Air raid sirens, and car, train and ship hornswailed and people stood for three minutes in silence yesterday to mournthe tens of thousands who died in last week's earthquake.
Flags were flyingat half-mast across thecountry and all public entertainment has been suspended as thethree-day mourning period started. The Olympic torch relay is alsosuspended during the period.
上述报道中,stand in silence就是“起立默哀”的意思,at half-mast是“降半旗”的意思,用在句子里我们可以说:
Flags are at half-mast. /Flags are flying at half-mast.但也有专家认为“降半旗”应该译作“at half-staff”,因为half-mast 专指 the flag being lowered“is on a ship or at a naval installation(海军军事设施)”。
哀悼日期间,除了suspend publicentertainment(停止公共娱乐活动),suspend the Olympic torchrelay(暂停奥运火炬传递)以外,外交部和驻外使领馆还设了“吊唁簿”(condolence books),“股票和期货交易”
(stocksand futures exchanges)5月19日下午14:28时“临时停市3分钟”(temporarily suspendtrading for 3 minutes)。