Part 2:
If your spouse or common-law partner's address is different from yours, please explain:
Part 3:
Enter the date you became primarily responsible for the care and upbringing of this child.
Part 5 – Certification
Applicant's signature
Spouse's or common-law partner's signature
Part B – Residency status
New residents of Canada (Enter the date you became a resident of Canada.)
Returning residents of Canada (Enter the Canadian province or territory in which you resided before you left Canada.)
Enter the date you became a non-resident of Canada.
Enter the date you became a resident of Canada again.
表中Part D – Immigration status一栏是这样要求的:
If you were, or your spouse or common-law partner was, a permanent resident, a protected person, or a temporary resident, enter the dates in the areas below to cover the entire period for which you are applying for benefits.
下面一行就是要求填Permanent resident 的X年X月X日
很奇怪哦,按照楼上的说法我们在Part B – Residency status已经勾选了“New residents of Canada”并且在“Enter the date you became a resident of Canada”这项后面填写了成为税务居民的时间了啊。
表中Part D – Immigration status一栏是这样要求的:
If you were, or your spouse or common-law partner was, a permanent resident, a protected person, or a temporary resident, enter the dates in the areas below to cover the entire period for which you are applying for benefits.
下面一行就是要求填Permanent resident 的X年X月X日
很奇怪哦,按照楼上的说法我们在Part B – Residency status已经勾选了“New residents of Canada”并且在“Enter the date you became a resident of Canada”这项后面填写了成为税务居民的时间了啊。
另外,我现在申请的话,不算是application include a period that started more than 11 months ago吧?(听说超过11个月申请需要提交不少证明材料)
还有一个问题,我先生自从2013年短登了10来天后就再也没来过加,那么在Part B中 New residents of Canada - Enter the date you became a resident of Canada 以及Part D中 Permanent resident的日期------------先生的部分应该怎么填写呢?