1. 照片不合格。登陆之后,大概1个月到一个半月,移民局会发信要求重新递交符合要求的照片,要求如下(注意枫叶卡照片的要求跟护照照片要求不一样):
Notes to the photographerThe photos must:
show a full front view of the person’s head and shoulders showing full face centred in the middle of the photograph;
have a plain white background;
be identical (black and white or colour) produced from the same untouched negative, or exposed simultaneously by a split‑image or multi‑lens camera;
The photos must:
measure between 25 mm and 35 mm (1”and 1 3/8”) from chin to crown;
have a 35 mm x 45 mm (1 3/8” x 1 3/4”) finished size.
2. 签名不合格。 You must sign inside the white box in black ink only. 签名不要签在签名栏的白框之外。
3. 对14岁以下孩子表格的签名,要签家长或监护人的名字,而不是孩子的名字。很多退回的都是因为签了孩子的名字。
原文描述: For applicants under 14 years of age, only the parent or guardian may sign the form with their own name and not the name of the child.