Public Works andGovernment Travaux publics et Services
ServicesCanada governement aux Canada
If you have not received or have lost yourcheque, please complete this form of Undertaking and Indemnity in ink andreturn. Your signature must be witnessed by someone who is not a relative.
Where the payee or holder for value is afederal, provincial, municipal government or agency, a financial institution, apartnership, a corporation or an incorporated company, the form must be signedby the authorized officer and the name and title must be printed.
Where an authorized person signs this formon behalf of the payee or holder for value, the capacity or authority underwhich it is signed must be described.
To: The Receiver General of Canada: BXXXXXXXXX
Account Number/ SIN
I, xingmingherebycertify that
Full Name of Payee or Holder ofValue
I do not have in my possession chequenumber XXXXXXXXXX
made payable to
and covering
orany cheque for $1100.00 *.
* Where applicable, this amount representsa
Canadian entitlement converted at
exchange rate.
I undertake that should the originalcheque ever come into my possession, to return it uncashed to the ReceiverGeneral for Canada. If another cheque is issued in place of the originalcheque referred to above, to indemnify and save harmless Her Majesty in rightof Canada from any loss or expense incurred.
I further declare that I have not causedbenefit of any kind whatsoever to come to me either directly or indirectlythrough the cashing of the said cheque.
If I benefit directly or indirectlythrough the cashing of the above-noted cheque, I will indemnify and saveharmless Her Majesty in right of Canada from any loss or expense incurred.
For payments in non-Canadian funds, Iunderstand that by submitting this form that should I cash the above cheque, Icould be charged an additional fee at the financial institution which is beyondthe control of Her Majesty in right of Canada. TO BE COMPLETED WHEN AN AUTHORIZED OFFICEROR PERSON SIGNS ON BEHALF OF PAYEE OR HOLDER FOR VALUE (SEE NOTE 2 AND 3ABOVE):
I further declare that I amauthorized
Name of Authorized Officer
Witness Payee or Holder for Value
Signature Signature
____________________________________ ____________________________________
____________________________________ ____________________________________
____________________________________ ____________________________________
____________________________________ ____________________________________
This email and any files transmitted with it areconfidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity towhich they are addressed. This message contains confidential informationand is intended only for the individual(s) named. If you are not thenamed addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy thise-mail. If you have received this e-mail by mistake delete this e-mailfrom your system. If you are not the intended recipient you are notifiedthat disclosing, copying, distributing or taking any action in reliance on thecontents of this information is strictly prohibited.
This e-mail address is solely for the purpose ofcommunicating to clients and/or their representative’s further instructionsregarding their application. This e-mail box is not being monitored. Any future communication/queries to this e-mail address will therefore not beanswered. |