本帖最后由 逗逗飞 于 2011-9-30 12:46 编辑
虽然健康保险是一项全民服务,然而每个省是按自己的系统进行实施的。各省的资格条件也许有些不同。在有些省,你可能必须为这项保险支付一笔小额月费。尽快申请健康保险卡是非常重要的。你将从你所居住的省收到保险卡. 申请表可以从医师办公室、医院、药店或移民服务机构得到,也可以从省政府负责健康的部门得到。这些部门在电话薄蓝页可以找到。申请时你需要出示一些证明,比如出生证或护照、永久居民身份证明(IMM5292),也可以提供枫叶卡。
私人保险公司一般列于电话薄黄页“insurance" 项下。
你可以咨询移民服务机构或熟人,请他们介绍一个正在接收新病人的医生,也可以从黄页、互联网、或电话本“physician and surgeons”或“dentists”项下查找。加拿大也有很多医疗诊所,他们能提供不同的、不需要预约或一般性急诊的服务。这些也列在黄页“clinics”或“clinics-medical”项下。
Applying for a health insurance card
Canada has one of the finest health insurance programs in the world. Health insurance means that you don’t have to “pay” directly for most health-care services. They are paid for through your taxes. When you use these services, you simply present your health insurance card.
While health insurance is a national service, each province administers its own program. There may be some variations in eligibility from province to province. In some provinces, you will have to pay a small monthly fee for this insurance. It is important to apply for your health insurance card as soon as possible. You will receive your health insurance card from the province where you live. You can get an application form at a doctor’s office, a hospital, a pharmacy or an immigrant-serving organization. You can also get forms from the provincial ministry responsible for health, listed in the blue pages of your telephone book. You will need to show some identification, such as your birth certificate or passport, or your Confirmation of Permanent Residence (IMM 5292). The permanent resident card may also be presented.
Permanent residents in British Columbia, Ontario, Quebec and New Brunswick have a three-month eligibility waiting period. Make sure, however, that you apply for a health card as soon as you arrive in the country as the three-month waiting period begins on the day your application is received.
During the waiting period, you should apply for temporary private health insurance coverage.
Private insurance companies are listed in the yellow pages of the telephone book, usually under “Insurance.” Private health insurance is also available for services that are not covered under the government health insurance plan. These might include dental costs or private hospital rooms. Some employers also offer additional health insurance for a monthly deduction from your paycheque. In most provinces, health insurance does not cover the cost of prescription drugs, dental care, ambulance services and prescription eyeglasses.
Needy refugee claimants and refugees living in the provinces that have the three-month eligibility waiting period can receive emergency and essential health services. The cost for these services is covered by the Interim Federal Health Program.
Remember: Each member of your family needs his or her own health insurance card. Always bring your card with you when you go to the doctor or the hospital. A health insurance card must not be exchanged with anyone else. It is for your use only and you could lose the benefits it provides by letting other people use it. You could also face criminal charges and be removed from Canada.
Finding doctors and clinics
Most Canadians have a family doctor and a dentist. You can choose either a man or a woman as your family doctor, general practitioner or dentist.
Ask an immigrant-serving organization or someone you know to recommend someone who is accepting new patients. You can also look them up in the yellow pages, on the Internet or in the telephone book under “Physicians and Surgeons,” or “Dentists.” Canada also has a large number of medical clinics, which can offer a variety of health services without an appointment or in a minor emergency. These are listed under “Clinics” or “Clinics-Medical” in the yellow pages.