看来早日步入社会,成长的更快。 之前看了,但是刚来论坛玩不转,现在重温,大大的佩服楼主,是我们学习的好榜样。 141# soleil_lee
Fashion Show big gathering many famous brands academic outdone-spun2
Yesterday, many well-known brands participating in the Eighth China Chongqing Worldwide Fashion Festival, there are actually some unique things on exhibition striking,Shandong student environmental fashion design contest will be held in Liaocheng-, they don't belong to a brand. Nor is it an artistic encounter zone, but from Southwest University,fake ray bans sunglasses, Chongqing Technological innovation and Company University, Chongqing University of Arts, Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts faculty and students,Guangdong Womens Vocational Student costume design, and many schools and universities costume design and style function,detail, attracted various site visitors halt to watch. 一页一页的看完了楼主的经历,很是感慨啊!机会总是给有准备的人,每一个成功的背后都付出了难言的艰辛。
祝福你的生活越来越惬意,爱情美满,事业高升! 天道酬勤啊!机会总是给予有准备的人,祝楼主的人生灿烂辉煌! 励志的好帖子!顶起来!『支持』『奖励』 谢谢楼主分享 楼主好厉害 非常佩服楼主的毅力和对生活规划的能力,真的活的非常明白!
祝楼主生活美满,事业顺利。 楼主,2013都已经过去快2年了,你还没有将2013的事呢?
2015年也来额,倒不如这2年的经历一块讲啦 希望楼主再来更新~~~是不是都有小宝宝了?祝愿一切顺利~ 好好好好好好好好,急需相关方面的知识,谢谢楼主 写的很详细