从甜心心家出来,准备带孩子去超市买东西的,临时改主意了——因为看到天边黑压压的大片云,车行不到2分钟感觉狂风大作,车体晃晃悠悠!心里很怕!60公里限速的车道我开到将近80公里,因为路上没有什么车,幸亏很快到家了。刚进门,就听到噼里啪啦的声音,隔着窗户看看,冰雹足有拇指大!因为大风,很多车的报警器都大响。赶紧看天气预报,电视信号不强,断断续续看到龙卷风警报!爱网上网友说:Tornado TOUCH DOWN YELLOWHEAD HIGH WAY,北区、西区有停电,已经睡着的孩子被惊醒,开始哭闹。更有网友说:感觉屋顶要被掀开,墙体晃悠,已经全家准备停当下地下室。天气预报说这种天气会持续整晚。怕.......家里的天窗被冰雹砸得丁丁当当的..............我的第二茬补种庄稼算是又完蛋了...................
At 10:30 PM radar shows a line of severe thunderstorms from 30 km northeast of the city of Edmonton extending through the city of Edmonton to 50 km east of Drayton Valley tracking eastwards at 80 km/h. These thunderstorms have been producing winds up to 100 km/h and toonie size hail。
Severe thunderstorms are imminent or occurring in these regions. Remember that some severe thunderstorms produce tornadoes. Listen for updated warnings.