2006/08/31 BJ simplied application handed in
2006/09/11 FN by email
2006/10/14 ielts, listening 5.5, writing and reading 6, speaking 7
2008/05/23 immigration asked for detailed information by email
2008/05/26 started to papare all supporting documents
2008/07/25 EMS the whole pack to BJ
2008/07/28 Immigration received
2006/08/31 BJ simplied application handed in
2006/09/11 FN by email
2006/10/14 ielts, listening 5.5, writing and reading 6, speaking 7
2008/05/23 immigration asked for detailed information by email
20 ...
we are all DIY, isn't it? 我的优势不过是一直在外企工作,很多东西已经是英文版的了,如合同,我老板们的推荐函等等。我是所谓的外企高管,做过很多时间短精度要求高的翻译,组织工作,有些抗压经验。我知道的愿意和大家分享。另外使馆说了,你若交两份雅思有效成绩,人家取最新的,不管你成绩好坏,所以我今年七月考得还不如06年的,索性交06年成绩了。我再此论坛中发过使馆给我的邮件原版。
5 已寄信给你要求补交材料(参照上述补充说明)。
12 申请档案正在审阅中。