静电 3. 静力学

snob --- someone who thinks that they are better than other people ,usually because they like a certain kind of music or movie or they know sth more than other people
n. 1. (谄上傲下的)势利小人2. 自高自大者, 自命不凡

settle for something ---  satisfied with sth even if it isn’t the best.  
‘Don’t settle for anything less than the best’ --- don’t be satisfied with anything that is not as good as you want to be

to jump on the bandwagon --- begin doing sth that everyone else is doing. To do sth just because everyone else is doing sth.
bandwagon: thing you use in the processing to carry the musicians. 乐队花车  n.1. (尤指政治上或商业上的)时尚, 浪潮, 声势浩大的活动
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