瑞版, rabbitian,接着这个话题,在填牛奶金申请表,到RC66 SCH Part E- Statement of Income
' You and your spouse or common-law partner must each file a Canadaian tax return for the period after you became resident of Canada. If your spouse or common-law partner is a non-resident of Canada during any part of the year, you will have to send Form CTB99, Canada Child Benefit - Statement of Income, for each year or part of a year that they are a non-resident of Canada.
Enter all income in Canadian dollars from all sources inside and outside of Canada, Do not inlcude income that you or your spouse or common - law partner have reported on a Canadian tax return. Enter'0' if you had no income.
2018 . 1 长凳, 所以我们属于is a non-resident of Canada during any part of the year,需要send CTB, step 1-3 中的income 便都填0?