run out of To exhaust the supply of: ran out of fuel. out - become used up; be exhausted; "Our supplies finally ran out"
run out - exhaust the s ...
janezhu 发表于 2012-1-7 00:27
2. 这是加拿大政府网站上的句子。 Can I have visa pages added to my passport?
Effective January 04, 2005, we are no longer permitted to add visa pages to passports which have been filled with visa stamps. When your current passport has run out of visa pages, you must apply for a new passport.
为了不让人为理解的一面之词误人子弟,偶翻开了偶的纸面英语字典“Dictionary of Contemporary English"(New Edition) Page 1532. 大家自己判断。
Run out: phr v
1 a) to use all of something and not have any more left. I've got money you can borrow if you run out.
They run out of money and had to abandon the project.
He'd run out of ideas.
b) If something is runing out, there will soon be none left: we must act now because time runing out. My patience was running out.
His luck had run out(=there was none left)
2. if an agreement, official document etc runs out ,the period for which it is legal orhas an effect ends. Sym expire: My Contract runs out in September.
再回到原来的问题,(Back to square one (or back to the drawing board)
偶想说的意思就是:在没有一定语境你知我知“It”具体是什么的情况下,直接上来就说“It has run out of ..."是不恰当的。相对而言,在同样意思下“It is out of ...",表达是更妥当。这也就是为什么偶说”It has run out of "也只有甚至很少有在复合句中出现,你见过正式书面语直接上来就用大写字面”It has run out of ..."嘛,反正偶的答案是没有见过。
1."当然是指 photocopier 了,说这句时不是孤立的。" 当然是指,我想做“学问”的时候还是说清楚的好。要是“ You think it has run out of paper" 这种复合句偶是可以接受的。
2."不过这个表达挺常用的" 。你能告诉偶”It has run out of ..."和“It is out of ..."哪个常见吗?
3."只要觉得有必要, run out 后就会加上 of 和宾语, 而不必介意主语是人还是物。"虽没有严格区别,但就不同英语字典对这两个词的不同解释时用的例子的主语以及goog出来的例子来看,还是很有必要告诉大家适度介意主语是人还说物吧
4 ”lean and mean 想表达啥?”偶习惯了说半句话,这个Idiom你就帮大家解释吧
5.“Back to square one or back to the drawing board 好像也有问题”那为什么偶在翻译出“前功尽弃,重头再来”时你不早说?
Discussing this question with you again and again has worn me out:)
为了不让人为理解的一面之词误人子弟,偶翻开了偶的纸面英语字典“Dictionary of Contemporary English"(New Edition) Page 1532. 大家自己判断。
Run out: phr v
1 a) to use all of something and not have any more left. I've got money you can borrow if you run out.
They run out of money and had to abandon the project.
He'd run out of ideas.
b) If something is runing out, there will soon be none left: we must act now because time runing out. My patience was running out.
His luck had run out(=there was none left)
. ...
janezhu 发表于 2012-1-7 12:48
不知你怎么总纠结在这两个上,”It has run out of ..."和“It is out of ..“。 清茶是根据对话而问,如果把对话里的photocopier用it 指代的话,不就是It has run out of paper 吗? 但你的理解是说这个不存在, 因为非生命的东西用了及物动形式。 我的意思则是 run out 这个表达是常用的, 至于是用不及物的run out 形式呢,还是用及物的 run out of 形式,不必纠结于主语是人还是物, 而是根据意思和需要来使用就行了。 给的例子一个是英语口语8000句里的, 一个是加拿大政府网站上的, 再贴一遍。
1. 这是 8000 句里的句子
I think it ran out of paper. (注: it 这里指photocopier, 这里用用了run out 的及物形式, 但主语不是人。 )
2. 这是加拿大政府网站上的句子。
Can I have visa pages added to my passport?
Effective January 04, 2005, we are no longer permitted to add visa pages to passports which have been filled with visa stamps. When your current passport has run out of visa pages, you must apply for a new passport. (注: 这句是在从句里, 现在完成时, run out 的及物形式, 主语也不是人。)
再回到原来的问题,(Back to square one (or back to the drawing board)
偶想说的意思就是:在没有一定语境你知我知“It”具体是什么的情况下,直接上来就说“It has run out of ..."是不恰当的。相对而言,在 ...
janezhu 发表于 2012-1-8 04:37
It is very interesting and has indulged in a word game.
1.老师难道没有说过在同样意思对比不同句子的情况下,要提倡言简意赅“lean and mean“嘛。哪个句子词用的少又表达同等意思,就用哪个。
2.“再回到原来的问题,(Back to square one (or back to the drawing board)”,"Back to square one (or back to the drawing board)”,偶当然是顺着前句中国话接着用英语来补充其他意思了。只是直接粘贴了几天前的句子,而懒得删括号。偶还要说得那么明白吗?
3.“if an agreement, official document etc runs out ,the period for which it is legal orhas an effect ends.Sym expire: My Contract runs out in September. ”主语是在吻合这个condition的条件下,主语可以用这类物。同样翻翻不同的词典,绝大多数情况下run out of 的主语和run out的主语,如同样是所谓的物,但其不同物的内涵微妙意思还是又有区别吧。这话偶都说了300遍!有心的筒子自己翻翻不同词典,自己做对比,自己做心得总结。
4. 就是因为偶注意到这个"run out of "和“run out"的主语是很有点意思,偶认为不合适直接用简单句“It"开始。但偶没有否定在复合句不可以用啊。