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[其它] Welcome to Canada欢迎来到加拿大

发表于 2011-9-20 15:42:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 逗逗飞 于 2011-9-30 11:24 编辑


这是今天读的,第一本《Welcome to Canada》,不记得是登陆时多伦多机场领的,还是面见NB移民官时领到的了,感觉挺有用的。


                        欢迎来到加拿大Welcome to Canada: What you should know











Welcome to Canada!Congratulations! Moving to a new country takes courage and we are glad you chose Canada. You have embarked on a new beginning that creates exciting opportunities. Your first year in Canada will be emotional and full of change. Taking the time to learn what to expect – and what Canadians expect of you – will help you succeed.
This guide gives you an idea of what it’s like to live in Canada. It describes your rights and responsibilities as a permanent Canadian resident and as a Canadian citizen.
Canadian society and Canadian values may be different from what you are used to; some cultural practices in Canada may seem strange by the standards of your culture of origin. At the same time, some cultural practices in your country of origin may be considered unacceptable in Canada.
As a new arrival in Canada, speaking one of our official languages will help you adapt more easily. Each day is an opportunity to learn! Get a job. Get involved in your neighbourhood. Canadians believe in taking responsibility for creating the kind of community they want to live in. As you get used to life in Canada, ask questions about anything you don’t understand. No matter what city or town you live in, you will find people who can help you adapt to your new life and fit into Canadian society.
In the weeks, months and years ahead, you will have many opportunities to participate fully in Canadian life. Take them. You and your family can grow together, side by side with other Canadians, and make a better life for everyone. This is your new home.
The Welcome to Canada guidebook will also tell you who to contact if you need help or more information. You may have already received general information about your new country. These pages can help you find specific information about such things as language classes and housing, and how to find a job and schools for your children in Canada. While we can’t provide you with all the information you need, we may be able to refer you to the departments, agencies and organizations that can help you directly or refer you to another source of information.
Immigrant-serving organizations can also help you settle into Canadian society, and many of their services are free. Contact an immigrant-serving organization to see which services it provides. You can find a list of them on the Services for Newcomers page of the Citizenship and Immigration website at www.servicesfornewcomers.cic.gc.ca.
We hope this guide will help you adapt to your new life. We wish you every happiness and success.

Welcome to Canada!


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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-20 20:43:54 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 逗逗飞 于 2011-9-30 11:26 编辑








    申请抵税(??不确定。原文是“Applying for the GST/HST credit”)










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发表于 2011-9-20 20:44:45 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-22 16:21:41 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 逗逗飞 于 2011-9-30 11:27 编辑









--工作, 以承担你自己及家人的生活





Getting to know CanadaThe Canadian way of lifeCanada is an immense country. To understand what it means to be Canadian, it is important to know about our three founding peoples: Aboriginal, French and British. Aboriginal peoples’ ancestors were well established here long before explorers from Europe first came to North America. Today, Canadian society stems largely from the English-speaking and French-speaking Christian civilizations that were brought here from Europe by settlers.
Most day-to-day life is conducted in English or French. Canada is home to people of many different backgrounds, religions, ethnicities and cultures. But Canadians share core values. These values guide and shape our everyday life. We are proud of our identity, our history and our achievements.
We have inherited legal and democratic institutions that date back to the Middle Ages in France and England. These are living traditions today in Parliament and our provincial legislatures. Our laws and our governments ensure that we treat all people equally and that there is equal opportunity for all. Our laws also protect minorities. Together, we work hard to maintain a secure, peaceful and prosperous society.
Canadian residence and citizenship entail both rights and responsibilitiesCanadian rights and responsibilities arose from our history. Our laws, our traditions, our identities and our shared values reflect those rights and responsibilities.
Living in Canada means that you have many of the same rights and responsibilities as Canadian citizens. If you become a Canadian citizen, you will share all the rights that every Canadian enjoys and all the responsibilities.
Thanks to the sacrifices and the work of people in the past, as a resident of Canada today, you have the right to:
  • express your opinions freely, including through a free press;
  • live anywhere in the country;
  • practice any religion, or no religion;
  • associate with anyone you like and gather peacefully with other people;
  • be protected from unlawful or unjustified arrest or detention by the state (the government); and
  • receive services from the federal government in either French or English.
As a resident of Canada, your responsibilities include:
  • obeying the law;
  • learning English or French;
  • working, to take care of yourself and your family;
  • helping others; and
  • protecting our heritage and natural environment.
Canadian citizens also have the right to:
  • vote in municipal, provincial and federal elections;
  • apply for a Canadian passport, and enter and leave the country freely; and
  • stand for election.
As a Canadian citizen, you have the responsibility to:
  • serve on a jury when called;
  • testify in court, if required; and
  • vote in free and democratic elections.
Canadians expect fairness and respect for ourselves, our children and our families. In turn, we strive to treat others the same way. We believe in equality between women and men and we do not tolerate unjust discrimination based on race, age, sexual orientation or physical and mental disability. The dignity of individuals is well established in our laws and traditions.
Parents are prohibited from forcing their daughters or sons into marriages against their will. Polygamy is illegal under the Criminal Code and as such, multiple marriages are not recognized under Canada’s immigration legislation. Those convicted of polygamy are liable to have their permanent residency revoked.
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-22 18:08:58 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 逗逗飞 于 2011-9-30 11:28 编辑


加拿大有两种官方语言:英语和法语。加拿大几乎每个人都能说至少其中一种语言,还有不少加拿大人两种语言都通晓。每个省区都有英语社区和法语社区。除了魁北克以法语作为官方语言之外,英语是加拿大各地的主要语言。也有其他省的人说法语,特别是NEW BRUNSWICK省、安大略省和曼尼托巴省。NB省是一个官方双语省。
你需要适应的加拿大生活中最重要的一个技能就是说英语和法语。一旦你学会一种或者两种都会,你会更容易找到工作、了解加拿大以及和你的孩子们交流--因为你的孩子们将在学校学习英语和法语。我们更加鼓励你学习双语,因为双语将使你更容易融入加拿大社会,特别是劳动力?(不懂,原文是”especially into the labour force”)


根据你的需要,LINC提供全天和PART TIME的课程。很多LINC中心也能将你转到所在区域的,其他非LINC的培训班。当你上课的时候,有一些培训学校可以对你的孩子提供免费照管。






Learning English or FrenchThere are two official languages in Canada: English and French. Almost everyone in Canada speaks at least one of these languages; millions of Canadians speak both. There are Anglophone and Francophone communities in every province and territory. English is the language of the majority everywhere in Canada, except in the province of Quebec, where French is the official language. French is spoken in many communities in other provinces, especially New Brunswick, Ontario and Manitoba. New Brunswick is an officially bilingual province.
One of the most important skills you will need to adapt to life here in Canada is to speak English or French. Once you learn one or both of these languages, you will find it easier to get a job, to understand Canada and to communicate with your children, who will be busy learning English or French at school. Knowing both languages is strongly encouraged because bilingualism makes it easier to integrate into Canadian society, especially into the labour force.
There are many language courses available, and many of them are free. Sometimes these courses are called “ESL” for English as a Second Language, or “FSL” for French as a Second Language.
Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada (LINC)The Government of Canada, in cooperation with provincial governments, school boards, community colleges and immigrant-serving organizations, offers free language training across the country to adult permanent residents. In most provinces, the name of the program is LINC. (In French, this program is known as CLIC, for Cours de langue pour les immigrants au Canada.) LINC can also assess your current language skills to find out which training program would be best for you.
LINC offers both full- and part-time classes to suit your needs. Most LINC centres can also refer you to other non-LINC classes in your area, and some offer free child care while you attend classes.
Remember, language classes are available for all the adults in your family, not just the person who may be looking for work.
For more informationTo find out where you can take LINC classes in your area, go to the Services for Newcomers page of the CIC website at www.servicesfornewcomers.cic.gc.ca. You could also contact your local immigrant-serving organization. They will likely refer you to a LINC assessment centre, which will then refer you to organizations offering LINC classes. You might also want to telephone your local school board directly to find out about classes in your community.
Most universities and community colleges also offer language classes, as well as some private language schools and community organizations. You can contact these groups directly for more information. Remember to ask about fees, since these courses may not be free.
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-22 22:01:07 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 逗逗飞 于 2011-9-30 11:30 编辑

就  业


当你在加拿大申请一个工作的时候,雇主会要求你提供关于你的信息。你应该带上一份你教育和工作经历的清单(即简历),和一封你前雇主的推荐信,你的专业学位和贸易证书(还是行业证书?原文为trade certificates.)。你也可能被要求提供英文或法语的上述文件翻译件。






服务中心还运转着一个网站,在那里你可以看到全国的空缺职位----它叫工作银行Job Bank。详情请登录www.jobbank.gc.ca.

另一个可能对你有用的互联网站是“WORKSEARCH”。这个易用网站可以帮你了解你所寻工作的所有方面。这个网站的网址是www.jobsetc.ca。 SCC也有免费青年信息热线:1-800-935-5555。你也能在电话薄的蓝页上找到最近的SCC办事处,就再SERVICE CANADA CENTRE项下,或浏览网站www.servicecanada.gc.ca.




很多工作被刊登在报纸上。你可以看看报纸的分类广告的“help wanted”和”Careers”部分。周末报纸可能会开辟单独的职业版块。



Getting a jobSelf-reliance and hard work are key Canadian values. Getting a job is a good way to contribute to Canadian society and to support your family. At first, your job may not be the most satisfying that you can imagine. It may not be suited to your skills. It may be difficult to find a job that pays as much as you want until you get Canadian experience. Try not to be discouraged. When the right job does come along, you will have the benefit of that previous experience.
When you apply for a job in Canada, the employer will want some information about you. Bring a list of your education and work experience (a résumé). Also bring letters of reference from your former employers, your professional degrees and trade certificates. You may be asked to provide English or French copies of these documents.
Remember that certain trades or professions are regulated, which means that you must be licensed, registered or certified to practise them, usually by a provincial authority. In other words, you must meet certain standards that are set by the organization responsible for your profession in the province where you plan to work. The standards vary from province to province. So even though you may be qualified in another country, your qualifications must meet Canadian standards for you to be licensed to practise here.
Immigrant-serving organizationsIf you cannot speak the language used by an employer, ask a friend to interpret for you, or get a translator through an immigrant-serving organization. You might also want to ask about job-finding clubs or workshops, and getting help with preparing a résumé or writing a letter. These services are often provided by immigrant-serving organizations themselves or by the province. Refer to the Services for Newcomers page of the Citizenship and Immigration website at www.servicesfornewcomers.cic.gc.ca.
Service Canada centresMany jobs are posted either on billboards or on self-serve computers at your local Service Canada Centre (SCC). The Canadian government runs SCC offices throughout the country. The centres provide information and services for people looking for work. Some offer the free use of computers, printers, the Internet, telephones, fax services and resource libraries. They may offer workshops on how to prepare a résumé or to look for work, as well as computer training and other courses.
Service Canada also runs the Job Bank, an electronic list of jobs available across the country. Visit the site at www.jobbank.gc.ca.
Another Internet site that may be useful is “Worksearch.” This easy-to-use site can help you with all aspects of your search for work. The Internet address for this site is www.jobsetc.ca. The SCC also has a toll-free youth information line: 1‑800‑935‑5555. You can find the nearest SCC office listed in the blue pages of the telephone book, under Service Canada Centre, or visit its website at www.servicecanada.gc.ca.

Top of Page
VolunteeringWorking with others in your community without pay can be an excellent way to gain experience and contacts. Volunteering can help you develop Canadian job experience, get a practical knowledge of the Canadian workplace, practise your English or French and make new friends, as well as help others. You can find volunteer centres in the yellow pages of your telephone book or on the Internet, or contact your local community agency.
Using the newspaper and other resourcesMany jobs are listed in newspapers. Look in the classified advertisements section under “Help Wanted” and “Careers.” There may also be a separate career section in the weekend paper.
Libraries are also helpful. They have books on how to find a job or write a résumé, and they often keep directories of businesses across Canada or in your area. These publications can help you find information about potential employers. Their “periodical” section will also have copies of various weekly magazines that provide new listings of jobs across Canada. You can also access the Internet at most public libraries. Ask for more information at the reference desk.
“Networking” is also a popular way of finding a job in Canada. This means contacting all the people you know, including your friends and relatives, and letting them know you are looking for work. This may help you to find a job that is not actually advertised anywhere. Job-finding clubs run by immigrant-serving organizations may also be useful. There are also private job placement agencies that may be able to help you find permanent, temporary or contract work. Remember that since employers pay a fee to use these agencies, your salary may be somewhat lower than it would be if you found the job by yourself. These agencies are listed in the yellow pages of the telephone book. Look under “Employment Agencies.”
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-9-22 23:36:14 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-24 22:58:23 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 逗逗飞 于 2011-9-24 22:59 编辑


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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-24 23:00:12 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 逗逗飞 于 2011-9-30 11:31 编辑



加拿大政府通过FCRO(外国资格证书推荐办公室)提供关于外国证书承认和评估的信息。欲了解更多信息,请浏览FCRO网站:www.credentials.gc.ca,或致电Service Canada 1-888-854-1805 或 1-800-926-9105(仅限加拿大境内)。







“小生意贷款行动” 帮助小生意从银行和其他出借人获得贷款。更多信息请致电列于电话蓝页联邦政府项下的加拿大工业部。



尽管加拿大政府了解旅行常常是业务的一部分,但如果在加拿大境外滞留超期,你可能丢掉加拿大身份。最为一个永久居民,你必须满足居住义务才能保留你的身份。点击www.cic.gc.ca/english/newcomers/index/asp你可以找到这些义务的有关信息。或在你出境之前,致电CIC电话中心了解更多信息, 电话1-888-242-2100 或 1-888-576-8502(仅限加拿大境内)



如果你需要找到儿童看护机构,有几个建议可供参考,比如有自找的DAY-CARE中心,私人家庭DAY-CARE,护士学校和DROP-IN (?不懂)DAY-CARE中心。你也可以雇人到家来照顾你的孩子。电话薄黄页“day nurseries”或“day care”可以找到相关信息。你还可以查看报纸分类广告,“Employment Wanted ”栏目中可以找到你所在地区的照管人或机构信息。政府给低收入家庭给低收入家庭提供DAY CARE补贴。




Documents and foreign credentialsYou may need Canadian qualifications to work at a licensed trade or profession. You may have to write an examination or work as a trainee to qualify. The requirements vary from province to province and from profession to profession. You might want to contact the national or provincial association that looks after accreditation in your profession or trade.
The Canadian government offers information about foreign credential recognition and assessment through the Foreign Credentials Referral Office (FCRO). To learn more, visit the FCRO website at www.credentials.gc.ca or call Service Canada at 1‑888‑854‑1805 or TTY 1‑800‑926‑9105 (in Canada only).
You can also contact the Canadian Information Centre for International Credentials, or other international credentials evaluation services.
Getting paidEmployers may choose to pay their workers every week, every two weeks or once a month. You can be paid in cash, by cheque or through a direct deposit to your bank account. Your pay stub (the piece of paper attached to your paycheque) shows how much you earned. It also lists any money taken off (deductions) for federal and provincial taxes, pension plans, employment insurance and any other items.

Top of Page
Working for yourselfCanada’s prosperity is dependent on entrepreneurs who take risks and work hard to start and run their own businesses.
The Business Start-Up Assistant provides essential business start-up information from the federal and provincial governments. Their website, organized by topic and province, provides reliable information on market research, business name and structure, preparing a business plan, financing, taxation, hiring employees, doing business on the Internet, and much more. For more information, visit their website at www.canadabusiness.ca.
Canada Business Service Centres provide a central resource for Canadian business information, especially government information. You can find them in every province and territory. They offer services on the Internet or you can speak directly to a business information officer. To find the Canada Business Service Centre nearest you, look in the blue pages of your telephone book under the federal government.
The Small Business Loans Act helps small businesses get loans from banks and other lenders. Contact Industry Canada in the federal government listings in the blue pages of your telephone book for more information.
The Business Development Bank of Canada also provides a book for newcomers interested in working for themselves called Starting a Business in Canada: A Guide for New Canadians. They also offer management training, counselling and planning services for entrepreneurs. Call their toll-free number for more information at 1‑877‑232‑2269 or visit their website at www.bdc.ca.
Business and travelAlthough the Canadian government realizes that travel is often part of doing business, you may lose your permanent resident status if you stay outside the country for extended periods of time. As a permanent resident, you must meet certain residency obligations to maintain your status. You can find information about these obligations at www.cic.gc.ca/english/newcomers/about-pr.asp. Before you leave, telephone the CIC Call Centre for more information at 1‑888‑242‑2100 or TTY 1‑888‑576‑8502 (in Canada only).
If you are an entrepreneur who has been admitted to Canada on certain conditions, CIC will check to see how your business is doing. The Department will also provide special counselling services to help you. If after three years you have not fulfilled the conditions under which you were admitted, you and your dependants may be asked to leave. Remember, this only applies to those who come in as entrepreneurs under certain terms and conditions.
Day careWhen you do go to work, if you have young children, you need to make child care arrangements. In Canada, most families do not leave children under the age of 12 home alone. You may need to ask a relative or pay someone to look after your children while you work. To help you with the cost of child care, the Government of Canada provides a Universal Child Care Benefit (UCCB) to families with children under the age of 6. To find out if you are eligible or to apply for the UCCB, you can go online at www.universalchildcare.ca. If you need to find child care, there are several options you can look into, such as licensed day-care centres, home-based day care, nursery schools, and “drop-in” day-care centres. You can also hire someone to come into your home and look after your children. Look in the yellow pages of your telephone book under “Day Nurseries” or “Day Care.” Also check the classified advertisements section of the newspaper under “Employment Wanted” to find a caregiver in your area. Government-subsidized day care exists for low-income families.
Labour laws and human rightsIn Canada, there are provincial and federal labour laws designed to protect employees and employers. These laws set minimum wage levels, health and safety standards, hours of work, maternity leave and annual paid vacations, and they provide protection for children. There are also human rights laws that protect employees from unfair treatment by employers based on sex, age, race, religion, disability, or sexual orientation.
You also have the right to join a labour union in Canada. Unions negotiate wages, hours of work and working conditions. Union fees will be deducted from your salary. If you feel you are being treated unfairly by your employer, you may seek advice or assistance from an officer of the Ministry of Labour in the province where you work. You can also contact your province’s Labour Relations Board or a Service Canada Centre, where you can talk to a federal government labour affairs officer.
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-25 01:19:45 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 逗逗飞 于 2011-9-30 11:32 编辑




我们的警力用以保护人民安全和执行加拿大法律。在很多情况下你都可以要求警察的帮助: 遭遇车祸、被盗、遇袭、目睹犯罪、或报告失踪。












遭受父母虐待的女性可以为自己和孩子向社区庇护所寻求帮助,也可以寻求法律保护以确保人身安全。如果你或你的孩子遭受虐待,请拨911报警或0向接线员寻求帮助。他们可以帮你找到医疗救助或载你到安全的地方。建议和免费法律意见也是可用的。电话薄的前几页列有Rape Crisis 和 Sexual Assault Support Centres,互联网上也可以找到,他们可以随时帮助你。如果你需要倾述,在加拿大很多城市还设有24小时电话热线。他们也可以指点你找到需要的帮助。

加拿大很多组织为保护妇女权益而工作。这些组织中的一些为移民女性提供特定的服务。你的本地移民服务代理将帮你找到这些机构的名字。你可以在网上找到关于妇女法律权益和庇护所的信息,也可以在电话薄“Distress centres”和“Child Abuse”和“Sexual Assault”附近找到相关信息。



如果你有听力或语言障碍,可以使用TDD/TTY装置拨打1-800-255-4786, 法语免费号码是1-800-277-9915








Canadian lawCanada is governed by an organized system of laws. Citizens elect representatives in Parliament and the provincial legislatures to form governments, who then create our laws. In Canada, the law applies to everyone, including police officers, judges, politicians, members of the military and government workers. Our laws were created to provide order in society, to settle disputes peacefully, and to express Canadian values and beliefs. Everyone in Canada, whether a citizen or a permanent resident, has equal access to the justice system and is protected by it.
PoliceOur police forces exist to keep people safe and to enforce the law. You can ask the police for help in all kinds of situations – if there’s been an accident, if someone has stolen something from you, if you are a victim of assault, if you see a crime taking place, or if someone you know has disappeared.
There are different types of police in Canada, including provincial police departments and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), who enforce federal laws. Remember, the police are there to help you. In an emergency, call 911 or 0 for the operator to contact your local police force.
If you are questioned by the police or arrested, do not resist. Remember, in Canada, you are presumed innocent until proven guilty. Communicate as clearly as possible and look directly at the officer. Be ready to show some kind of identification. If you are taken into custody, you have the right to know why and to have a lawyer and a translator present, if you need one. Under Canadian law, it is a serious crime to try to bribe the police by offering money, gifts or services in exchange for special treatment.
Legal servicesIf you need a lawyer to protect your interests in court, you can hire one, for a fee. You may also be entitled to free legal services, or “legal aid,” depending on your income. You will find the numbers for provincial legal aid in the booklet called Key Information Sources in the back pocket of this guide. An immigrant-serving organization will also be able to tell you where and how to obtain these services.
Children’s rightsParents in Canada have a legal duty to provide their children with the necessities of life until they reach the age of 16. However, most parents continue to support their children after they turn 16, normally until the child finishes high school and often beyond. Canadian laws protect children from abuse, including physical, psychological and sexual abuse. All forms of child abuse may result in criminal charges being laid or the intervention of child protection authorities. Child abuse includes any kind of sexual contact, neglect, and female genital mutilation.
Police, doctors, teachers and children’s aid workers will take action if they think children are being harmed. Parents are responsible above all for their children’s behaviour and well-being.

Top of Page
Women’s rightsIn Canada, women and men are equal under the law. They have the same rights under the law, including the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and the same obligations.
Women may choose their own vocation. Canadians believe in a merit-based society. Women serve in important decision-making roles, as judges, politicians, community leaders, military personnel, business executives, police, teachers and professionals of all kinds, and are entitled to receive the same pay as men doing the same job.
Domestic violenceNo one has the right to hit or threaten people or to force them into sexual activities. The law applies to everyone, including a wife or husband, partner, girlfriend or boyfriend, parent, or another relative.
Women whose partners abuse them can seek help for themselves and their children in community shelters. They are also entitled to legal protection to keep them safe. If you or your children are being abused, call the police at 911 or 0 and ask the operator for help. They can help you find medical help or drive you to a safe place. Counselling and free legal advice are also available. There are Rape Crisis and Sexual Assault Support Centres listed in the first few pages of the telephone book and on the Internet. They are there to help you. In many Canadian cities, there are also 24-hours-a-day telephone help lines if you need someone to talk to. They can also refer you to the help you need.
Many organizations in Canada work to protect women’s rights. Some of these organizations serve immigrant women in particular. Your local immigrant-serving agency will help you find the names of these organizations. You can find information about legal rights and shelters on the Internet and near the front of your telephone book under “Distress Centres,” “Child Abuse” and “Sexual Assault.”
Many community centres also offer counselling for abusive partners who are seeking help, for families who wish to stay together, and for children.
Seniors’ rightsIn Canada, a senior citizen is someone 65 years of age or older. If you are a senior, you may be entitled to certain government benefits, such as the Old Age Security (OAS) pension and the Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS). In order to qualify, you must meet certain residency requirements. You may also be eligible for old age security benefits from your former country. Some provinces supplement these plans and offer extra benefits, such as prescription drug plans. For information, call 1‑800‑277‑9914 (toll-free). If you have a hearing or speech impairment and you use a TDD/TTY device, please call 1‑800‑255‑4786. The French toll-free number is 1‑800‑277‑9915.
In addition to government benefits, the federal government’s New Horizons for Seniors Program funds projects that help improve the quality of life for seniors and their communities. For information about the program, visit www.hrsdc.gc.ca/seniors.The New Horizons for Seniors Program also funds projects to combat elder abuse.
It is illegal to abuse or take advantage of elders. Elder abuse includes any action that someone in a relationship of trust takes which results in harm or distress to an older person. This abuse can be physical, financial, psychological or sexual, and includes neglect. Canada is committed to combating the abuse of seniors in all its forms.

Top of Page
Sexual orientationOur laws protect all Canadians, including gays and lesbians, from unjust discrimination. All Canadians enjoy the same access to education, health care, jobs, housing, social services, and pensions, regardless of their sexual orientation. In 2005, Parliament passed a law extending the right to civil marriage to same-sex couples. At the same time, the law respects religious freedom, so no church, synagogue, mosque or temple can be forced to perform a marriage that goes against the religious beliefs of its members.
Language rightsUnder the Official Languages Act, Canada is an officially bilingual country. This means that Canadians have the right to receive federal government services in English and French. At the provincial, territorial and municipal levels, the availability of services in both official languages varies. New Brunswick is the only province that is officially bilingual.
Animal protectionIn Canada, we have a long tradition of treating animals in a humane manner, both pets and livestock (such as pigs, horses, cows, chickens, goats and other farm animals). If you find a lost or abandoned house pet, such as a dog or cat, contact your local Humane Society or animal shelter or take the animal there and they will care for it. There are animal cruelty laws in many municipalities and most provinces and territories. You may be fined or jailed if you abuse an animal.
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-25 01:26:15 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2011-9-27 11:18:34 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-30 11:22:33 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-30 11:52:42 | 显示全部楼层



--申请入籍前必须居住在加拿大至少三年(恩??!!怎么没提5年中住满三年?原文是you must live in Canada for at least three years before applying to become a citizen,高手快来答疑啊)







如何申请入籍 浏览www.cici.gc.ca 或联系CICI免费呼叫中心1-888-242-2100获得更多信息The moment you arrive in Canada, you can start preparing to become a Canadian citizen. You will need to demonstrate a deep commitment to this country by living in Canada, learning to communicate in at least one of the official languages, learning about Canada and abiding by Canada’s laws.
To be eligible for Canadian citizenship:
  • you must be a permanent resident;
  • you must live in Canada for at least three years before applying to become a citizen;
  • you will need to have sufficient knowledge of either English or French;
  • you will need to demonstrate your knowledge of Canada and the rights, responsibilities and privileges of citizenship;
  • you must be 18 years of age or older to apply as an individual; and
  • you must attend a citizenship ceremony and take the oath of citizenship.
Adults who are 55 years old or older are not required to meet the language and knowledge requirements, but are encouraged to do so.
When you apply for citizenship, you may also apply on behalf of your minor children (less than 18 years old). Minors must be permanent residents, but they are not required to have lived in Canada for three years or meet the language or knowledge requirements.
How to apply to become a Canadian citizenTo obtain information and an application kit to become a Canadian citizen, visit www.cic.gc.ca or contact the CIC Call Centre toll-free at 1‑888‑242‑2100.
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-30 12:44:08 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 逗逗飞 于 2011-9-30 12:46 编辑




虽然健康保险是一项全民服务,然而每个省是按自己的系统进行实施的。各省的资格条件也许有些不同。在有些省,你可能必须为这项保险支付一笔小额月费。尽快申请健康保险卡是非常重要的。你将从你所居住的省收到保险卡. 申请表可以从医师办公室、医院、药店或移民服务机构得到,也可以从省政府负责健康的部门得到。这些部门在电话薄蓝页可以找到。申请时你需要出示一些证明,比如出生证或护照、永久居民身份证明(IMM5292),也可以提供枫叶卡。



私人保险公司一般列于电话薄黄页“insurance" 项下。






你可以咨询移民服务机构或熟人,请他们介绍一个正在接收新病人的医生,也可以从黄页、互联网、或电话本“physician and surgeons”或“dentists”项下查找。加拿大也有很多医疗诊所,他们能提供不同的、不需要预约或一般性急诊的服务。这些也列在黄页“clinics”或“clinics-medical”项下。


Health services

Applying for a health insurance card

Canada has one of the finest health insurance programs in the world. Health insurance means that you don’t have to “pay” directly for most health-care services. They are paid for through your taxes. When you use these services, you simply present your health insurance card.

While health insurance is a national service, each province administers its own program. There may be some variations in eligibility from province to province. In some provinces, you will have to pay a small monthly fee for this insurance. It is important to apply for your health insurance card as soon as possible. You will receive your health insurance card from the province where you live. You can get an application form at a doctor’s office, a hospital, a pharmacy or an immigrant-serving organization. You can also get forms from the provincial ministry responsible for health, listed in the blue pages of your telephone book. You will need to show some identification, such as your birth certificate or passport, or your Confirmation of Permanent Residence (IMM 5292). The permanent resident card may also be presented.

Permanent residents in British Columbia, Ontario, Quebec and New Brunswick have a three-month eligibility waiting period. Make sure, however, that you apply for a health card as soon as you arrive in the country as the three-month waiting period begins on the day your application is received.

During the waiting period, you should apply for temporary private health insurance coverage.

Private insurance companies are listed in the yellow pages of the telephone book, usually under “Insurance.” Private health insurance is also available for services that are not covered under the government health insurance plan. These might include dental costs or private hospital rooms. Some employers also offer additional health insurance for a monthly deduction from your paycheque. In most provinces, health insurance does not cover the cost of prescription drugs, dental care, ambulance services and prescription eyeglasses.

Needy refugee claimants and refugees living in the provinces that have the three-month eligibility waiting period can receive emergency and essential health services. The cost for these services is covered by the Interim Federal Health Program.

Remember: Each member of your family needs his or her own health insurance card. Always bring your card with you when you go to the doctor or the hospital. A health insurance card must not be exchanged with anyone else. It is for your use only and you could lose the benefits it provides by letting other people use it. You could also face criminal charges and be removed from Canada.

Finding doctors and clinics

Most Canadians have a family doctor and a dentist. You can choose either a man or a woman as your family doctor, general practitioner or dentist.

Ask an immigrant-serving organization or someone you know to recommend someone who is accepting new patients. You can also look them up in the yellow pages, on the Internet or in the telephone book under “Physicians and Surgeons,” or “Dentists.” Canada also has a large number of medical clinics, which can offer a variety of health services without an appointment or in a minor emergency. These are listed under “Clinics” or “Clinics-Medical” in the yellow pages.

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-10-6 02:02:51 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-10-27 16:15:54 | 显示全部楼层
go on——












产假是所有加拿大工作妈妈的权利。如果你怀孕不得不停止工作一个时期,你可以向你的雇主请一个固定时期的假,也有资格享受产假补贴。你可以通过省劳工部门或最近的Service Canada中心获取更多信息。



关键的医疗紧急号码被列于电话本白页的开始部分。在黄页中可以找到医生和诊所。印刷的医疗保健信息能在各省健康部门和公民移民部得到。不同主题的免费小册子也可以在Health Canada得到(Health Canada 号码在电话本蓝页的“联邦”下可),也可以从医生处或药店得到。

Emergency help
If you need urgent medical help, quickly go to the emergency department of the nearest hospital, or dial the emergency number 911 or 0 to ask the operator for help.
If you have a serious medical condition, such as diabetes, high blood pressure or allergies to medications, ask your doctor or hospital about Medic Alert tags and bracelets. These can provide useful information in an emergency.
Immunization for children
Immunization or vaccination for children is one of the most effective ways we protect all Canadians, young and old, from getting serious infectious diseases. These diseases include diphtheria, polio and tetanus. Your child gets a small dose of vaccine to help him or her build up “immunity” to these diseases. You can arrange to have your child inoculated through your doctor or pediatrician, or through a public health clinic. You will receive an immunization or vaccination record, which you may have to provide to your child’s school.
In Canada, there is a “schedule” for these immunizations. For example, some shots are given when your child is two months old, at four months, at six months, and so on. Ask your doctor or pediatrician for a copy of this schedule, or look up the municipal department responsible for school immunization in the blue pages of your telephone book. The immunization schedule varies slightly from province to province.
Immunization for adults
If you were not immunized against preventable diseases before coming to Canada, you should contact your doctor or local public health clinic immediately.
Medical surveillance
During the medical examination you underwent before becoming a Canadian resident, you may have been told that you needed a follow-up medical examination once you got to Canada. This is known as medical surveillance for those who have an inactive infectious disease. You must report, by telephone, to the public health authority of the province or territory where you live within 30 days of entering Canada. You will find this number in the blue pages of your telephone book. This is very important for your health and for the health of your fellow Canadians.
Maternity leave is the right of all working mothers in Canada. If you are pregnant and have to stop working for a while, you can take leave from your employer for a set period of time. You may also be entitled to paid leave or maternity benefits. You can get more information from the provincial ministry responsible for labour or from a Service Canada Centre near you.
For help and information before and after your baby is born, contact your local community service centre or hospital. They offer prenatal courses, medical help, nursing care, and a way to meet other new parents. They can give you information on registering the birth with the province, so that you receive an official birth certificate. They can also advise you about birth control and abortion.
For more information
Key medical emergency numbers are listed in the front section of the white pages of your telephone book. Look up doctors and clinics in the yellow pages. Printed health information is available from provincial ministries of health and from Citizenship and Immigration Canada. Free pamphlets on a variety of topics are also available from Health Canada (found in the federal listings in the blue pages of your telephone book), or from doctors’ offices and drug stores.
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-10-27 22:50:05 | 显示全部楼层



除了移民服务组织之外,本指南也将帮助你了解安家所需的步骤,帮你整理所需的被错过的信息和服务。本Welcome to Canada也包括一个登陆后首先要做的事件清单。




加拿大人喜欢使用电话交流。他们随处通话—在家、在街上、在电话亭。你会发现电话本是一个非常好的信息来源。大部分你需要的重要电话号码都能在按字母排序的电话本里找到。你会从为你安装家庭电话的公司收到一本电话本,也可以从电话中心拿一本。这些电话中心通常位于大的Shopping mall里。图书馆和付费电话亭里也有电话本。





在电话本前几页,你会发现一些紧急号码,比如消防部门和救护车服务等等。这中间有一个最重要的号码:911, 在大部分省,你可以在性命攸关时拨打这个号码请求紧急援助。

电话本白页以姓开头按字母A到Z排序列出家庭电话。比如你可以在“S”下面,找到姓Smith, 再找到你John Smith这个人的电话号码。





很多企业和政府部门设置呼叫中心以接收大量来电,回答最普遍被询问的问题。呼叫中心采用一系列回答问题的录音信息。你可以通过按电话键上的号码、字母和符号获得这些信息。呼叫中心信息将提示你按那个键获得你需要的信息。如果你第一次错过,信息通常提示你那个键可以重听。这个信息提示清单通常被称为菜单menu, 你通过菜单选择所需信息。


外出,或安装电话前,你可能要使用公用电话。城市街道、Shopping mall、机场及任何人多的地方都有很多付费电话亭。使用这些电话需要支付电话费。本地电话只要放进5毛硬币(有的省可能这个费用不同)就可以拨打。你应该放入正好的硬币到投币口。如果电话是长途,你需要投入更多硬币, 接线员或收费电话的屏幕信息将显示金额。你需要确定带有大量硬币。(为了更方便,)最后,你可能想从电话公司获得一张通话卡,这种卡允许你在公用电话上通过拨打特殊的代码获得通话,而不用投币。通话费将列入你的家庭话单。


加拿大是一个广阔的国家,城市之间的通话费可能会很贵。很多公司和政府部门使用1-800、1-888,1-877或1-866开头的电话号码,来电者可以在省内或国内免费拨打,这就是(传说中的,嘎嘎)免费号码。你可以在网站www.canadatollfree.ca 上搜索并拨打所列的1-800,、1-888、1-877或1-866免费电话
很多加拿大电话公司可以为有听力、语言、视力障碍或身体残疾人士提供特殊电话设备。你可以联系你的本地电话公司获得这些服务和设备的更多信息。你可以在任何电话簿上找到本地电话公司的名字。客户服务号码应该在电话薄的头几页。在加拿大BELL提供服务的区域,你也可以直接去BELL电话中心,该中心一般设于大的shopping mall内。
现在,通过互联网---这个全球资源信息系统来寻找有用资讯室一个非常好的方法。你不需要在家里拥有电脑或互联网才能使用,通常可以在本地公共图书馆(必须预订一个时间档)、社区中心、学校、移民服务机构或Service Canada中心免费使用互联网(或者说“网上冲浪”,加拿大人喜欢这么说)。有用信息会在若干网站上被找到,网站就像是网上的区号或地址(怎么还解释这个?看来这本册子编辑得有点年头了)。
How to find information
Canada’s three levels of government – federal, provincial and municipal – offer a variety of helpful programs and services for newcomers. Where these programs and services are offered in Canada, and who delivers them, may vary, since different provinces have different immigration agreements with the federal government.
We suggest that you:
•        get a map of your community;
•        get a copy of the local telephone book; and
•        contact the immigrant-serving organizations in your community.
This guide, along with an immigrant-serving organization, can help you through the steps you need to take to settle. It can help you sort out the information you are missing and the services you need. The Welcome to Canada guide also includes a checklist to help you with the things you need to do first.
Getting around
It is useful to have a map of the area where you will be living. It will help you to get around and find the services you need. Most bookstores, gas stations and convenience stores sell maps at a reasonable price. You may also be able to get a free map of your community through your local Chamber of Commerce or municipal office. You can also look at maps in the library, at no cost. However, you can’t take maps out of the library.

Using the telephone
Canadians like to use the telephone for communicating. They talk on the telephone everywhere – at home, on the street, in telephone booths. You will find that telephone books are great sources of information. Most of the important telephone numbers you need can be found in alphabetical order in the telephone book. You will receive one from the company that installs a telephone in your home. You may also be able to pick one up from a telephone centre. These centres are often located in large shopping malls. There are also telephone books at the library and in pay telephone booths.
At home: You pay a basic rate each month for telephone service. This pays for all local calls. You will be charged extra for each long-distance call you make. Long-distance calls are made to telephone numbers outside your local area.
Away from home: Pay telephones in most provinces cost 50 cents per local call and you can find them in most public places. If you do not know a telephone number, dial 411 and ask the operator. There is a charge for using this number. You may also purchase telephone cards, which can be used to call anywhere from any telephone, including public telephones.
The telephone directory
Telephone directories include white, blue and yellow pages listed alphabetically by name, subject, service or product.
•        The white pages list the home telephone numbers in and around your area.
•        The blue pages list government numbers.
•        The yellow pages list business numbers: restaurants, services, stores, and so on.
In the front pages of the telephone book, you will find emergency numbers like fire departments and ambulance services. The most important number listed there is an emergency number, 911 in many provinces, which you can call for help in life-threatening emergencies.
The white pages of the telephone book list home numbers in alphabetical order, from A to Z, using the last name of the person first. So look up John Smith under S, for Smith.
The blue pages of the telephone book list telephone numbers for Canadian government departments, including the federal, provincial, municipal and regional governments.
For frequently used government telephone numbers, see the pamphlet called Key Information Sources in the back pocket of this guide.
The yellow pages are found in a separate telephone book in some of the larger cities in Canada.
Call centres and touch-tone telephones
Many businesses and government departments receive so many calls that they have set up “call centres” to help them answer the most commonly asked questions. Call centres use a series of messages that have already been recorded to answer your questions. You find these messages by using the numbers, letters and symbols on the keys of your touch-tone telephone. The call centre message will tell you which keys to press on your telephone for the information you need. If you miss it the first time around, the message will usually tell you which key to press to hear it again. The list of messages is usually called a “menu.” You choose the information you want.
You can also enter information into some call centres, using the keys on the telephone.
Remember: the “pound” key is the one that looks like this [#]. The “star” key looks like this
  • .
    Emergency 911
    If you fear for your safety, or the safety of someone in your family, you should call your local emergency number for help. In many Canadian cities, this number is 911. This connects you immediately to ambulances, fire departments, the police and other emergency services. In other communities not equipped with 911 services, dial 0 and ask the operator for help. Other medical emergency numbers are listed in the first white pages of the telephone book. These may include a poison information number, a distress or sexual assault help line, and a number to call if you or someone in your family is being abused.
    Voice mail
    Many Canadians, and most Canadian businesses and departments, have some form of answering machine or service to take messages for them when they are away from their telephones. The telephone may ring several times, and then a recorded message will ask you to leave your name and number and a short message. You will usually hear a beeping sound followed by silence. At this point, leave your spoken message and remember to speak clearly and slowly. You may want to repeat your telephone number.
    Pay telephones
    You may want to use a public telephone when you are out, or before you get your telephone installed. There are many pay telephone booths on city streets, in shopping malls and in airports – any place where there are a lot of people. You pay for these telephone calls when you use the telephone. For local calls, you put in 50 cents (this charge may vary in some provinces) and make your call. You should have the right number of coins to put in the slot. If the call is long distance, you will need to put in more money (in coins) as you go along, and an operator, or the message across the screen on the pay telephone, will tell you how much. Make sure you have lots of coins with you. Eventually, you may want to get a calling card from a telephone company. This card allows you to dial a special code and make calls on public telephones without putting in any money. These calls are then billed on your regular home telephone bill.
    Directory assistance
    If you need help finding a telephone number, you may call for assistance. Call 411 for local numbers, and 0 for overseas numbers. All telephone numbers have an area code, which refers to the location of the number. You can look up these codes in your local telephone book. If the call you wish to make is outside the local area code, it is probably going to be long distance. Call 1+AREA CODE+555 1212 if you need help to find the number. Remember, there is a charge for using this service. You can also find telephone directory assistance on the Internet at www.canada411.ca.
    Toll-free numbers
    Canada is a very large country, and it can be expensive to make calls from one city to another. Many businesses and government departments use telephone numbers that start with 1 800, 1 888, 1 877 or 1 866. This lets you call them for free, within a province or within Canada. These are known as toll-free numbers. Simply dial the 1 800, 1 888, 1 877 or 1 866 number exactly as listed. You can search for toll-free numbers on the Internet at www.canadatollfree.ca.
    Telephone services for people with special needs
    Many telephone companies in Canada can provide special telephone equipment for people with a hearing, speech, visual or physical disability. Contact your local telephone company to get more information on these kinds of services and equipment. You can find the name of the telephone company for your area in any telephone book. The Customer Service number should be in the first few pages of the book. In areas served by Bell Canada, you can also visit a Bell telephone centre. These are usually found in large shopping malls.
    Using computers
    A great deal of helpful information is now available through the Internet, a worldwide resource and information system. You don’t need to own a computer or have Internet access at home to use it. You can often use the Internet (or “surf the Web,” as Canadians like to say) free of charge at your local public library (you must reserve a time slot), community centre, school, immigrant-serving organization or Service Canada Centre. Useful information can be found on various “websites,” which are like codes or addresses on the Internet.
    Public libraries
    In most communities across Canada, there are public libraries that can be used free of charge. Libraries are a resource that many newcomers make use of to read the daily newspapers, use the Internet or borrow books.
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