knowledge-based specification - it use a dialog(question-and-answer) method to access the data bases.
Master specifications - Master specifications have been developed using word processing programs that provide automated methods of editing specifications to suit a particular project.
Proprietary specifications - call for desired materials, products, systems, and equipment by their trade names and model numbers.
track record - 记录
closed specifications vs. open specifications
publicly-funded projects
water-reducing agents - 混凝土用的添加剂
air-entraining angents - 浇注混凝土添加剂
Sprayed-On Fireproofing
Approved Equal clause
Substitute products
Cash allowance specifications
lump sum-一次付的款额, 一次付清
peer review-那天听他们说,没明白,终于在书上看见了,就是有经验的人校对
jack-起重机 hydraulic jacks
?long-lead time
LEED - Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design