a-0520-aa(Application for selection certificate----Principal applicant/spouce or de facto)里
有个附表Declaration by spouse
a-0521-ca的表格也叫Declaration by spouse .
当副申填写Declaration by spouse表格的时候。。。
(一)identification of the principal applicant,这里就填“副申”的信息
(二)declaration by de spouse
-(1)declaration of the principal applicant,这里就填“副申”的信息
-(2)declaration of the spouse accompanying the principal applicant,这里就填“主申”的信息
2. Application for a Québec Selection Certificate
Each child aged 22 or older who is accompanying you must complete the form entitled Application for Selection Certificate – Dependent child aged 22 or older or who is married or a de facto spouse (Dynamic PDF, 193 Kb).
List of forms and documents to enclose with your official immigration application链接:http://www.immigration-quebec.gouv.qc.ca/en/biq/hong-kong/dcs-workers/list-documents.html,