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英语沙龙 今日: 0|主题: 665|排名: 72 

版主: lamjin
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预览 [Hot Topics] 细数:最让人不能理解的常见英语语句 zhangyl 2010-1-25 04648 zhangyl 2010-1-25 21:48
预览 [Local News] Island workers out west plan to move home: survey zhangyl 2010-1-16 14729 zhangyl 2010-1-16 00:39
预览 [Local News] 1,415 Canadians missing in Haiti: Cannon zhangyl 2010-1-16 05170 zhangyl 2010-1-16 00:34
预览 [Hot Topics] 双语盘点:2010年惨遭封杀的英语词汇 zhangyl 2010-1-9 14618 lekongwen 2010-1-15 17:37
预览 [其它] 请教 汉译英(email内容),谢谢 fengxing 2010-1-9 24808 fengxing 2010-1-11 08:25
预览 [Hot Topics] G类书信常用词汇和句子 attachment 兽医 2009-1-14 116079 mechal_cong 2010-1-10 00:27
预览 [其它] 请教,“永结同心”的英文是咋说的? RainDrop029 2010-1-5 512248 RainDrop029 2010-1-7 09:19
预览 [Local News] My school life in Canada!hooray!!! agree 飄逸的花瓣 2009-11-9 196556 jiayi 2009-12-22 11:02
预览 [Hot Topics] 中英对照:24个令人折服的智慧佳句 zhangyl 2009-12-22 04461 zhangyl 2009-12-22 00:50
预览 [Local News] Potatoes rotting in the warehouse again zhangyl 2009-12-17 04637 zhangyl 2009-12-17 20:23
预览 [Local News] Near-frozen man 'not a train-hopper' zhangyl 2009-12-17 05649 zhangyl 2009-12-17 00:04
预览 [Local News] Colvin refutes witnesses' detainee testimony zhangyl 2009-12-16 05704 zhangyl 2009-12-16 23:55
预览 [Local News] Minister urges Senate to pass consumer protection bill zhangyl 2009-12-16 05429 zhangyl 2009-12-16 00:15
预览 [Local News] Hiring rules for native people called discriminatory zhangyl 2009-12-16 05028 zhangyl 2009-12-16 00:13
预览 [Hot Topics] 最让人抓狂的十组英语“双胞胎”词汇 zhangyl 2009-12-8 24527 玫瑰金 2009-12-15 02:18
预览 [Local News] Storm cleanup costs city $1M zhangyl 2009-12-11 14979 未飘落的雪 2009-12-14 11:40
预览 [Local News] A year after Transpo strike, bus ridership down zhangyl 2009-12-12 04848 zhangyl 2009-12-12 00:48
预览 [Local News] Kids in hospital connect online zhangyl 2009-12-11 04884 zhangyl 2009-12-11 03:14
预览 [Hot Topics] 非常实用的商务句子 (中英文对照) agree zhangyl 2009-11-27 34370 lekongwen 2009-12-8 17:23
预览 [Hot Topics] 牛人高招:凭100个英文单词走遍世界 zhangyl 2009-11-19 75316 我想我是海 2009-12-4 09:10
预览 [Hot Topics] 2009最火爆的英文单词 zhangyl 2009-11-26 54807 fylzj 2009-11-30 11:51
预览 [其它] 问几个日常用语的回答。 a52831 2009-11-26 44478 Ruibin 2009-11-27 06:34
预览 [Hot Topics] 英 语 交 谈 话 题zt zhangyl 2009-11-19 95036 未飘落的雪 2009-11-25 00:30
预览 [其它] 怎么改变阅读时用笔指着或者默读的坏习惯? lotusleaf 2009-9-27 137173 飄逸的花瓣 2009-11-23 03:17
预览 [Just Chat] 中国人为什么这么喜欢月亮 agree Jessi 2009-11-10 145398 飄逸的花瓣 2009-11-23 03:06
预览 [Hot Topics] 如何写出完美而专业英语电子邮件 zhangyl 2009-11-19 35539 Skywalker 2009-11-20 18:43
预览 [Hot Topics] The President's Town Hall in Shanghai zhangyl 2009-11-19 15680 janezhu 2009-11-20 00:08
预览 [Hot Topics] Canada In View zhangyl 2009-10-17 94920 lamjin 2009-11-17 10:09
预览 [Local News] 急!考雅思用什么书复习啊,G类的,n多年不考试了。谢谢。 canroad 2009-10-28 38545 那时枫叶 2009-11-8 10:15
预览 [Hot Topics] 被不熟的人称为“亲爱的”,你习惯吗?zt agree zhangyl 2009-10-22 54793 那时枫叶 2009-11-6 01:19
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