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本帖最后由 leewaye 于 2012-4-3 18:43 编辑
康肥的杀猪刀再锋利,也不能穿越过去切到91的案例之上。目前正在考虑中的所谓“一刀切”,试图把过去按照加国当时的Policy申请行为Legislate away违背了这一原则。
2、移民申请是申请人和加国政府的民事契约行为。加政府制订移民规则,申请人出钱、出力、出时间准备材料以供加政府审核处理。这一双方按规则进行的契约行为应是有效合同。一方出钱,另一方笑纳;一方补料,一方S2信中确认“This letter is in reference to your application for permanent residence in Canada. To continue processing your application, a visa officer requires that you submit the following information and documents. Please submit your documents as a single package by carefully following the instructions. Submitting documents separately will delay the processing of your application.”
91tx早已按照以上补料信的要求 submit the following information and documents,加国政府再流氓,也不能不Continue processing吧?单方面解除合同 Erase pre-c50 backlog unilateraly by the means of termination of the contract.打起官司来,自然是违约一方败诉吧。或赔偿损失、或继续给老子干活履行合同。不处理不行的,即使搞个TMD POOL,总要处理的,反正有的是时间陪它们玩,到时候到加养老也OK,对加国的保险体系也不是啥好事。也可以考虑告它们DELAY,这也是鬼子补料信上提到的。
[64]For these reasons, the Court will grant a writ of mandamus in the 102 Court files set out in Schedule "A" hereto requiring the respondent and his officers, on or before March 31, 2003, to assess the 102 applicants and award units of assessment in accordance with the former Regulations. The applications for judicial review set out in Schedule B hereto with respect to applicants who filed after January 1, 2002 will be dismissed.
结论是102人按旧法-被告按the former Regulations在March 31, 2003前审理申请的102人。这也不支持一刀切的做法。
那么就是这几种可能:1、加政府一刀切,然后成千上万的法律诉讼等着它上被告席吧,诉讼费用和赔偿、退款可是Taxpayers' money, 除非保守党不想连任(不是土共万年党),这是对它最不利的吧。
加国也不敢声称不处理STOP PROCESSING,只是放风要eliminate or erase backlog,可能以POOL的方式解决。
问题是,当初我交钱点菜的时候,是坐在单间点的菜,现在菜没吃到,却被人赶到大厅了。 最起码,得要顾客我同意不是?
通过研读Bill C-50,发现该法案对91同学是没有影响的。该法案的(过渡性条款)明确规定:120. Section 87.3 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act applies only to applications and requests made on or after February 27, 2008.
SO,康胖无权retained, returned or otherwise disposed of 91同学的申请案。 他只能拖延、要赖罢了。
现在还是个Proposed legislation,国会通过后成了另一个修正案,就于法有据了,很难说他违反C50法。
问题是,即使你保守党是多数,你可以实行多数人的暴政。但你用通过的新法追溯过往的申请案就有很大的争议了,因为在九一的案子申请之日起到现在,都不受这个C50法的87条制约,即你移民部长随意裁量权限是不好对九一的案子产生作用的。 通过新法后,你退款、撒案,事实上是用新法规范旧案,一般追溯过往的法律行为,在法庭上得不到支持的。
The issue is that even if Conservative government is the majority, you can implement the tyranny of the majority and you could use the new law adopted to legislate away the previous application cases, there is considerable controversy, because Pre-C50 case, from the date of application until the present, are not subject to section 87.3 of Bill-C50 constraint as well as ministerial discretion. By the new law, kenney refund and close the case, in fact, affected the old cases retrospectively with the new law. The practice might not be supported in federal court. |