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【】可以辞职领EI 的40个理由

发表于 2008-7-18 03:22:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. Adoption–Leave Not Granted
2. Armed Forces–Failure to Re-enlist for a Further Term
3. Course of Instruction or an Employment Activity–Referred by a Designated Authority and Starting Within a Short term
4. Disciplinary Action–Penalty Clearly Disproportionate
5. Discrimination on a Prohibited Ground
6. Duties–Intolerable Situation
7. Health Adversely Affected by Work or Working Environment
8. Health Adversely Affected–On Credible and Convincing Explanations from the Claimant
9. Health Adversely Affected–On Doctor's Advice
10. Illness in Immediate Family–Presence Required
11. Intolerable Situations–Living Accommodations, Food, Facilities, Employment Amenities
12. Moral Objections Based on Religious Beliefs
13. Moral Objections: Employer's Practices Contrary to Professional Ethics, Law
14. Moral Objections: Illegal Activities or Contrary to Fundamental Ethical Values
15. Moving Because of an Anticipated Marriage
16. Moving with Parents in the Case of a Minor
17. Obligation to Accompany a Spouse or Dependent Child to Another Residence
18. Obligation to Care for a Child or a Member of the Immediate Family
19. Overtime–Excessive Hours
20. Overtime–Failure to Pay
21. Pregnancy–Incapacity to Work and Leave Not Granted
22. Reasonable Assurance of Another Employment in the Immediate Future
23. Relation with Authority–Hostile Atmosphere Created by Superiors
24. Relation with Co-workers–Abusive Treatment
25. Retirement–Undue Pressures from Employer
26. Sexual or Other Harassment
27. To Start a Business or to Become Self-employed in a Near Future
28. Transportation problems–serious, even insolvable
29. Union Relations–Employer's Abusive Treatment
30. Union Relations–No Longer Acting as Strike-breaker
31. Wages–Formal Promise of Increase Not Fulfilled
32. Wages–Hiring Conditions Not Honoured
33. Wages–Loss Due to Employer's Financial Difficulties
34. Wages–Unjustified Reduction
35. Wages or Salary Less than Provided by Legislation
36. Work Away from Family–Serious Illness in the Family
37. Work Away from Family–After a Reasonable Period of Absence
38. Working Conditions–Significant Unilateral Changes
39. Working Conditions–Unreasonable, Restrictive
40. Working Conditions that Constitute a Danger to Health or Safety

[ 本帖最后由 lamjin 于 2008-7-21 22:00 编辑 ]


参与人数 3财富 +15 收起 理由
蓝色薄荷 + 7
sasar + 3 谢谢分享
霹雳油侠 + 5 热心答疑



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