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[商业信息] 一个年度价值300亿的人

发表于 2009-4-1 00:46:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



转自:http://www.portfolio.com/executi ... act-on-Tech-Economy

When Apple CEO SteveJobs announced that he would be taking a six-month leave of absence forhealth reasons, the ensuing hand-wringing and hagiography all centeredaround one basic question: What is the value of Jobs to Apple Inc.?Jobs’ condition has everyone from stockholders to consumers wonderingwhether the company can continue to bring out revolutionary productslike the iMac, iPod, and iPhone without his creativity, vision, andleadership. We can’t look into the future, but we can try to assign anumber to the value that has already been produced by the company’sco-founder. Not only has he been worth a great deal to Apple since hereturned from exile in 1997, he has meant a lot to other companies aswell, including Apple’s direct competitors. It’s enough to make youwish that he had been running the whole darn show these past 12 years,because in the Steve Jobs economy, there is no such thing as arecession.

1. The Big Apple Itself

Nocompany has relied on a personality cult as much as Apple has withSteve Jobs. “Apple might well have been out of business by mid-1998 ifhe hadn’t come back,” says Jason Snell, editorial director of Macworld,an independent trade magazine. “So he arguably could take credit forevery single dollar.” Perhaps eyeing the future, Apple has begun tospread the love—to chief operating officer Tim Cook, industrial-designchief Jonathan Ive (below), and head of worldwide product marketingPhil Schiller. Our industry authorities suggest we give Jobs 50 percentof the credit. In the past 12 months, sales were $33 billion.

Jobs' Bite of the Apple: $16.5 billion

2. The Expanding Ecosystem

More than 4,000 accessories for iPods and iPhones are now on the market, everything from Bosespeakers to toilet-paper holders doubling as iPod stands. Accessorysales have reached $2 billion a year, though Apple is said to demand upto 10 percent of most items’ retail price in fees and royalties. Annualsales of iPhone applications (for which Apple’s cut is closer to 30percent) are at $175 million, making the total value for non-Applecompanies $1.9 billion. Throw in the roughly $5 billion a year AT&Tearns from its deal as the exclusive iPhone carrier (we’re creditingApple for only new AT&T customers), and the total is $6.9 billion.Then give Jobs his 50 percent cut.

Jobs' Bite of the Apple: $3.5 billion

3. The Competitors

One fringe benefit of Apple’s innovations is that they spur the competition to play catch-up.
(MicrosoftZune, anyone?) Jobs took MP3 technology mainstream, so he deservescredit for a slice of the $44 billion his competitors bring inannually. Last year, Amazon reportedly made $39 million from MP3downloads alone. Would anyone have bothered downloading a single cutwithout iTunes or the iPod? The same goes for the $64 billionsmartphone market. Without the iPhone, there would be no BlackBerry Storm phone or Google Android software. We’ll give Jobs 10 percent of the credit for the $108 billion in revenue generated by competitors.

Jobs’ Bite of the Apple: $10.8 billion

Bottom Line
Themost recent estimate of Jobs’ personal net worth was $5.7 billion. Buthe means much more than that to Apple, its partners, and itscompetition. On an annual basis, Jobs is the $30.8 billion man.

Steve Jobs’ Total Annual Value: $30.8 billion

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