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[Hot Topics] 温故而知新

发表于 2012-1-14 05:36:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1.  What time you'll be done你什么时间干完?) -  What time you'll finish doing your job 你什么时间干完?)

2.  Blab it around !!!
Blab - To talk carelessly or too much, often telling others something you should keep secret
Example :   She blabbed to everyone she knew  about my planned trip to Iraq

3I need to think it over !!!
Think it over - To consider  an idea or plan carefully before making a decision
Example : I'll  think it over and give you an  answer next week.

4Slack off !!!
Slack off - Decrease in activity  or intensity
Example :
When the project fell behind schedule again, she thought we were slacking off.

5It's my treat !!!今天我请客
Treat - Pay for something for  another person
Example : No, you paid for dinner   last time - this is my treat.

6Easier said than done !!!
Easier said than done -  said when something seems like a good idea but it would be difficult  
Example : Keeping the cats off the sofa is easier said than done.

7What's it for ?

8What is Eve up to ?
Up to -  Occupied with, engaged in
Example : What have you been  up to lately ?

9. Don't beat around the bush !!!
Beat around the bush - to avoid talking about what is important
Example : Don't  beat around the bush - get to the point!

9. I've sorted everything out !!!
Sort something  out
- To separate one type  of things from a group of things
Example :
Sort out any clothes you want to throw away and give them to me.

10. Count me in !!!
Count me in - to include me in the activity
Example : "Do you want to come swimming tomorrow?" "Yes,  count me in."

11. Like chickens with their heads cut  off !!!
Like chickens with their heads cut off In a frenzied manner, distractedly, crazily
Example :
She ran  around the station looking for her lost bag   like a  chicken with its head cut off.

12.Got it all planned out !!!
Plan out -  to think about and decide what you are going to do or how you are   going to do something
Example : I've  planned out the day - train to  town, some shopping, then a slap-up meal and a show

13. We had a falling out !!!
Fall out - to argue with someone and stop being friendly with them
Example :  He left home after falling out with his  parents.

14. I was stuck in traffic !!!
Stuck - unable to move, or  fixed in a particular position, place or way of thinking
Example : Seven of us were  stuck in the lift for over an  hour.

15. It's no bother at all !!!
Bother - trouble or  difficulty
Example :
It will be an awful lot of  bother going by bus

16. It makes sense to me !!!

17.Worn me out !!!
Wear sb out -  To make someone extremely tired
Example : Walking around a museum  all day really wears you out.

18. Stood the test of time !!!
If something stands the test of time,   it is still popular, strong, etc. after a long time.
Example : Which songs from the last  year will stand the test of time?

19.I get fed up !!!   我受够了!
If you are fed up, you  are unhappy, bored, or tired of something, especially something that  you have been experiencing for a long time.
Example:I am fed up with reading how women should dress to please men ..     
20. I have a gut feeling !!!
Gut feeling - a strong belief  about someone or something
Example : I have a gut feeling that  the relationship won't last.

21. Speak your minds !!!
Speak your mind -  To say what you think about something very directly
Example : He's certainly not afraid  to speak his mind.

22She is low in spirits !!!情绪低落     
Low in spirits / In low spirits - feeling sad
Example : I've been in  low spirits ( feeling sad ) lately.

23I'm nobody's fool !!!
This job will be a snap. I'll show you that I'm nobody's fool.
Snap - Something accomplished   without effort
Nobody's fool    - not stupid
Example : You can't put anything  over on Ryan -- he's nobody's fool.

24He's taken the day off  !!!
Off - away from work or duty
Example :  I'm going to take a day off to work on my apartment

25Run out of  !!!
If you run out of something, you have no more of it  left
Example :
We are running out of time  ........... (用现在进行时,就表示快没了)

26Please quit bugging me !!!
Bug someone - to annoy  someone
Example :  He's been   bugging me all morning.


参与人数 4财富 +35 收起 理由
一杯清茶 + 10
那时枫叶 + 10 支持原创
life007 + 5
lamjin + 10



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发表于 2012-1-14 10:06:57 | 显示全部楼层
注意第一句, 如果是单独一句,
what time will you be done ?
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-1-14 10:38:38 | 显示全部楼层
“What time will you be done"是正常语序的疑问句,疑问词第一个单词需要capital 最后“?”
"what time you will be done" 是用在复合句中,例如:Can you tell me what time you will be done? /Call me when you know what time you'll be done.


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发表于 2012-1-16 17:14:40 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 lamjin 于 2012-1-17 11:04 编辑

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发表于 2012-1-17 11:04:50 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2012-1-17 11:06:49 | 显示全部楼层
“What time will you be done"是正常语序的疑问句,疑问词第一个单词需要capital 最后“?”
"what time you will be done" 是用在复合句中,例如:Can you tell me what time you will be done? /Call me when you ...
janezhu 发表于 2012-1-14 10:38

是的, 注意单句还是复合句。

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发表于 2012-1-17 11:47:41 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2012-1-17 11:51:47 | 显示全部楼层
非娜 发表于 2012-1-17 11:47

总点错, 以前那个“引用”按钮的位置,现在是“编辑”, 所以总点错。 回完了,发现搞错了。
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发表于 2012-1-17 13:43:33 | 显示全部楼层
总点错, 以前那个“引用”按钮的位置,现在是“编辑”, 所以总点错。 回完了,发现搞错了。
lamjin 发表于 2012-1-17 11:51

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-2-1 03:42:48 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-2-1 04:01:18 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 janezhu 于 2012-2-1 23:43 编辑


1. Achilles’ heel  (阿基里斯的脚跟) 意思“死穴” “致命弱点”
2. Across the board 适用于所有的人
3. Actions speak louder than words 事实胜于雄辩
4. Adam’s apple 男人的喉结
5. Add insult to injury 雪上加霜,更糟糕的是
6.All hell breaks loose  倒霉事都赶一起了
7.All in a day’s work:事无巨细全搞定
8.American dream:美国梦
9.An elephant never forgets:永不忘记
10.Apple of one’s eye:掌上明珠
11.Armed to the teeth :全副武装
12.A leopard can’t change its spots:恶习难改
13. A little bird told me: 有人私下告诉偶
14. A picture paints a thousand words:画意达万言
15. ASAP 尽快得
16. As snug as a bug in a rug 很舒服
17. At death’s door:病在旦夕 奄奄一息
18.At one’s beck and call: 对某人点首哈腰 惟命是从 招致来挥之去
19. At the eleventh hour 最后时刻
20. Bargain hunter:买便宜货的人
21. Back to square one (or back to the drawing board) :前功尽弃,重头再来   
22. Bad hair day:倒霉透了日子
23. Bark up the wrong tree :找错了门/错怪了人
24. Beat around the bush 说话绕圈子 不直接了当得说
25. Beauty and the beast 美女和野兽
26. Below the belt 用不正当不光明磊落的手段
27. Bend over backward尽最大力(做某事)
28.Between a rock and a hard place  左右两难 左也败右也败
29. Canuck : 原意法裔加拿大人,现泛指加拿大人
30. Catch-22 :不是要你变成疯子就是要你变成死人,引申为令人左右为难的规定
31.Catch some Zs :小睡一下,打个盹
32.Cat got your tongue? 成哑巴啦?
33.Cheesed off 腻烦了,厌透了
34.chill out 放松下来,安静下来
35.Chip in 插嘴,捐助,下注
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-2-10 07:42:19 | 显示全部楼层
31.Grab a bite !!!找些东西吃!
Grab a bite - To get something to eat
Example : I need a few minutes to  grab a bite to eat.

32.Fill me in on the task !!! 给我介绍介绍情况!
Fill sb in - to give  someone extra or missing information
Example : I filled her in on the latest gossip.

33.I'll see to it !!!我会留意处理的。
See to it -  To deal with a task that is waiting to be dealt with
Example : Please  see to it that no one comes in  without identification.

33.It is on the tip of my tongue !!!就在嘴边上
If  something that you want to say is on the  tip of your tongue,  you think you know it and that you will be able to remember it very  soon.

34.I heard you're expecting !!!听说你怀孕了!
To be expecting - to be  pregnant
Example : She shouldn't be lifting those boxes if she's expecting

35.I've made up my mind !!!我已经决定了!
Make up your mind - To  decide
Example :  I haven't made up my mind where to go yet.

36.The numbers didn't add up !!!这些数字不太合理呀!
If a situation does not add up,  there is no reasonable or likely explanation for it.
Example : Why would she disappear the day before her holiday? It just  doesn't add up.
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-2-11 11:07:11 | 显示全部楼层
36.Chip on one’s shoulder 耿耿于怀,有意见,难以释怀
37. Clean sweep 包揽/囊括 /彻底
39. Cloak and dagger斗篷和匕首,比喻像间谍一样暗地里行事
40.Clutch at straws 不切实际的抓最后的稻草
41.Coal in your stocking 表现不佳的没糖吃
42. Cold feet 临阵畏怯
43.Cold shoulder 冷落,冷眼相对
44. Cold turkey 突然停止一个长期做的事儿
45. Connecting the dots 明白了
46. Cost an arm and a leg 付出昂贵代价,大放血
47. Crocodile’s tears鳄鱼的眼泪
48. Cry wolf狼来了的故事--假情报
49. Davy Jones’ locker 葬入大海
50. Dead as a doornail 铁板板的死定了
51. Devil’s advocate反面角度来探究问题的人/有意唱反调的人
52. Don’t be a Scrooge别当吝啬鬼
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-3-1 09:53:20 | 显示全部楼层
54.Dot the i’s and cross the t’s 最后一笔审核
56.Down in the dumps 心情不爽很沮丧
57.Draw a blank 怎么也想不起来
58.Draw the short straw 运气不好抽了个倒霉签
59.Eagle-eyed洞察力很强 很犀利
60.Eat your heart out 伤心欲绝
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-3-1 10:11:44 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 janezhu 于 2012-3-1 10:25 编辑

37. You were really tipsy !!! 你真的有点醉了!
Tipsy -   If someone is tipsy, they are slightly drunk.
Example : I am feeling a bit tipsy.

38. That should do the trick !!! 这个应该管用!
If something does the trick, it  has the necessary or desired effect
Example : If you can't go to sleep, take a sleeping pill. That should  do the trick.

39. I've had it up to here !!! 我已经受够了!!!
Have had it up   to here with - To have suffered because of someone or  something and to be no longer able to bear them
Example :   He was sick of his wife's vanity, and said he had  had it up to here.

40. I want to sleep in !!! 我想睡了懒觉!
Sleep in - to sleep until   later in the morning than you usually do
Example : I usually sleep in at the  weekends.

41. You don't look your age !!! 你看起来不像你年龄那样!

42. Showing me the ropes  !!! 告诉我怎么做!
Showing sb the ropes-  to show someone how to do a job or activity
Example : Lynn spent an  afternoon showing the new girl the ropes.

43. On second thought !!! 我改主意了!
On second thought(s) - to change a decision you have made
Example : I'd like a cup of coffee, please - actually,  on second thoughts, I'll have a beer.

44. It comes in handy !!! 这个会很有用的!
Come in handy - be useful
Example : Don't throw those bottles away - they'll come in handy for the picnic next Sunday

45. Not to mention更不用说。。。。!
Not to mention -  Used when you want to emphasize  something that you are adding to a list
Example:  He's one of the kindest and most intelligent, not to mention  handsome, men I know.

46. We have a family get-together !!! 我有个家庭聚会
Get-together: - an informal meeting or social   gathering, often arranged for a particular purpose


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