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[闲聊话题] 不要轻易和少妇上床 (哈弗商学院经典教材案例)

发表于 2010-11-10 09:55:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
不要轻易和少妇上床 (哈弗商学院经典教材案例) !!!!~

一男赶集卖猪, 天黑遇雨, 二十头猪未卖成, 到一农家借宿。
  少妇说: 家里只一人不便。
  男: 求你了大妹子, 给猪一头。
  女: 好吧, 但家只有一床。

  男: 我也到床上睡, 再给猪一头。
  女: 同意。
  半夜男与女商量, 我到你上面睡, 女不肯。
  男: 给猪两头。
  女允, 要求上去不能动。
  少顷, 男忍不住, 央求动一下, 女不肯。
  男: 动一下给猪两头。女同意。
  男动了八次停下, 女问为何不动?

  女小声说: 要不我给你猪……
  天亮后, 男吹着口哨赶30头(含少妇家的10头)猪赶集去了……

哈佛导师评论: 要发现用户潜在需求, 前期必须引导, 培养用户需求, 因此产生的投入是符合发展规律的。


  另一男得知此事, 决意如法炮制, 遂赶集卖猪, 天黑遇雨, 二十头猪未卖成, 到一农家借宿
  少妇说: 家里只一人不便。
  男: 求你了大妹子, 给猪一头
  女: 好吧, 但家只有一床。
  男: 我也到床上睡, 再给猪一头。
  女: 同意。
  半夜男商女, 我到你上面睡, 女不肯。
  男: 给猪两头。
  女允, 要求上去不能动。
  少顷, 男忍不住, 央求动一下, 女不肯。
  男: 动一下给猪两头。女同意。
  男动了七次停下, 女问为何不动?
  男说: 完事了~~~女: ……
  天亮后, 男低著头赶2头猪赶集去了……

哈佛导师评论: 要结合企业自身规模进行谨慎投资, 谨防资金链断裂问题


       又一男得知此事, 决意如法炮制兼吸取教训, 遂先去伟哥专卖店用一头猪去换一粒伟哥, 然后带19头猪出发, 事必, 天亮后, 男吹着口哨赶37头(含少妇家的18头)猪赶集去了……

哈佛导师评论: 企业如果获得金融资本的帮助, 自身经营能力将得到倍增。


       知道此法男多, 伟哥供不应求, 逐渐要2头猪换一粒伟哥, 然后是3头猪换一粒伟哥, 伟哥专卖店宣布伟哥限量供应, 永远保值。

哈佛导师评论: 这就是通货膨胀, 但尽管购入伟哥, 伟哥是永远保值品, 从一头猪到N头猪换一个伟哥, 你什么时候见过伟哥贬值?


越来越多的人听说了哈佛导师的评论, 开始去囤积伟哥, 并在市场上二手交易伟哥赚钱。

哈佛导师又评论: 繁荣的二手交易市场是一手市场持续繁荣的保证。


越来越多的人想去炒做伟哥, 很快伟哥价格涨到16个猪换一粒。

哈佛导师又评论: 该男已经进入边际成本, 除了拥有对自身能力的自信和未来良好愿望以外, 实际现猪流已经为零。


有的男只有一头猪很早就换成伟哥, 于是有人告诉他, 你可以用你现在的这个伟哥去办猪抵押, 当初你是一头猪买进, 现在伟哥价值16头猪, 你可以办至少8头猪的贷款, 然后你可以用这些猪去买汽车等等好东西, 这就可以把你伟哥增值部分去消费。

哈佛导师评论: 良好的理财可以让个人实现财富自由。


换猪男越来越多, 伟哥专卖店决定, 推出一种借贷伟哥销售模式, 即使你没有足够的现猪, 只要你敢承诺到该女房中一夜, 带16头猪回来, 我就可以先把伟哥卖给你。例如如果你缺一头猪, 就可以先欠一头, 事成后补交猪款, 这个方法大大促进了伟哥销售。

哈佛导师评论: 这就是贷款, 让企业可以根据未来的收益选择借支流动资金。扩展生产能力, 这就是信用经济, 信用经济是建立在良好信用和经济持续成长基础上的, 只要大家都讲信用, 伟哥就可以源源不断提供给大家使用。


伟哥专卖店尝到甜头, 借贷胆子越来越大, 后来在即使你一头猪都没有, 只要你承诺可以到该女房中一夜, 就可以先借, 事成后补交猪款。

哈佛导师评论: 这就是金融创新, 让现在的人花未来的钱, 反正等你老了未来的钱你也花不动。


消息一出, 换猪男越来越多, 有人找伟哥专卖店, 这个项目太好了, 我们把它变成优质基金, 对外销售债卷, 你们也就可以分享我的收益, 如何?

结果伟哥专卖店觉得甚好, 于是该公司把换猪男分三类, 一类是拿现猪换的, 一类是一部分现猪贷的, 一类是完全没有现猪借的, 发行三种债卷。大家踊跃而上。纷纷购买伟哥专卖店的债卷, 伟哥专卖店生意太好, 就把债卷销售外包给另外一家公司运作, 该公司也一并大发其财, 公司越做越大, 甚至可以脱离实际伟哥销售情况来发行, 给自己和伟哥专卖店带来巨大的现金收益。

哈佛导师评论: 这就是专业的人做专业的事, 从实体经营到资本运作, 经济进入了更高的层次。


为了防止自己债卷未来有损失, 该公司决定给它买上保险, 这样债卷销售就更容易, 因为一旦债卷出现问题, 还可以获得保险公司的赔付, 保险公司一计算, 到目前为止伟哥销售伟约率很低, 毕竟做爱是刚性需求, 必须满足, 只要承诺可以接受保费, 就可以获得一大笔收入, 而违约风险很低。哇, 所有的债卷如果出问题还有保险公司负责理赔, 债卷公司销售这下子太好了, 保险公司也获得巨大平白无故的保险收入。

哈佛导师评论: 这就是风险对冲, 策略联盟, 提高了企业的抗风险能力, 也保护了消费者利益。


换猪男太多, 排长队等待, 该女无法承受, 说老娘不干了, 我搬家, 一时间有无数拥有伟哥的欠猪男。

哈佛导师评论: 这是个别现象, 属于市场的正常波动, 不会影响整个经济。


结果该女迟迟不肯搬回。一部分欠猪男没有收入, 只好宣布愿意低价交换伟哥, 伟哥突然一下子从16个猪下滑到8个猪一粒也卖不掉, 市场出现伟哥恐慌, 原来伟哥也可以暴跌, 一些拥有伟哥的人赖帐, 结果大量借贷到期无法返回现猪, 伟哥专卖店晕了, 不得不宣布有大量借贷者欠猪不还, 属于信用违约。

哈佛导师评论: 这是个人行为, 大部分贷款是优质人群。


大量次级猪贷违约, 那么对应他们的债卷也就一钱不值, 承担销售的债卷公司一看一粒伟哥16头猪, 这哪里还得起, 宣布倒闭。

哈佛导师评论: 这是次贷危机, 不会影响整个金融贷款,


哈佛导师哪里晓得债卷公司还把债卷上了保险, 保险公司一看, 这哪里赔得起, 于是也宣布要倒闭。

哈佛导师评论: 这是金融危机, 还不会影响整个实体经济。


大量的人破产, 不敢消费, 经过经济下滑, 没有敢把猪借给别人, 怕有去无回, 市场越来越冷淡!

哈佛导师评论: 全国人民都要出血的时刻到了, 虽然那些卖伟哥的, 卖债卷的, 卖保险的在赚钱的时候发了财, 现在搞出漏子了, 如果我们不帮他们埋单, 我们将来还是最大的受害者。


伟哥专卖局决定向全国人民借7000亿头猪拯救市场, 市场依然故我, 全国有猪者和无猪者都很愤怒, 谁拿走了我们的猪?

哈佛导师评论: 早就告诉你们, 为什么不去监管? 现在唯一的办法, 就是找几个国外养猪户以负责任的大猪国形象来注猪, 否则大家都要完蛋!


后文: 据说该女已搬到中国定居, 此外哈佛教授带的几个研究生也在中国淘金中。
阅读提示: 猪是现金, 伟哥是房子。


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使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-11-10 09:58:06 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-11-10 13:28:58 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-11-10 14:05:56 | 显示全部楼层

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-11-10 14:07:07 | 显示全部楼层

a man go to the market sale of pigs, dark and the rain, twenty pigs are not sold as, to a farmhouse for shelter.
young woman said: only one person at home inconvenience.
M: Please, big sister, to a pig.
Woman: Well, but the house was only one bed.
M: I went to bed to sleep, give a pig.
Female: Yes.
middle of the night men and women to discuss, I went to sleep on top of you, women would not.
M: two pigs.
women allowed to require up unable to move.
awhile, men can not help, begged moving about, women would not.
M: moving about two pigs. Women agreed.
eight men moved to stop, women asked why not move?
men that pig was gone.
woman whispered to me: either I give you pig ... ...
dawn, the male whistling drive 30 (including the young woman home 10) Pigs to Market to the ... ...
Harvard Instructor comments: To found that users of potential demand, pre-need guidance, training needs of users, thus resulting into
the law is in line with the development.
(strengthening articles)
another man about the incident, determined to do the same, then go to the market sale of pigs, dark and the rain, twenty pigs are not Sell into
, to a farmhouse for shelter
young woman said: only one person at home inconvenience.
M: Please, big sister, to a pig
Woman: Well, but the house was only one bed.
M: I went to bed to sleep, give a pig.
Female: Yes. Female Male Commercial
night, I went to sleep on top of you, women would not.
M: two pigs.
women allowed to require up unable to move.
awhile, men can not help, begged moving about, women would not.
M: moving about two pigs. Women agreed.
seven men stopped moving, women asked why not move?
, said: get away ~ ~ ~ female :......
dawn, the male head down to catch two pigs to Market to the ......
Harvard Instructor comments: To combined with their own scale of prudent investment, and guard against financial problems
strand breaks another man about the incident, determined to do the same and learn, then replace it first with a pig Viagra,
everything has to be, morning, the male whistling drive 38 (including the young woman home 18) Pigs to Market to the ... ...
Harvard Instructor comments: If companies access to financial capital to help their own management capacity will be doubled.
know this method more than men, Viagra in short supply, and gradually to 2, 3 pigs for a Viagra.
Harvard Instructor Comments: This is inflation.
when the price rose to 16 a pig, when Harvard Instructor comments: The man has entered the marginal cost, with the exception of having their own ability
self-confidence and good will the future other than the actual current swine have been zero.
but more and more for men and pigs, the decision to sell Viagra, expanding production capacity, introduce a secondary Viagra, such as
If you lack a pig, as long as you promised to the night the woman room to connect First, by, things are after the pay
pig models, this approach greatly facilitated Viagra sales.
Harvard Instructor Comments: This is the loan, so that enterprises can borrow based on future revenue options liquidity
Viagra stores later in a pig even if you have No, as long as you promise to the girls room for one night,
can be borrowed, things are after the money pay pig.
Harvard Instructor Comments: This is financial innovation, so that people now spend future money, anyway
're old and not spend the money you do not move.
news came out, for male pigs are more and more people looking for Viagra store, this project great, we
it into Quality Fund, the foreign sales of bonds, you also can share my earnings, how? Viagra store
feel even better results, so the companies are three types of men for pigs, one pig for now is to get the
, one is part of the loan are pigs, one pig is not now borrowed, issue three types of bonds. We
active and on. Stores have to buy the bonds Viagra, Viagra store business is very good, put off bond sale
operations outsourced to another company, the company also be great fortunes, the company grew and grew, and even
Viagra sales could come from the actual issue, and Viagra to their huge stores of cash income
Harvard Instructor Comments: This is the professional people to do the professional thing, to the capital from the physical operation of business, economic
into a higher level.
their bonds in order to prevent future losses, the company decided to give it to buy the insurance, so the bond sales to
easier, because once the debt volume problems, you can also get the insurance company of the debts, wow, bond sales erupted in the public good
Division, the insurance company was also a great income insurance for nothing.
Harvard Instructor Comments: This is the risk hedging, strategic alliances, improve the enterprise's risk-resisting ability, but also
protect the interests of consumers.
male pig for too many long lines waiting, the woman can not afford, said his aging mother quit, I move, there are many a time
Viagra male pigs with less.
Harvard Instructor Comments: This is an individual phenomenon, belonging to normal market fluctuations will not affect the entire economy.
result has been reluctant to move back to the woman. Part of the male pigs due to no income, had to repudiate, the results can not be a lot of maturity for the bond
are pigs, the bond company to look, a Viagra 16 pigs, which have to play where declared
Harvard Instructor Comments: This is the sub-prime crisis will not affect the entire financial industry.
where the company also knew the bond on the bond insurance, insurance companies,ed jeans, a look, where it can afford to lose, so
also announced to close down .
Harvard Instructor Comments: This is the financial crisis will not affect the real economy.
later: It is said that the woman had moved to China permanently.
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-11-10 22:31:55 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-11-11 09:10:21 | 显示全部楼层
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