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【转贴】How can I improve your English? (zt)

发表于 2005-2-27 17:01:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
How can I improve your English? (zt)
English classes for newcomers are often called ESL classes. ESL stands for “English as a Second Language.” ESL classes can be offered through the public and separate (or Catholic) boards of education, community non-profit agencies and colleges. You may hear English classes referred to as ESL or LINC.
LINC (Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada) classes are only available to landed immigrants.
If you are not sure where to begin looking for ESL classes that meet your needs, you can first go to the Language Assessment Centre in your community. Phone to make an appointment. If you are a refugee claimant, you are not eligible for this service. Some ESL classes are offered during the day. Others are offered in the evening or on the weekend. Childcare is only available at some ESL classes. Some classes are continuous, but many have waiting lists.
There are also specialty ESL classes available such as ESL for business, TOEFL preparation courses, ESL and job search and English literacy development (ELD) programs.
You can find information about language classes at
·        Settlement agencies
·        your local board of education or school
·        community colleges
·        universities
·        community and immigrant services organizations
·        public libraries
Find out more about English as a Second Language programs and Language Assessment Centres.
For more information:
·        Search for an ESL Program at the Toronto District School Board - search this site for English as a Second Language programs offered by the Toronto District School Board.
·        Abracadabra ESL: The Easy Way to Find a Canadian ESL School - a list of ESL schools and programs by city or town and by type of program.
·        The Annotated Bibliography of LINC/ESL Computer Resources - a list of online resources that are rated according to Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) standards. This bibliography includes reviews of ESL software and Web sites, a guide to technology planning, and a glossary of computer-related terms.
·        District School Boards and School Authorities - the list is provided by the Ministry of Education. Visit your local boards' Web site for information on ESL programs.
·        ESL Programs Offered by Post-Secondary Institutions - this list of links to ESL programs in universities and colleges is compiled and maintained by the Council of Second Language Programs in Canada.
·        ESL Connections - a Web site that provides links to online ESL materials for teachers and students. Prepared by Prentice Hall Allyn & Bacon Canada.
·        ESL Magazine - an online edition of the bi-monthly print magazine serving English-language educators. Regular features include the editor's note, letters to the editor, news briefs, conference calendar, technology product reviews, Linguistic Laughs, classified ads and the Catalog Showcase.
·        TESL Canada - the national federation of English-as-a-second-language teachers, learners and learner advocates. Composed of provincial organizations, such as TESL Ontario. Member Web sites include resources for teachers and learners, publications, news and information on events.
·        Steps to Employment for Newcomers - workshop manuals offering newcomers an orientation to 18 different occupations in Ontario - computer, construction and home health care. The workshops target newcomers with basic proficiency in English, integrate orientation and sector-specific language training, and are compatible with topic and level outcomes in the LINC Curriculum Guidelines.
·        Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) - the Web site provides detailed information on TOEFL and TSE (Test of Spoken English), including test centres, dates, and sample tests.
·        Test of English for International Communication (TOEIC) - the TOEIC test is designed to assess a person's English skills in the workplace and everyday life.
·        Toronto Catholic District School Board - Adult ESL Programs - Information about Adult English as a Second Language Programs offered by the Toronto Catholic District School Board.
·        Toronto District School Board - Adult ESL Programs - Information about English as a Second Language Programs offered by the Toronto District School Board.

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so important information!

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