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[其它] 雅思阅读解题技巧.doc

发表于 2009-6-12 20:27:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-6-12 20:30:40 | 显示全部楼层
二.        Ture/False/Not given(是非题)

1. 题型要求

题目是若干个陈述句,要求根据原文所给的信息,判断每个陈述句是对(Ture)、错(False)、还是未提及(Not Given)。




2. 解题步骤

STEP 1:定位,找出题目在原文中的出处。

(1)找出题目中的关键词, 最好先定位到原文中的一个段落。


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 楼主| 发表于 2009-6-13 07:05:36 | 显示全部楼层
1、computer games are popular among children , no matter what their nationalities and age are parents think they bring less educational influence but harmful effects on children. give your opinion on this topic.
computer games在很多国家的学生中很流行,但是家长认为弊大于利,你的观点是什么,还要求结合自己的例子说明。今年已考过一次
At present, one of the distressing problems many parents are faced with is their children’s indulgence in computer games. Although PC games, as a means of entertainment, help children respond nimbly and also activate their intelligence, its adverse impacts are so great that it has far too much outweighed its value.
In the first place, students’ indulgence in PC games will result in poor academic records. If a student were addicted to PC games, he could never be concentrated on study. This negligence of academic study will inevitably lead to their ignorance of basic knowledge, which is extremely harmful to the growth of children.
In the second place, PC games are blamed for the increasing rate of juvenile delinquency. Influenced by the violence and pornography crammed in PC games, children can hardly learn to tell right from wrong, let alone develop a full personality, which even leads them to crimes.
In the third place, PC games also do harm to children’s health. A person who in concentrated on PC games can hardly stop without keeping sitting in front of the screen for hours, even days and nights, which will easily lead to many physical diseases, such as near-sight and backache for all days’ sitting and staring, malnutrition and ulcers because of the neglect of dishes.
From all discussed above, we find that computer games have played some positive role in children’s life. However, the negative influences have far outweighed the positive ones. Thus children should be encouraged to play some instructive PC games rationally under the effective supervision of the elders.
2、一些国家让年轻人必须在军队中服役,你认为这个制度合理好吗?如果没有这个制度,你是否认同他们去做些其他的社会工作,用你自己的经验来说明. 今年已考过一次
3、some high schools cancel sports classes so that the students can have more time to learn other subjects such as math and physics.在你的国家是什么样的情况?你认为体育课安排多少时间合理?为什么?给出你的例子.
4、Some people hold that childhood is the most important period in a person's life. Others say that the first year of finishing school has a bigger effect on a person's future character and life. what do you think is the most important time in a person's life.
5、These days fast foods are very popular. Some people think some traditional nutrition foods and cooking methods have disappeared .Do you agree or disagree with the above statement?
With the amazingly speeding up people’s life rhythm, more and more people spend less time on their dining. Then comes the springing up of fast food, such as Kentucky and McDonald’s, which has gained great popularity among the public, especially among the young generation. This trend reminds many people who can’t help asking: Will traditional food be replaced by fast food? For my part, I firmly have the negative answer.
The reason why fast food is so popular is that it has advantages. It is fast and convenient and also saves time for it can be taken away, even eaten while working. Compared with the complicated cooking process of traditional food, it is more economical and much easier. However, fast food generally is lack of nutrition and intake of too much calories from it may lead to obesity. These would-be health problems make people dare not eat it very often, though it looks and smells really inviting and appetizing.
On the other hand, traditional food also has a good many merits. First, it has more various styles and caters for individual taste. We can choose from many types of cuisines according to our own tastes. Second, it is more nourishing than fast food due to its variety of ingredients, which is a main contributing factor of people’s health. Last, as an aspect of culture, food can help us understand some values or world views of local people. Nevertheless, every coin has two sides, so does traditional food. Because of its time-consuming and difficult process of cooking, many salary men cannot enjoy it at their dinner.
In short, from the merits and demerits of both kinds of food, we can find that it is impossible for this one to replace the other. Because for different people, each has his likes and dislikes, and for food style, each shines more brilliantly in individual’s preference. The best policy is to develop the merits of fast food while preserving the essence of traditional food.

6、Many schools demand the students to wear uniform. Some people think that such a practice undermines their personality and individuality. What do you think?
  In some countries, e.g. Britain and many Caribbean states, it is common for school pupils to have to wear distinctive uniforms identifying them with a particular institution, especially to the end of compulsory education at 16. In others, e.g. France, the USA, it is rare for uniforms to be worn, although some private schools may retain them. In both situations the desirability of school uniforms remains controversial among students, parents and educationalists. As a result of this some schools have abandoned uniform at the same time as others have adopted it.
pros        cons
  Uniform helps to create a strong sense school ethos and a sense of belonging to a particular community. As such it promotes discipline and helps to drive up academic standards, which is why a uniform is often adopted by schools which are being reopened with a fresh start after being classified as failing.           Uniform suppresses individualism and treats students en masse rather than encouraging teachers to recognise their different characters and abilities, and students to accept responsibility for aspects of their own lives. Uniform was better suited to an age of rote learning and military-style discipline than to the more exploratory and creative values of modern education – values which are increasingly important to the wider economy. Many schools, indeed many countries, manage to maintain high school standards of discipline, community and academic performance without adopting uniform.
  Uniform acts as a social leveller, under which all students are equal in the eyes of the school and of each other. In institutions without uniform students are often competitive and worry endlessly about their appearance and the clothes they should wear. Pupils without expensive designer clothes and trainers may be singled out as social outcasts, or stigmatised as being from poor backgrounds. For these reasons many parents prefer uniforms as they save them money on buying clothes for school wear.           Students always find ways to tease or bully others, regardless of what clothes are worn. Those who wish to be particularly fashionable will want to own the same number of outfits regardless of whether they are allowed to wear them to school or not, changing into them the minute that classes are over. Parents often find some uniform items, e.g. jackets, very expensive compared to the rest of their child’s wardrobe, and complain they can never be worn outside the school environment.
  Uniform has practical benefits when students are outside the school building. Being readily identified with a particular institution may make students more aware of their behaviour while travelling to and from the school, leading them to act more considerately, e.g. to other passengers on buses or trains. On organised trips away from the school it is much easier for teachers to ensure they haven’t lost anyone and to monitor behaviour, than if students wore their own clothes and blended in with the crowds.           Uniform makes students very identifiable and emphasises the divisions between schools, making it very easy for bullying and fights to develop between students from rival institutions as they travel to and from school.
  Uniform prepares students for life after education, when most will be expected to dress smartly and appropriately for work, adhering to a corporate dress code.           The business world is increasingly relaxed about dress codes, making those schools that insist on uniform increasingly anachronistic. Adults who attended schools without uniform do not appear to struggle in the workplace.
  Uniform makes it easy to check that every student maintains a smart appearance and is dressed appropriately for their classes. In schools where students are allowed to dress as they like, in practice a constant battle has to be fought by staff to ensure that what the students choose to wear is not inappropriate, e.g. because it is too revealing, features T-shirts with offensive slogans, would be dangerous while performing scientific experiments, etc.           Often it is uniform that is inappropriate, being too cold in winter or too hot in summer, largely because it is badly designed and cheaply-produced in small quantities for a captive market. Girls in particular complain at being forced to wear skirts even in the coldest months, when many would generally wear trousers from choice and some, e.g. Muslims, for cultural reasons. Students will always attempt to subvert any dress code, strict or lenient, requiring staff vigilance in any case.
This House would introduce school uniform
This House would create a stronger school ethos
This House believes successful education rests upon firm discipline
7、Some people believe that pet animals such as cats and dogs can not be kept in the cities, especially in busy modern cities. Do you agree?
8、Participating sport are more important for social development and psychological health than physical condition . Agree or disagree. use your experience. 今年已考过一次

11、Nowadays people feel more stressful in the workplace. Give some advice to employers and employees to reduce their stress. 今年已考过一次

12、Children have long hours of homework which causes much stress on them. children should not be in such a situation, and they need much leisure time. Please offer your opinion on this topic with some evidence to support your attitude. 今年已考过一次
13、It is very popular for people studying full-time courses take part-time job. Advantages and disadvantages.
What is your opinion about taking a part-time job for high school or university students? Give your reasons and some examples about own experience.

Nowadays it is a common phenomenon that high school and university students find some part-time jobs to do. But some people doubt about it. Whether students should do some part-time jobs or should stay in school concentrating on their study? It’s a controversial issue. For my point, I support that high school and university students do their part-time jobs.

Firstly, doing a part-time job can help them widen their horizons. Students learn lots of knowledge in school, but that’s not enough. Facing the complicated society, they still need more knowledge that can’t learn from the school. And needless to say, the knowledge from the society is often updated than that from school’s textbooks.

Secondly, doing a part-time job can enhance the student’s abilities to overcome difficulties. Undoubtedly, in comparison with in school, there are more obstacles and difficulties in society. In society, students have to deal with the obstacles by them-selves, which is a good training for their growth.

Finally, by doing a part-time job, students would understand the principle that one has to work hard to earn money. And also they would understand how hard their parents work to bring them up. As the saying goes, “No pains, no gains”. During the part-time job, they have to work hard to work hard to earn money. Most part-time jobs are hard works, such as working in McDonald’s or KFC.

To sum up, taking a part-time job is good to students. By doing this, they can learn what can’t learn from their schools. So that is the reason why so many famous entrepreneurs such as Michael Dell, the CEO of DELL, and Bill Gates had done their part-time jobs when they were studying in school.
14、What are the advantages and disadvantages of getting married with a foreigner?
15、What kind of people should be highly paid? Doctors, politicians or artists?

16、Should media publish people's private lives,媒体报导私生活,应不因该禁止? (举例)今年已考过一次
  The extent to which the media are legally free to investigate and publish details of public figures’ private lives varies from country to country. For example, France is much stricter on protecting personal privacy than Britain is. The debate has recently been given additional importance by the development of Human Rights law within Europe , as privacy is classed as a right under the European Convention of Human Rights, as well as by political scandals in France, Italy, Belgium, etc., which have highlighted the need to scrutinise public figures’ behaviour closely. The arguments below apply mostly to politicians and other public officials, for example judges and civil servants, but are also partially applicable to celebrities such as film and pop stars, footballers, etc.
pros        cons
  The people have a right to know about those in power over them. Their salaries are paid for by the people (whether through taxes, in the case of politicians and civil servants, or by revenue generated by films, CDs, TV, etc., in the case of celebrities). The decisions of public political figures affect many aspects of people’s lives; in exchange the people have the right to make informed judgements about the kind of leaders they have. Any attempt to restrict what may be reported about public figures in the press could easily become a conspiracy to keep voters in the dark and to manipulate them.           The ‘public interest’ is not the same thing as what the public is interested in. There will always be a fascination in learning intimate details about the lives of the powerful and famous, but this should not be a reason to deny public figures the right to privacy that the rest of us enjoy. Nor should public figures be held to higher standards of personal behaviour than the rest of society by a sensationalist press seeking only to sell newspapers. If newspapers were forced to focus upon the policies and public actions of politicians, rather than their personal foibles, democracy would be better served.
  All elections are to a greater or lesser extent about the character of the leading politicians involved. Unless the voters are allowed insights into their private lives they will lack the information needed to make a fair decision at the polling booth. For example, many would think that a politician who betrayed his wife in an affair was equally capable of breaking his promises and lying to his country.           Private morality and eccentricities have no automatic relationship to someone’s ability to do a job well. Many great political leaders have had messy personal lives, while others, with blameless private lives, have been judged failures in office. If modern standards of press intrusion and sensationalism had been applied in the past, how many respected leaders would have reached or survived in office? Kennedy (adultery)? Roosevelt (disability)?
  A free press is essential to the functioning of a free-market economy, exposing corruption and dishonesty on the part of public officials and businesses. If investigative journalists are prevented from scrutinising the private lives of public figures, then corruption and crime will be much easier to hide. For example, just how does a senior civil servant afford a Ferrari, a yacht and a villa in Monaco on his government salary?           Such close press scrutiny actually places public figures under considerable strain, making both poor performance in office and personal problems such as marital breakdown more likely.
  No clear dividing line can be drawn between public and private behaviour – drawing up rules will be arbitrary and will exclude at least some corrupt or dishonest behaviour of bearing. For example, President Mitterand of France hid his cancer from the French electorate for years – was this a public or a private matter? He also had a mistress and illegitimate daughter, who were secretly taken on some of his foreign visits at state expense; again, is this a private or a public matter?           Continual probing into the private lives of public figures actually harms the functioning of democracy. Very few potential candidates will have entirely spotless private lives, free from embarrassing indiscretions committed while young and irresponsible. The prospect of fierce and unforgiving press scrutiny will thus deter many from seeking public office and deny their talents to the public good. Those who do present themselves for election will therefore tend to be rather unrepresentative individuals of a puritanical nature, whose views on sex, family life, drugs, etc. may be skewed and intolerant as a result.
  Many politicians (and religious leaders) make an explicit or implicit campaign point out of their family values and other aspects of their “private” life, for example by being photographed with their loyal family, and through policy stands on such issues as divorce, single mothers, sex education, drugs, etc. If the public image such people seek to create is at variance with their own practice, such hypocrisy deserves to be exposed.           When personal morality and family life is deliberately and explicitly used by a politician as a reason for them to be elected, then they have chosen to make it a public issue rather than a private one. This does not justify intrusion into the privacy of those politicians who do not parade their personal lives as a campaign method.
  Public figures seek this status knowing that it will bring attention to their private lives – pop stars, footballers, etc. Constant scrutiny is the price of fame. Many celebrities actively seek media exposure in order to advance their careers, revealing many aspects of their personal lives; once success has been bought in such a fashion it is hypocritical to complain of “press intrusion” into those few aspects the star would prefer to remain hidden.           Many public figures achieve celebrity status largely by mistake; it is a by-product of their pursuit of success in their particular field. For example, most professional footballers wanted when young simply to become the best player they could be, at the highest level they could reach. They do not wish to be “role models” and claim no special moral status, so why should their private lives be subjected to such public scrutiny?
This House believes that public figures have no right to private lives
This House demands the right to know
This House celebrates the power of the press

17、Now people tend not to eat fresh ingredient foods, and they prefer to eat fast foods, what's your opinion?
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