使用道具 举报
Post by thethornbird;730581 最后一项阿: AdaptabilityMaximum 10 pointsSpouse’s or common-law partner’s level of education A master’s degree or PhD and at least 17 years of full-time or full-time equivalent studies: 5 points 就是这个表上第一条。。。
Post by 茉莉;732404 初略算了一下:Education Maximum 25 points 25 Ability in English and/or French Maximum 24 points 6 ? Experience Maximum 21 points 21 Age Maximum 10 points 10 Arranged employment in Canada Maximum 10 points ? Adaptability Maximum 10 points 5 这样雅思只需要考6分就可以67分了.请问Arranged employment in Canada是否可以争取点分数,这样就不必考试了?
本版积分规则 发表回复 回帖并转播 回帖后跳转到最后一页
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