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发表于 2010-5-25 07:48:30
去年元旦前一天,从San Diego直接开回湾区,一路顺利。5-6点钟,到了Gilroy,离San Jose还有不到一小时的路了,终于松了口气。从152拐到101上,看看左边的车道较空,中间和右面的车道车很多,猜想左边是Carpool Lane. 因车里有三个人,因此我换车道到左边去。刚到左车道,几秒钟之后,看到后面警车的灯亮了。
跟同事和朋友说,大家都劝我交了罚单,上Traffic School了事。上法庭要浪费很多时间,若输了的话,要记点,以后保费要上去。
但我咽不下这口气。搜索一下网上,发现可以用“Written Declaration"去争辩,这样就不用浪费时间到法院等法官大人接见了。但是还是去了一次法院,先把罚款$222交上,和工作人员说我要”Written Declaration” 表格。过了几个星期,写好了”Statement of Facts",把表格交还给法院。回家等候。
这是我写的“Statement of Facts",基本上陈述事实,没有添油加醋。
Statement of Facts
It was on Dec 29, 2009, around 5:40 pm, I was on highway 152 west, turned right onto highway 101 north. My wife, my daughter were in the car. The sky was already dark, but there are still lots of traffic on 101.
I accelerated on ramp and merged safely into the right lane of 101. Once on it, I noticed there were lots of cars on the middle and right lanes, but few on the left. I figured the left lane could be the carpool lane and I decided to change to left lane since we had three people in the car.
I signaled, checked, changed to middle lane first, again signaled, checked and changed to left lane. A few seconds after I was on the left lane, I saw police car lights were flashing right behind me. So I pulled over to road side and stopped, was wondering what I have done wrong. The total time was less than 30 seconds since I was on 101.
The policemen told me that I was driving at 75 mph. However I seriously doubted. I was in no position to accelerate when I was on the right and middle lane because they were packed with cars. Considering a very visible police car on the left, I doubt the cars on the middle lane could ignore that and drive at the speed of 75 mph. I was simply following the traffic.
Frankly, I don't know where I made mistakes. From my 20 year driving experiences, traffic on 101 was very normal, and I was driving in a very safe manner. To me, this kind of penalty certainly will not make road safer, instead, it makes people feel being unfairly ripped off. I don't know what kind of purpose it can serve.
I decided to contend instead of just paying the penalty and go to driving school, because I don’t believe driving school will teach me anything different from what I did.
Notice from court