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[其它] 可怕的食用油!转自天涯

发表于 2011-6-26 23:22:40 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-6-27 02:35:40 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-6-27 10:37:26 | 显示全部楼层
今天买了并,看了贴特意留意了下,是大豆油 and/or CANOLA OIL
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-6-27 13:05:17 | 显示全部楼层
今天买了并,看了贴特意留意了下,是大豆油 and/or CANOLA OIL
10几20年前在老家小城,从小吃的国内的二级菜籽油,比较黑的那种,就因为:便宜 ...
dabei 发表于 2011-6-27 10:37
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发表于 2011-6-27 15:42:19 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-6-27 18:59:30 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-7-24 15:58:55 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-7-26 00:16:20 | 显示全部楼层


                Canola Oil -  Danger !!!???       
    Olive oil comes from olives, peanut oil from    peanuts, sunflower oil from sunflowers; but what is a canola?
    Canola is not the name of a natural plant but a made-up word, from the    words "CANadian         Oil Low Acid". Canola is a genetically    engineered plant developed in Canada from the Rapeseed Plant, which is part of the    mustard family of plants. According to AgriAlternatives, The Online Innovation,    and Technology Magazine for Farmers, "By nature, these rapeseed    oils, which have long been used to produce oils for industrial purposes, are...    toxic to humans and other animals".
    Rapeseed oil is poisonous to living things and is an excellent insect    repellent. I have been using it (in very diluted form, as per instructions) to kill the aphids on my roses for the last two years. It    works very well; it suffocates them. Ask for it at your nursery. Rape is an oil that is used as a lubricant, fuel, soap and synthetic rubber base    and as a illuminate for color pages in magazines. It is an industrial oil.
    It is not a food.
    Rape oil is strongly related    to symptoms of emphysema, respiratory distress, anemia, constipation, irritability, and blindness in animals and humans. Rape    oil was widely used in animal feeds in England and Europe between 1986 and 1991, when it was    discontinued.
    A few relevant facts

    It is genetically engineered rapeseed.
    Canada paid the FDA the sum    of $50 million to have rape registered and recognized as "safe".    (Source: Young Again and others)    
Rapeseed is a lubricating oil    used by small industry. It has never been meant for human consumption.       
It is derived from the mustard    family and is considered a toxic and poisonous weed, which when    processed, becomes rancid very quickly.    
It has been shown to cause    lung cancer (Wall Street Journal: 6/7/95)    
It is very inexpensive to    grow and harvest. Insects won't eat it.    
Some typical and possible    side effects include loss of vision, disruption of the central nervous    system, respiratory illness, anemia, constipation, increased    incidence of heart disease and cancer, low birth weights in infants and    irritability.    
Generally rapeseed has a    cumulative effect, taking almost 10 years before symptoms begin to manifest.    It has a tendency to inhibit proper metabolism of foods and prohibits normal    enzyme function. Canola  contains  Trans Fatty Acids. Trans fatty     acids have been shown to have a direct link to cancer. shown to have a     direct link to cancer.
    Foods (including oils) are often labeled as containing trans fatty acids.     However any  food which says it contains hydrogenated or partially     hydrogenated oils contains trans fatty acids: Hydrogenation is just the     process in which
    trans fats are formed (literally hydrogenation means adding hydrogen). These     Trans Fatty acids are labeled as hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated     oils. Avoid all of them!

According to John Thomas'    book, Young Again, 12 years ago in England and Europe, rape seed was fed to    cows, pigs and sheep who later went blind and began attacking people. There    were no further attacks after the rape seed was eliminated from their diet. Source:    David Dancu, N.D.
Apparently peanut oil is being    replaced with rape oil. You'll find it in an alarming number of processed foods.    I read where  rape oil was the source of the chemical warfare agent mustard gas, which was banned after blistering the lungs and skins of    hundred of thousands of soldiers and civilians during W.W.I. Recent French reports indicate that it was again in use during the Gulf War.
    Check products for ingredients. If the label says, "may contain the    following" and lists canola oil, you know it contains canola oil because it is the cheapest oil and the Canadian government subsidizes it    to industries involved in food processing.
    Adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD) is a rare fatal degenerative disease caused    by in a build up long-chain fatty acids (c22 to c28) which destroys the     myelin (protective sheath) of the nerves. Canola oil is a very long chain fatty acid oil (c22). Those who will defend canola oil say that the    Chinese and Indians have used it for centuries with no effect, however it was in an unrefined form.*
    (* taken from FATS THAT HEAL AND FATS THAT KILL by Udo Erasmus.)
    I read about a man who  bred birds, always checking labels    to insure there was no rape seed in their food. He said, "The birds    will eat it, but they do not live very long." A friend, who worked for    only 9 mo. as a quality control taster at an apple-chip factory where Canola    oil was used exclusively for frying, developed numerous health problems.

    Rape seed oil used for stir-frying in China found to emit cancer-causing    chemicals. (Rapeseed oil smoke causes lung cancer.) Amal Kumar Maj. The Wall Street Journal, June 7, 1995 pB6(W) pB6 (E) col 1(11    col in). Compiled by Darleen Bradley.
                Canola Oil in pesticides.                          The Health Ranger reveals how the No. 1 ingredient in a pesticide product is         actually canola oil, and describes the warnings on the product which include         that you should never get the oil on your skin or clothing. Soybean oil is         also discussed as a key ingredient in another pesticide product.
    MORE FROM AN HERBAL WEB SITE - rmhiherbal.org
    Canola oil Because of the public scare over animal fats, sales of vegetable    oils of all types increased. It was the established wisdom that those oils    high in polyunsaturated fatty acids were especially beneficial (animal fats    are high in saturated fatty acids). The obsession with polyunsaturated    versus saturated fats led researchers and nutritionists to overlook some of    the other features of vegetable oils that we now know are crucial to health,    including: (1) susceptibility to rancidity; (2) ratio of omega-3 to omega-6    fatty acids and its relevance in inflammatory diseases and immune system    function; (3) possible presence of irritating or toxic compounds in    particular plant oils. Unlike the case of trans-fatty acids, for which there    is massive amount of research data, there is much less documented scientific    research on canola oil consumption in humans, specifically. Some sources    (unverified) claim that the Canadian government and industry paid the U.S.    FDA $50 million dollars to have canola oil placed on the GRAS    ("Generally Recognized As Safe") list, which allowed the canola    industry to avoid the lengthy and expensive approval process, including    medical research on humans. However, experimental rats that were fed canola    oil "developed fatty degeneration of the heart, kidney, adrenals, and    thyroid gland. On withdrawing the canola oil from their diets, the deposits    dissolved but scar tissue remained on all vital organs." [ref. 3a] In    the absence of direct research studies of canola oil and human health, many    concerned nutritionists and biochemists have attempted to analyze the canola    oil situation on the basis of current knowledge of the biochemistry of fats    and oils. While hard-nosed canola industry spokespersons may claim such    commentary to be speculative, in the absence of proof of safety, anyone    concerned about their family's health should pay close attention to the    various arguments and warnings. [refs. 3a - 3i; for canola industry    position, see refs. 3j, 3k] The Canola Council of Canada has published a    report [ref. 3k] that focuses heavily on the high polyunsaturated fatty acid    content of canola oil and the presumed benefits of polyunsaturated oils on    various blood parameters (platelet phospholipids, platelet aggregation,    eicosanoid production, clotting time). In spite of the many scientific    references listed at the end of the report, the author studiously avoids    discussion of the toxic effects mentioned by many nutritionists and    biochemists, and, instead, attempts to link many of the benefits of    Mediterranean-type diets high in olive oil to diets high in canola oil, when    in fact, no such evidence is presented, and canola oil has never been part    of a traditional Mediterranean diet. Concerns about the risks of using    canola (rapeseed) oil focus on several aspects: (1) the presence of    long-chain fatty acids, including erucic acid, which are thought by some to    cause CNS degeneration, heart disease, and cancer; (2) the high temperatures    needed in the refining process to make canola oil palatable, which lead to    formation of trans-fatty acids; (3) miscellaneous undesirable chemical    constituents (thioglycosides and thiocyanates) whose effects are unclear, as    their concentration in the refined product is probably very low. Although    Chinese and Indian peoples have long used rapeseed oil in cooking, it was    not refined and processed to the extent of modern commercial methods, and it    was never considered to be a high quality oil for human consumption.    Ayurvedic physicians have for thousands of years classified olive, almond,    and sesame as the best oils for human health, and have considered safflower,    soybean and rapeseed oils to be undesirable for human consumption except    perhaps when no other oil sources were available. Recent epidemiological    studies of high lung cancer rates in Chinese women suggest that wok cooking    with rapeseed oil is responsible, rather than tobacco smoking, which was    only a weak factor. Chinese rapeseed oil tended to produce the highest    emissions of the potentially carcinogenic or mutagenic compounds    1,3-butadiene, benzene, acrolein, and formaldehyde, when compared with    soybean oil and peanut oil. [ref. 3n] Canola oil contains a long-chain fatty    acid called erucic acid, which is especially irritating to mucous membranes;    canola oil consumption has been correlated with development of fibrotic    lesions of the heart, CNS degenerative disorders, lung cancer, and prostate    cancer, anemia, and constipation. [ref. 3a, 3b] Canola oil derives from the    plants Brassica campestris and B. napus, which have been selectively bred to    substantially reduce the erucic acid content. However, some health    professionals feel that there is still too much present in current canola    oil products for safe use. Some critics of canola oil focus on the fact that    rapeseed oil was originally used as an industrial lubricant and known to be    unfit for human consumption, although many vegetable oils have been used in    industrial applications as well as in foods. The long-chain fatty acids    found in canola have been found to destroy the sphingomyelin surrounding    nerve cells in the brain, in some cases leading to a degenerative brain    condition remarkably similar to mad-cow disease (bovine spongiform    encephalopathy); in advanced cases the brain tissue develops a    Swiss-cheese-like appearance, full of holes. Illnesses and conditions that    have been associated with canola oil consumption include loss of vision    (retinal capillaries are very sensitive and easily damaged), and a wide    range of neurological disorders. [ref. 3a] The high temperatures used in    canola refining will damage many of the essential fatty acids, which are    much more susceptible to damage by heat than saturated fats. (Heat may    convert many of the unsaturated double bonds to the "trans"    configuration.) While high-quality essential fatty acids are required for    human health, in their damaged or rancid forms they become harmful.    Additional problems with canola oil include the presence of minute, but    potentially dangerous, amounts of thioglycosides, which have thyrotoxic    effects. [ref. 3m] To reduce the concentration of these compounds requires    processing with alkalinizing agents plus high temperatures; unfortunately,    the high temperatures used in processing have other undesirable effects, the    most serious of which is the conversion of unsaturated fats to the trans    form. Rapeseed has been selectively bred and genetically engineered [ref.    3a] in an attempt to reduce the toxic components and processing methods were    developed to further reduce the concentration of undesirable compounds.    Prior to its entry into the "health" food market, it was known as    rapeseed oil, but savvy marketing professionals knew that the health food    market, heavily dominated by young, college-educated women, would not    purchase a repulsive-sounding product called rapeseed oil. The name of the    selectively bred variety was changed to canola (as in "Canadian    oil"; it has been heavily promoted by Canadian government and    agricultural organizations) oil; the name rolls off the tongue with a    mellifluous sound. [3.1] Recommendations The biochemistry of plants and    natural food products is often complex; the total effect of a given food on    human health is dependent upon many chemical constituents and their    interaction with biochemical pathways of the body. To radically alter our    diets based on scientific evidence regarding only a few aspects of this    biochemistry is like cooking in the dark. Common symptom reactions to    unhealthy oils and fats, or to an unhealthy balance of the types of fats in    one's diet include joint pain and aggravation of arthritic conditions, a    general tendency to have increased tissue irritability and inflammation,    and, in the case of unhealthy fats such as hydrogenated oils and excessive    amounts of fried foods, abdominal fullness and indigestion. While these    conditions also may be due to other factors, quality of fats and oils is    important. How one feels immediately to within several days after eating    specific types of fat is often a useful indicator of whether one's fat    consumption is healthy or unhealthy. Avoid canola oil; there is too much    doubt about its safety. Recommended oils and fats, which are essential    nutrients, include moderate amounts of meat in the form of clean sources    (organically grown, etc.) of beef, lamb, and other red meats, poultry, fish    (especially sardines and mackerel), plus olive, almond, or sesame oil; of    all the vegetable oils, olive oil is probably the safest and best for health    reasons. All of these have been in traditional use in various cultures for    thousands of years. Individual differences in metabolism will dictate needs    for more or less of these types of oils and fats.

    An attorney for the Canola people sent     Breathing.com the below in green.                           
          "If you read down into this page you will see a number of links to      other       independent and very reputable Web sites (the Cancer Association, American            Society of Science and Health, Washington Post, Health Central and others)            that refute the claims made on this page."            I personally would not believe much of       anything from the Cancer Society.       
A forwarded email.
      "I know you wouldn't want to make irresponsible claims so I'm providing you       with this information: Although canola oil is not a favorite oil with me       for a number of reasons (none of which were listed in the article), the       statement suggesting that because it is used as an industrial oil it is       therefore not edible is not valid. Flax oil is also used as an industrial       oil for paint and linoleum, etc. But when it is prepared as a food it is       edible. Most oils have been used at one time or another as industrial       products. One of the most edible of oils, coconut oil, is used for many       industrial products, especially for soaps and cosmetics. Olive oil       apparently has been used to make soap for as long as it has been used as a       food oil. Perhaps the most blatant error and comparison made by Mr. Lynn,       though, is that regarding canola oil and mustard gas, which chemically has       absolutely no relationship to mustard oil or any other mustard plant.       Mustard gas is 2,2'-dichlorodiethyl sulfide and its preparation using       ethylene and sulfur chloride is given in the Merck Index. It received its       name because of the yellowish color of the gas and the sulfur odor. Canola       and regular rapeseed oils are extracted from the seeds of several of the       brassica plants - the same family of plants from which we get vegetables       such as Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cabbage, kale, mustard greens, and       several other vegetables. Of course, there is not much fat in these       vegetables; but what fat there is in some of them, e.g., mustard greens,       is as much as 29 percent erucic acid. Also, since glycosides (typical are       stevioside and other flavonoids) are basically water soluble, I would not       expect to find much of them in any oil. Those glucosinolates found in       rapeseed meal after the oil has removed from the seeds are the same       goiterogens that are found in the brassica vegetables. One problem with       canola oil is that it has to be partially hydrogenated or refined before       it is used commercially and consequently is a source of trans fatty acids;       sometimes are very high levels. Another problem is that it is too       unsaturated to be used exclusively in the diet; some of the undesirable       effects caused by feeding canola can be rectified if the diet is made       higher in saturated fatty acids. Mary G. Enig, Ph.D., Director Nutritional       Sciences Division Enig Associates, Inc. marye@enig.com FAX:(301)680-8100"

        GE canola class action suit moves forward in Canada   

    Court to hear GE canola class action suit arguments

    Pesticide & Toxic Chemical News, October 28, 2004 Vol. 6, No. 209
An attempt by organic farmers in Saskatchewan, Canada, to file a class     action suit against developers of genetically engineered canola moves into a     courtroom in early November.

    Justice Gene-Ann Smith of the Court of Queen's Bench in Saskatoon will     hear lawyers representing Monsanto Canada, Bayer Crop Science and two     organic growers argue the merits of the suit. Class actions are relatively     new in Canada, and the plaintiff has to convince the court the action should     be allowed to go forward. If the judge agrees to certify the suit, then a     trial would be held later.
    Farmers Larry Hoffman and Dale Beaudoin, on behalf of a group called the     Saskatchewan Organic Directorate, wants to be able to sue Monsanto and Bayer     for an as-yet-undetermined amount in compensation for being unable to grow     organic canola. They say the companies' GE varieties spread into fields of     conventional canola, making it almost impossible to grow and sell organic     canola that must be free of GE seeds.
    Monsanto spokeswoman Trish Jordan said her company will argue that the     suit should be dismissed. She said the farmers are being put forward by the     Directorate, Greenpeace, and the British Soils Association "as a platform to     advance their anti-GE position in the public arena and this is not an     appropriate use of the court's time and resources. These groups are engaging     in a scientific, social and political debate concerning GE foods rather than     having a legitimate legal dispute."
                                                                Recent june 08 email. "Thank you for your web article on rapeseed                         oil.  
                                        I want to tell you about one of my experiences concerning cottonseed                         oil.
                                        I am terribly allergic to cottonseed oil (have had the checkerboard                         tests on my back and back of arms twice in my life to confirm                         this), and my allergist told me that one in five people are allergic                         to cottonseed oil yet no companies place any warnings on their                         product to indicate that cottonseed is in the product.  I could die                         if I got a dose of cottonseed oil!  
                                        Neosporin has put cottonseed oil in their regular                         antibacterial ointment.  I learned this the hard way back                         in November 2004.  My skin turned crimson red and began to itch                         terrible when I applied Neosporin ointment to a minor burn.  I                         washed the Neosporin off but the skin continued to itch and remained                         very red.  It finally calmed down, the burn healed completely in a                         couple of weeks, but for a full year after the burn was completely                         healed I still had that same patch of skin flare up on me from time                         to time, and go crimson red and itch.  It was a reaction to the                         Neosporin that I applied way back in November 2004 yet I was still                         having a reaction in November 2005.
                                        Reading about Canola, rapeseed oil, and how animals get angry after                         being fed this oil makes me wonder if it has the same psychological                         effect on humans?  Has anyone done any research on canola,                         rapeseed oil in the diet and the reactions humans have after                         digesting it?
                                        Thank you,
                                        Carol D

" Recommendations from Mike:
Dr. Doug Graham states that "oils in general inhibit nutrient absorption in    the small intestine".

    Because of the lungs need for essential fatty acids in the oxidation     relationship and are a lot of what make up surfactants in your lungs I have     to encourage you to eat oils in some form.

    All the above is very controversial and very time consuming to prove or     disprove so with all the oil choices out there why take chances?     If you must use oils.

    Pure Olive oil only. Bariani (Sacramento California area) is a good one.    Safflower and Sunflower oils are OK, but they contain Omega 6 which may or    may not be not a    good option for the heart or the mylin sheaths. PRO     EFA or UDO's choice are real good    ones for balanced EFAs.
    Reject    any foods, packaged or otherwise, which have in the label "...may    contain vegetable oil, cottonseed, canola oil.." And if the label just    says vegetable oil, I reject it since it does not specify which    oil. mw
Canola Oil
                Dear Mike:
                Thought you might find this interesting. I received this information        from Dr. Andrew Weil. He said "that despite the scare stories,        canola oil is not toxic. I suspect that your Internet informant might be        confusing two varieties of the rapeseed plant.(Brassica napus). Oils        from the original rapeseed plant, a member of the mustard family, have        been used as industrial lubricants. Rapeseed oil contains very high        levels of a potentially heart-damaging compound called erucic acid, so        plant scientists created a low-erucic-acid hybrid they called        "canola" for use in cooking. (Most food-oil plants, including        flax, peanut, corn, soy and sunflower, have been similarily crossbred to        produce varieties with greater or lesser amounts of certain fatty acids,        so this process is not uncommon) By federal regulation, canola oils can        contain no more than 2 percent erucic acid: most varieties contain far        less. Organic (unsprayed and not genetically modified), expeller-pressed        canola oil is a moderately healthy oil that can be used for cooking when        olive oil is not appropriate.  It is mostly monounsaturated fat,        with less saturated fat than olive oil and some omega-3 fatty        acids." So how do we tell if it is not genetically engineered and        safe? Any suggestons? Thanks for your help, J. McG...                 From Mike:
What puzzles me is                 that with all the really good and safe oils out there you are paying so                 much atention to canola. I think it is bad. I care not so much what                 Andrew says about it because as good as Andrew is, the medical model in                 general has a much wider toleration of toxicity then I am comfortable                 with. So with any doubts I just go to what is safe and sound.                  Federal laws give me even less security or a sense of rational safety.                 Study prescription drug side effects to learn more about that.  Get Bariani or Udo Erasmus' EFAs and be pretty safe and sure.


    From Dr. Bruce West        
                                        "There is no difference in the risk of                         cardiovascular disease between people who eat the most saturated fat                         and those who eat the least. And this proved beyond any doubt by                         examining 21 studies involving close to half million people                         monitored from 5 years to over 20 years.
                                        So eat your meat, have a little real                         ice cream, and feel good about it. To prevent cardiovascular disease                         don't eat the real causes of heart attacks-processed foods that are                         loaded with sugar and polyunsaturated vegetable oils (corn, canola,                         and and all other crystal clear, pure oils on store shelves). These                         irritate and inflame your blood vessels and heart. And to be on the                         safe side , avoid  ........"
                                        Taken from the August 2010 issue                         of Health Alert by Dr. Bruce West.                          www.healthalert.com
                                        Health Alert, founded in 1988  is the                         longest running alternative health newsletter in the USA. I see                         Bruce as leading edge and one of the top experts in natural health                         in the USA.  Been tracking him for several years.
                                        He has a very comprehensive Health                         Encyclopedia that is free with new subscriptions that cost $39.00 a                         year.Copied from                         www.westonprice.org booklet "For Wise Traditions" Principles of                         Healthy Diets" "The following new fangled fats can cause                         cancer, heart disease, immune system dysfunction, sterility,                         learning disabilities, growth problems, and osteoporosis. Other                         industrialized processed liquid oils such as soy, corn, safflower,                         cottonseed and canola". Bold added by mike.


我记得去年在电视上,也看了沙省农场主状告种子公司的案子. 转基因的种子长的菜花不能结子, 农民耕种需要每年都需要和种子公司购买. 但加拿大的canola油, 主要是转基因的菜花炼制的,因为它们不怕除草药剂, 产量比正常的菜花高30%.(如果我没记错的话).

没时间慢慢看上面的文章, 但这油基本无所不在, 你买任何的加工食品, 和外出进餐, 绝可能就是这油. 其他油, 也健康不了多少, 豆油和玉米油我想也是转基因豆和玉米制成的, 国内的调和油,更不知道来源啦 . 似乎也就纯橄榄油最健康.
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