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[配偶子女] 夫妻团聚移民面试常问问题

发表于 2006-11-27 12:12:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
移民官最爱提的问题, 网上找到的, 供参考.

1. What is your occupation?
2. What is your intended occupation in Canada?
3. What kind of QUALIFICATION did you get?.
4. What university did you graduate from?
5. What’s your major?
6. Since you have graduated from the university for more than 10 years, how can you catch up the fast-growing world?
7. What have you learnt in your university?
8. Have the course you studied in the university helped you?
9. Can you speak any other language than English and Mandarin?
10. Do you have to speak English, write English in your working environment? 11. Have you received any professional training?
12. Have you received any on-site job training?
13. Do you have any professional license/certificate?
14. How did the training help you in your present career?
15. In what company are you working at present?
16. Can you tell me about your company?
17. How many employees are there in your companies?
18. How long have you been working in the company?
19. How long have you been working in this firm since your graduation?
20. How long have you been in the position?
21. Who do you report your work to?
22. What is your position in your company?
23. How many staffs do you supervise?
24. What’s the main business of your company? Name of general manager?
25. What have you done in your work? 26. What are your responsibilities?
27. What are your achievements?
28. What’s your routine work?
29. Do you have a reference letter from the present employer?
30. After you land in Canada, what sort of job you plan to look for and how long you believe will take you before you can successfully get a job offer?
31. How can you survive in Canada?
32. What are you going to do if you cannot find a job in Canada? How will your friends help you?
33. Do you have any relatives or friends in Canada who could assist you?
34. How much transferable funds and other personal assets do you have? Do you have a summary of your assets?

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 楼主| 发表于 2006-11-27 12:12:43 | 显示全部楼层

回复: 夫妻团聚移民面试常问问题


1. 衣冠整洁(男女双方都应穿着正式场合的服装,如男子应身着西装,打领带,穿皮鞋),谈话时眼睛直视移民官并时常面带微笑,您要充分表现自信,给移民官一个良好的印象。

2. 熟悉您与配偶的申请表格中每一栏的问题,您不必要象背书似的回答。如果没有听懂问题,有礼貌地请移民官重复一遍,不要似懂非懂就作回答。如果记不清表格中的年份,不必惊慌,可以说记不清了,让我看看文件或想一想等。

3. 您一定要非常熟悉自己的教育背景和就业的相关日期, 还要特别熟悉自己的专业技能,工作范围和具体的职务描述,这些内容都已经在您的申请表格、雇主的在职证明和律师的信中写得很清楚。您一定要在面试前认真阅读这些内容。

4. 在回答关于移民加拿大后的职业打算时,您一定要回答将继续从事提出申请所用的职业。要让移民官感到,您在心理、精神以及财力上都做好了迎接新生活的准备。  

5. 您在面试前还应加强英语口语和听力的练习。移民官使用的英语会是很大众化的,您流利的英语可以使移民官的工作轻松,增加他对您的好感。
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