- 注册时间
- 2004-7-1
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- 1970-1-1
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- 200
楼主 |
发表于 2006-5-17 08:12:55
回复: 论坛组织化 - 需要商议的议题
宗旨 (Mission)
使命 (Mandate)
1. 促進不同文化背景的加人的福祉,鼓勵本著多元文化的精神參予社區事務。
2. 協助不同族裔的新移民及公民安頓和融入社會。尤其對於未諳英語的人士:
3. 通過公民教育、義工及會員發展,提高社會意識,推動投入社會;
4. 向公眾和有關部門反映社區的需要和問題,倡導積極的社會變遷;
5. 與本會有相同使命的個人和不同族裔團體合作,致力共同目標:
6. 向政府部門和其他渠道爭取經費以履行本會使命。
服務信念 (Service Values)
市民為本 - 服務以市民的福祉和需要為本,待人以尊重、誠信和尊嚴為要
和而不同 - 尊重和重視各人的文化背景對個人價值的重要
優質服務 - 努力不懈提高專業能力,達致優質服務
組織信念 (Organizational Values)
團隊精神 - 職員通力合作,互信互助,致力共同理想和目標。
坦誠溝通 - 內外溝通,坦誠相見。
協商共識 - 重視協商,達到共識。不取鬥爭衝突方法解決矛盾。
群策群力 - 重視各級參與,共同決策,分擔責任。
切合需要 - 致力使各項服務切合社會需要,易於使用。並因應時勢,調整服務。
A. Mandate
S.U.C.C.E.S.S. derives its service mandate from purpose statement of the Society’s Constitution. The purposes of the Society are:
1,To promote the well­being of Canadians and immigrants of Chinese and other ethnic origins, and to encourage their full participation in community affairs in the spirit of multiculturalism
2,To assist in the settlement and integration of immigrants and citizens of Chinese and other ethnic origins in Canada, particularly those who have difficulties in English, by
(a) providing adequate information on the available public services, and facilitating the delivery of such services when necessary;
(b) providing social, health, employment and business services and training; and
(c) fostering mutual understanding and assistance among the diverse communities
3,To foster and promote social awareness and community involvement through civic education, volunteer and membership development and preventive social services
4,To reflect the needs and issues of the community at large and the Chinese Canadian community in particular, to individuals, agencies and the public media, and to advocate for positive social changes
5,To cooperate and work with other citizens and organizations for the well­being of Canadians and immigrants of Chinese and other ethnic origins
6,To seek funding from government and/or other resources for the implementation of the aforementioned objectives
B. Vision
S.U.C.C.E.S.S. will be an innovative organization in building the capacity and participation of individuals, families and communities towards a truly integrated society.
C. Mission
S.U.C.C.E.S.S. supports the well­being of Canadians and immigrants from diverse ethnic descents through the provision of social, educational and health services; business and community development; and advocacy. |