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片尾有很多振奋人心的话。其中一句非洲谚语:Whenyou pray, moveyourfeet.GORE鼓励美国人,说美国人做成了那么多伟大的事情,为什么就不能通过行动改变环境,改变天气。中国人又何尝不是?结尾曲《Ineed to wake up》非常的好听,值得推荐。
最后加一句话,we need to wake up, really!
英文名称:An Inconvenient Truth
By Rosanne Skirble
Washington, DC
31 May 2006
watch Film Review report
Al Gore, a longtime advocate for the environment and former vicepresident of the United States, developed a slide show about the threatposed by global warming. Over the last six years, he has presented theshow more than 1,000 times around the world. In hopes of reaching awider audience, Gore joined filmmakers and turned the lecture into adocumentary film. The movie, called "An Inconvenient Truth” opens June2nd in movie theaters around America.
Al Gore
"If you look at the 10 hottest years ever measured," says Mr. Gore,"they've all have occurred in the last 14 years. And the hottest of allwas 2005. I am Al Gore. I used to be the next president of the UnitedStates of America…."
In the documentary called "An Inconvenient Truth," the former vicepresident takes center stag and he comes right to his point: hebelieves the environment is in grave danger
Patagonia, 75 years ago
"This is Patagonia 75 years ago and the same glacier today.
Patagonia, current
This is Mt. Kilimanjaro 30years ago and last year. Within the decade there will be no more snowsof Kilimanjaro. The scientific consensus is that we are causing globalwarming."
And many scientists say this means not just higher temperatures, but stronger storms, deadlier floods, and higher sea levels.
"This is what would happen in Florida. [This is what would happen]around Shanghai, home to 40 million people …the area around Calcutta -60 million," he illustrates. "Here's Manhattan. The World Trade CenterMemorial would be under water. Think of the impact of a couple hundredthousand refugees and then imagine 100 million."
Davis Guggenheim
Al Gore knows his stuff. Usingcomputer simulations, graphics, charts, facts and predictions, he andfilmmaker Davis Guggenheim tell what some would consider a mostinconvenient truth. "It's like where we were with civil rights. Youknow, a lot of decent people didn't pay attention to the fact that thiswas a country that was segregated and had unfair laws and suddenly thepoint of consciousness shifted and people said, 'Wow, we have to dealwith it and we have to get involved."
The movie makes a case for reducing heat-trapping carbon dioxideemissions that have been linked to severe storms, melting ice caps,rising sea levels and the spread of infectious disease.
"We have quadrupled the population of the planet in less than acentury, " says Mr. Gore. "Our technologies are a thousand times morepowerful. And, now all of a sudden, we are capable of doing damage toour only home, that we never could do in the past, and we have toquickly grasp the danger that this creates."
Fred Smith
But not everyone buys that message. Fred Smith heads the Competitive Enterprise Institute, a policy forumthat opposes mandatory curbs on CO2 emissions, and favors a free marketapproach to environmental issues. Smith says Gore's views -- and themovie that represents them -- are alarmist. "It's a sales attempt. Itis not an attempt to be an objective science, [explaining] on the onehand [this] and on the other hand [that]. [Gore is saying] thateverything is going to hell in a handbasket. Listen to me or else theworld you live in will cease to exist. Is it effective? I know thisissue very well, to me it wasn't effective. Is it a fear-mongeringlecture? It is."
So, in response, the Competitive Enterprise Institute broadcast a TVadvertisement, timed to coincide with the release of "An InconvenientTruth."
"You've seen those headlines about global warming: 'The glaciers aremelting. We're doomed.' That's what several studies supposedlyfound. But other scientific studies found exactly the opposite:Greenland's glaciers are growing, not melting. The Antarctic ice sheetis getting thicker, not thinner. Did you see any big headlines aboutthat? Why are they trying to scare us?"
But Gore says his campaign, and the film, are not aboutfear-mongering, or political agendas. “This is the most crucialchallenge that any of us have ever faced, and it's happening in ourlifetimes."
Getting that message out is why Davis Guggenheim signed on to directthe film, which he hopes will become a catalyst for change. In "AnInconvenient Truth," he says, Al Gore is not asking for a vote forpolitical office, he is asking for a vote for the planet.
“我是戈尔,我曾经是美国的下一届总统。”在美国前副总统戈尔幽默的开场白中,这部名为《不愿面对的真相》(An Inconvenient Truth)的影片,开始了对气候变暖清晰和精炼的解释。
曾经主管过全美温室效应项目,现任位于华盛顿的气候研究院首席科学家的麦克文(Michael MacCracke n)在接受记者采访时对这部纪录片非常嘉许,“戈尔将科学的重要性传递给了公众,让公众了解到全球变暖对于他们的生活,以及将来意味着什么。”
其实,从上大学的时候起,戈尔就是热情的环保主义者,“他非常严肃地关注环境问题已经有30多年了。”西亚多·罗斯福(TheodoreRoosevelt IV)是戈尔多年的朋友,也是全球气候变化中心(the Pew Center for Global ClimateChange)的主席,“他对这样的一个问题非常有激情,对他来说再也没有比全球气候变暖更重要的问题了。”