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[闲聊话题] 写给CTV的抗议信

发表于 2008-4-9 23:12:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

作为新闻工作的职业, 你们应该真实,公平,公正地报道新闻. 但我在4月5日晚上大约9点多钟的时候, 当CTV在报道EDMONTON华人反对暴力,反对西藏独立,反对偏见的新闻报道时,  仍然看到你们用尼泊儿警察为了防止西藏示威者的暴力行为而采取的制止的图片.  CTV不止一次的用类似的图片来误导不知情的民众, 暗示这是中国政府在粗暴的手段来镇压那些示威者. 你们大幅不停的报道要求西藏独立人士的示威游行, 不管是几个人还是几十人. 但是却很少播出他们非法闯入中国TORONTO大使馆, 摘中国的国旗以及在其他的国家非法,暴力的侮辱中国的事件. 你们在报道西藏暴乱的新闻时, 并没有播出那些喇嘛的暴力行为的图片. 因为你们清楚的知道这完全戳穿了他们和平示威的面孔.  反而不停的播放尼泊尔的警察在阻止西藏示威者的暴力行为的录像.  这也就是为什么在3月29日那天, 一共有几千人在VANCOUVER, TORONTO,CALGARY 三个大城市举行了反对暴力,反对西藏独立,反对偏见的新闻报道的大型示威活动. 正是你们片面而带有偏见的报道, 让我们自愿走上街头来表达我们的抗议. 你们不但轻描淡写几千人的心声, 而且还在用隐晦,卑劣的方法来继续映射是中国在镇压和使用暴力.  象你们这样的职业道德有何权利来谴责中国的新闻是经过筛选和没有自由的. 我认为这是对中国人的歧视,这就是你们用一些模棱两可的借口来攻击中国的惯用伎俩.  这就好象美国总统布什利用不实化学武器为借口侵略伊拉克一样, 这就是西方国家攻击,控制第三国家的经济和政治的一贯计谋. 我一直相信加拿大是一个爱好和平, 支持正义的国家, 有着和谐, 互相尊重的多元文化的民族. 但是主流媒体的近日片面,有计谋的宣传报道, 让我深深的感到是对中国的诋毁, 对生活在加拿大的中国人的一种变相歧视.我不仅要向管理新闻报道公正的部门投诉CTV, 我还要向人权组织去投诉CTV变相的歧视.CTV以及那些报道过片面,有偏见和用卑劣的手法误导群众的新闻媒介, 你们欠中国和中国人以及善良的加拿大民众一个道歉. 因为这些媒体没有真实, 公平,公正的将新闻报道出来.PS: 不管你是谁, 不管你是反共的, 还是爱共的, 只要你是中国人, 只要你是一个正直,善良,热爱和平,有正义的人,我相信你们都会支持的. 这篇文章是免费的. 任何人或报刊都可以转载. 我会尽快的将英文版也登出.  我也希望任何认识不同的政党,议员, 民权组织的人们可以将这封抗议信,转交给他们. 也希望有人可以转交一份给总理和多伦多的市长. 因为任何人都有权听到真实的不同的声音. 英文的我还没有写完, 但不管是支持还是批评, 我都谢了.

To all news broadcasts: Subject: unfair and untrue reporting and broadcasting.As news broadcasters professionalism, you should report all facts fairly and truly, this is conscience of the professionalism journalist. But on the April 5, for few times, the CTV showed numerous times on the Neapolitan Police hitting the Tibetan Buddhist of their riots, and violence against the Beijing Olympia preparation or torch patrol ceremony events, instead of showing the peaceful and quiet Pro-China-Beijing protest rallies carried out at Calgary, and Edmonton. It is very much questionable and unfair or even considered as biased report not showing as much photos or picture of the actual peaceful Pro-Beijing Olympia rallies, but only big photos and pictures of protesters of Tibetans only, an more over, the reports just had not made and showed the real photos or picture those Tibetan protesters invaded the Chinese Consulate General, and torn apart and insult the Chinese Flags, is this the prejudice of the news reporters, or they all been mandatory forced to report on contrary for political reasons, of some kind of pressure behind the scene? We as an ordinary citizen of Canada just don’t know, but only knowing it was unfair and untrue reporting because we were also among one of the protest for the rights of China, of its peaceful behaviour.Did your news reporting or broadcasting ever clearly show with evidence, which are available for those Tibetan monks lamas riots and protest with violent, killing, as well fire stores.  If you had done, these would pierce the monk’s lama’s false peace faces. Just showing the Tibetan protesters were beaten up by the Neapolitan police was just a cover up tool to cover the pro-china Beijing rallies. This has been proved that your biased and prejudiced reporting on the few thousand peaceful pro-china-Beijing Olympia protesting across Canadians majority cities such as Vancouver, Toronto, Calgary, and Edmonton not to mention some cities in the USA yet. Your reporting and broadcasting did not reflect the true voice of the ordinary citizens, instead trying your methodology to cover it up, and still showing contrarily on the Tibetans protesters were beaten by the Neapolitan police, which really had nothing to do with the pro-Beijing Olympia protesting.  If this is your criteria for the human rights to accusing China, then it is out of the moral, where is our democratic rights in Canada, and our voices, which you had chosen not to listen, but only the exile Tibetans, this is prejudice and biased, and unfair treatment to races. Why in favour or exile Tibetan, not Chinese, in fact, Tibetan whether inside china or outside, we still consider them as Chinese, it’s not for news reporters to classify us. Accusation or verbal attacking with news tools without facts, even with faked facts, just couldn’t stand a chance, just like the Bush government used the damaging and nuclear and chemical weapons for invading Iraq, it was an invasion, just you as broadcasting and reporting untrue stories and false photos shown as the cruelty used to porters for Tibetans.


参与人数 2财富 +10 收起 理由
Ruibin + 5 支持
懒洋洋 + 5



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