




楼主: daleyang


发表于 2005-3-20 12:01:11 | 显示全部楼层
Post by daleyang

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 楼主| 发表于 2005-3-20 15:04:26 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2005-3-20 15:14:49 | 显示全部楼层
再给大家介绍一下JOB MENTORING PROGRAM,这是有中桥办的,主要是帮助你在本地找一个与你领域相近的在职人员做你的导师,帮助你在就业方向等方面提供帮助。偶本来本月要参加的,只是刚找到工作就不可以参加的。感觉这个项目满好的,是免费的,但对申请者会有一个资格评估,英文也是必须的。
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2005-3-20 15:50:58 | 显示全部楼层
Post by daleyang
再给大家介绍一下JOB MENTORING PROGRAM,这是有中桥办的,主要是帮助你在本地找一个与你领域相近的在职人员做你的导师,帮助你在就业方向等方面提供帮助。偶本来本月要参加的,只是刚找到工作就不可以参加的。感觉这个项目满好的,是免费的,但对申请者会有一个资格评估,英文也是必须的。

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2005-3-20 17:33:48 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2005-3-21 04:15:42 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2005-3-21 04:20:57 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2005-3-21 09:01:04 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2005-3-21 13:39:57 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2005-3-21 13:44:14 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2005-3-21 13:47:12 | 显示全部楼层
Understanding Essential Skills
Essential Skills are the skills needed for work, learning and life. They provide the foundation for learning all other skills and enable people to evolve with their jobs and adapt to workplace change.
Through extensive research, the Government of Canada and other national and international agencies have identified and validated nine Essential Skills. These skills are used in nearly every occupation and throughout daily life in different ways and at different levels of complexity.
There are nine Essential Skills:
•        Reading Text
•        Document Use
•        Numeracy
•        Writing
•        Oral Communication
•        Working with Others
•        Continuous Learning
•        Thinking Skills
•        Computer Use
To learn more about Essential Skills and how they relate to Canadian occupations visit the Essential Skills Equalizer. The Equalizer is an interactive learning tool that provides users with definitions, example tasks and skill sets for sample occupations.
For more information on Essential Skills, follow the links below:
•        Essential Skills Research Project
•        Reader's Guide
•        10 Myths we shouldn't believe about Essential Skills

Reading Text refers to reading material that is in the form of sentences or paragraphs.
Reading Text generally involves reading notes, letters, memos, manuals, specifications, regulations, books, reports or journals.
Reading Text includes:
•        forms and labels if they contain at least one paragraph
•        print and non-print media (for example, texts on computer screens and microfiche)
•        paragraph-length text in charts, tables and graphs

Document Use refers to tasks that involve a variety of information displays in which words, numbers, icons and other visual characteristics (eg., line, colour, shape) are given meaning by their spatial arrangement. For example, graphs, lists, tables, blueprints, schematics, drawings, signs and labels are documents used in the world of work.
If a document includes a paragraph of text such as on a label or a completed form, it is also included in A. Reading Text. Documents requiring the entry of words, phrases, sentences and paragraphs are also included in C. Writing.
Document Use includes:
•        print and non-print media (for example, computer screen or microfiche documents, equipment gauges, clocks and flags)
•        reading/interpreting and writing/completing/producing of documents-these two uses of
documents often occur simultaneously as part of the same task, e.g., completing a form, checking off items on a list of tasks, plotting information on a graph, and entering information on an activity schedule.
The Document Use section of the Profile has three major components.
1. Complexity Rating
2. Examples
3. Document Use Profile
Numeracy refers to the workers' use of numbers and their being required to think in quantitative terms.

Writing includes:
•        writing texts and writing in documents (for example, filling in forms)
•        non-paper-based writing (for example, typing on a computer)

Oral Communication pertains primarily to the use of speech to give and exchange thoughts and information by workers in an occupational group.

Working with Others examines the extent to which employees work with others to carry out their tasks. Do they have to work co-operatively with others' Do they have to have the self-discipline to meet work targets while working alone'

Description of Work Context
This description, in the form of an untitled paragraph at the beginning of the Working with Others section in each Essential Skills Profile, outlines the ways in which workers interact with one another to carry out their tasks. This section covers four types of work contexts. Knowing whether workers work alone, independently, with partners or as team members will help readers understand the skills workers use in their jobs.
As well, this section provides an idea of the variety of work interactions found within an occupational group. Workers may work independently most of the time, but work with partners in certain circumstances. For example, "Longshoremen work independently when operating forklifts in the yards but work with partners to load cargo into the hold of a ship."
Types of Work Contexts
Work alone
Employees work alone providing products or information on progress to others.
Home-based production workers work alone within their home environments.
Work independently
Workers are not physically alone but work independently, co-ordinating their work with that of others.
Receptionists in a large office and production line workers with responsibility for a very specific part of the process are in physical environments that include other workers. However, they work essentially on their own.
Work jointly with a partner or helper
One worker co-ordinates and co-operates with only one other co-worker at a time.
A tradesperson works with an apprentice.
A dental assistantworks with a dentist.
Work as a member of a team
A team is a group of workers who produce a product or accomplish a task through combined effort and organized co-operation.
Members of a film crew work together to create a feature film or documentary.

Continuous Learning examines the requirement for workers in an occupational group to participate in an ongoing process of acquiring skills and knowledge.
Continuous Learning tests the hypothesis that more and more jobs require continuous upgrading, and that all workers must continue learning in order to keep or to grow with their jobs. If this is true, then the following will become essential skills:
•        knowing how to learn;
•        understanding one's own learning style; and
•        knowing how to gain access to a variety of materials, resources and learning opportunities.

Description of Learning
This description, in the form of an untitled paragraph at the beginning of the Continuous Learning section in each Essential Skills Profile, outlines the ongoing learning or skills upgrading that is required in the occupational group. This description may include the following types of learning:
•        training in job-related health and safety;
•        obtaining and updating credentials; and
•        learning about new equipment, procedures, products and services.

Thinking Skills differentiates between five different types of cognitive functions. However, these functions are interconnected.

Computer Use indicates the variety and complexity of computer use within the occupational group.

The Essential Skills Profile for an occupation describes how each Essential Skill is actually used by workers in that occupation.
Each Profile contains:
•  A brief description of the occupation.
•  A list of the most important Essential Skills for that occupation.
Reading Text
•  The complexity of the Reading tasks.
•  Some example tasks.
•  A description of how Reading skills are used, in a standardized form (a table).
Document Use
•  The complexity of the Document Use tasks.
•  Some example tasks.
•  A description of how Document Use skills are used, in a standardized form (a list).
•  The complexity of the Writing tasks.
•  Some example tasks.
•  A description of how Writing skills are used, in a standardized form (a table).
•  The complexity of the Numeracy tasks.
•  Some example tasks.
•  A description of how Numeracy skills are used, in a standardized form (a list).
Oral Communication
•  The complexity of the Oral Communication tasks.
•  Some example tasks.
•  A description of how Oral Communication skills are used, in a standardized form (a table).
Thinking Skills
Problem Solving
•  The complexity of the Problem Solving tasks.
•  Some example tasks.
Decision Making
•  The complexity of the Decision Making tasks.
•  Some example tasks.
Job Task Planning and Organizing
•  The complexity of the Job Task Planning and Organizing.
•  A description of the Job Task Planning and Organizing.
Significant Use of Memory
•  Some example tasks.
Finding Information
•  The complexity of the Finding Information tasks.
•  Some example tasks.
Working with Others
•  A description of how much Working with Others is required in carrying out their tasks.
•  A description of involvement in supervisory or leadership activities, in a standardized form (a list).
Computer Use
•  The complexity of the Computer Use tasks.
•  A description of how Computer Use skills are used, in a standardized form (a list).
Continuous Learning
•  A description of their participation in Continuous Learning.
•  A description of how Continuous Learning occurs, in standardized form (a list).
Other Information
Descriptions of:
•  The Physical Aspects of performing the job.
•  The Attitudes that workers feel are needed to do the job well.
•  Future Trends affecting Essential Skills used in that job.
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 楼主| 发表于 2005-3-21 13:49:11 | 显示全部楼层
上面这一篇是对广告中对essential Skills的要求的理解,很有用的。
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2005-3-21 14:29:19 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2005-3-21 17:47:24 | 显示全部楼层
job hunting expert!
king of "chinese living in vancover" column!
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发表于 2005-3-21 21:11:46 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2005-3-23 11:34:48 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2005-3-23 12:04:33 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2005-3-26 03:47:02 | 显示全部楼层

简历在找工作过程中是非常重要的MARKETING TOOL。它可以帮你获得宝贵的INTERVIEW机会。


1。至少读一本关于JOB SEARCHING的书或者参加类似的WORKSHOP。很多人不太以为然,找朋友帮帮忙,或者对照英汉字典自己写简历就往外发。结果肯定不如人意。建议至少花半个月时间于此。在温哥华地区的,可以参加SUCCESS,中侨互助会的WORKSHOP。我个人觉得受益非浅。

2。建议找专业公司来写你的简历。你可以列出所有的工作经历,技能和任何你认为有助于找工作的信息。一并交给RESUME WRITER。让他们EVALUTE哪些放进RESUME,用什么样的表达方式。很多人以为只要没有SPELLING ERROR,GRAMMER ERROR就是好简历。其实不然。我试过很多次把写的东西交给LG看,他总是问我你到底想说什么,达到什么目的(他看不大懂我的英文, 尤其是工作经历,因为不熟悉BUSINESS TERMINOLOGY)。问清楚后才帮我改。改好的文字,我不得不服。VERY PERSUASIVE AND CONVINCING。这里有英语表达的问题,还有对WESTERN BUSINESS WORLD AND CULTURE的了解。后者与英语没有关系。所以饺子强烈推荐你在RESUME上投点资。

3。TRACK OF RECORD很重要。数字和项目比泛泛的叙述更有说服力。



5。形式同样重要。排版后RESUME,要重点突出,层次清楚,美观。当雇主浏览众多RESUME时,花在第一页的时间平均只有15秒! 15秒决定是否看第二页还是扔到垃圾堆(或者不考虑的FILE里面)。所以你的第一关机会只有15秒。

6。SNAIL MAIL和FAX还是有EMAIL不能取代的优势。重要的职位传真和EMAIL我都会发。

7。写RESUME还有个更简洁的途径,即浏览招聘广告。用上面的REQUIREMENT来FINE TUNE你的RESUME。这样你就会用到正确的TERMINOLOGY。曾在论坛上看到找TECHNICAL MARKETING的职位,我没有听说过这样的词,我猜想可能是技术销售的意思。

8。重要职位应有COVER LETTER。利用COVER LETTER可以简练地强调你的QUALIFICATION是否符合这个职位的REQUIREMENT,同时说明你对该公司和该职位的重视,而不是天女散花地乱撒。


1。词语错误。F7只能检查拼写。但HEART和HEAR用F7是检查不出问题的。有些错误不仅难以理解,甚至可笑。相信与否,超过50%的RESUME都不是ERROR FREE

2。中文式的英语读起来不流畅。但不是致命的问题。很多雇主能理解应聘者不是NATIVE SPEAKER。不过你能改善这一项,也就比别人多了几分优势。


4。提供了无关的信息,如性别,身高,体重,RACE,NATIONAL ORIGIN,年龄等。甚至还有照片。非常不专业,同时你会让RECRUITER有潜在的DISCRIMINATION的危险,一般这样的RESUME很少给INTERVIEW的机会。

5。排版很差。给人感觉不是DETAIL-ORIENTED。如果自己的RESUME都不TAKE CARE,让人怀疑是否能做好这份工作。

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 楼主| 发表于 2005-3-26 03:59:46 | 显示全部楼层
转贴: 在加拿大找工作 简历的10个秘密


















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 楼主| 发表于 2005-3-26 04:09:32 | 显示全部楼层
Four Rules of the Road
for Writing a Cover Letter

Make a personal connection.
Establish a personal connection with the reader of your letter as quickly as possible.

Show personality.
Give the employer a sense of your personality through your writing style, direct statements about your character, or testimonial references.

Initiate action.
Understand what you would like the employer to do as a result of your letter — and ask him or her to do it.

Make it quick and easy to read.
Format your one page letter using short paragraphs, bullet points, and white space to make your letter look quick and easy to read.
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