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[联邦(EE)] 13. 体检(ME)须知

发表于 2006-11-19 13:03:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

13.1 注意事项:













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 楼主| 发表于 2006-11-19 13:03:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
13.1 注意事项

13.2 使馆的ME通知信

13.3 体检表和体检项目

13.4 加拿大指定医院名录

13.5 其它相关或值得强调的问题

13.6 论坛内相关讨论帖

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 楼主| 发表于 2006-11-21 20:58:03 | 显示全部楼层

13.3 体检表和体检项目

Has the applicant been previously examined for immigration into Canada? (Yes or No, if Yes, please show Date, City and Country) 申请人是否曾经为移民加拿大而接受体格检查?(是或否,如果是,请提供时间地点)
Has the applicant used addictive or mood alerting drugs? (Yes or No) 申请人是否服用上瘾药物或兴奋剂?(是或否)
Does the applicant consume alcohol? (Yes or No, if Yes, How much?) 申请人是否酗酒?(是或否,如果是,数量?)
Does the applicant smoke or has the applicant ever smoked tobacco? (Yes or No, if Yes, How much?) 申请人是否吸烟或曾经吸烟?(是或否,如果是,数量?)
Has the applicant ever suffered from or been told he had any of the following conditions? (Yes or No)
Head or neck injury 头部或颈部受伤
Nose or throat trouble 鼻或喉疾病
Ear trouble or deafness 耳部疾病或耳聋
Eye trouble 眼疾
Chronic cough or asthma 慢性咳嗽或气喘
Tuberculosis 肺痨
Other lung disease 其他肺部疾病
High blood pressure 高血压
Heart trouble 心脏病
Rheumatic fever 风湿性热
Diabetes mellitus 糖尿病
Endocrine disorders 内分泌疾病
Cancer or tumor 癌或肺瘤
Rheumatism, joint or back troubles 风湿性关节或脊背疾病
Mental disorders 精神病
Fainting spells, fitsor seizures 突发性眩晕,痉挛或癫痫
Chronic skin condition 皮肤病
Stomach pain or ulcer 胃病或溃疡
Other abdominal trouble 其他肠胃疾病
Kidney or bladder trouble 肾病或膀胱疾病
Sexually transmitted disease 性病
HIV positive 爱滋病阳性反应
Genetic or Familial disorders 遗传性疾病
Typhoid fever, malaria, tropical disease 伤寒,疟疾或热带病
Operations 曾经动过手术
Have you ever had a blood transfusion 曾经接受输血
Is the applicant now taking any medication or receiving treatment which must be continued in the future? (Yes or No) 申请人是否正在服药或要继续治疗?(是或否)
Please elaborate on all &quotyes" answers of questions include significant dates and know treatment. 对以上回答“是”的问题请详细说明,包括治疗日期。
Physical examination to be completed by the examining physician. 体格检查,由检验医生完成本报告。
Upon medical examination are there any abnormalities of the following: 体检中是否发现以下不正常的情况:
Head and Neck 头和颈部
Mouth and throat 口腔和喉部
Ears 耳
nose 鼻
Eyes including fundi 眼睛包括眼底
Heart 心脏
Chest, lungs and breast 胸,肺和乳房
Abdomen, liver, spleen,etc. 腹部,肚,脾等
Genito-urinary system 泌尿生殖系统
Hernial sites 疝气
Extremities and spine 脊柱和四肢
Nervous system 神经系统
Skin including surgical scars 皮肤包括手术疤痕
Lymphatic system 淋巴系统
Evidence of mental abnormality 精神病症状
Any other abnormalities 其他不正常情况 Female applicant pregnant if yes, date of L.M.P. 女申请者是否怀孕?如是,注明最后月经日期
Is the applicant now taking medication or receiving treatment of any kind? If so, specify 申请人目前是否服用药物或接受其他治疗?如是,请说明
Height 身高
Weight 体重
Visual acuity with glasses if worn 视力(如近视则测矫正视力)
Hearing whispered voice (normal: 6 meters(20 feet)) 听力
Blood pressure 血压
If abnormal repeat B.P. after resting 如果不正常,稍后再量
Pulse rate 脉搏
Pulse rhythm 脉搏节率
Mental development 智力发育(正常与否)
Please elaborate on all &quotyes" answers or abnormalities 请对回答是“是”的问题加以详细说明
Routine blood serologial tests for syphils (Candidates 15 years of age and older) 梅毒常规血清试验(15岁以下申请人免检)
FTA-ABS.(only in VDRL positive) Urinalysis (Candidates 5 years of ages and older) 尿检(5岁以下免检)
Protein 蛋白
Sugar 糖
Microscopic 显微镜检验结果
If abnormal, repeat. Large postero anterior chest X-ray film and report (required for all applicants 11 years of ages and older) 所有11岁以上人士必须进行X光检查。
Skeleton/soft-tissue 骨骼/软组织
Cardiac shadow 心脏X影象
Hilar & mediastinal nodes
Hemi diaphragms and CPAs X 线滤线器
Parenchymal infiltrates 软组织渗透
Pulmonary nodules肺孤立性结节
Pleural fibrosis/effusion
Interstitial fibrosis肺间质纤维化
Cavitation 气穴
Other abnormalities 其它异常情况
Sample of ME.jpg
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 楼主| 发表于 2006-11-21 21:23:44 | 显示全部楼层

13.4 加拿大指定医院名录



  台湾地区、中国境外的体检诊所,可以浏览此官方网页: http://www.cic.gc.ca/dmp-md/medical.aspx

Designated Medical Practitioners_China.pdf

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 楼主| 发表于 2006-11-21 21:37:43 | 显示全部楼层

13.5 其它相关或值得强调的问题

1. 体检医院的作息时间?





请带体检表(使馆发的淡绿色表格Section A

3. 体检必须空腹吗?

4. 如何做体检预约?


6. 一家人同时体检需要注意的问题?

7. 近视眼如何查矫正视力?

8. 曾患过肺结核或肺部有钙化点者需注意什么?

9. 女士需要避开月经期吗?

10. 孕妇需要注意哪些事项?

11. 乙肝病毒携带者需要化验肝功吗?

12. 如何查询体检结果?

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 楼主| 发表于 2006-11-21 21:49:37 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2006-11-22 20:54:46 | 显示全部楼层

回复: 13. 体检(ME)须知

13.6 使馆发出的ME信件

Dear Applicant,

We have completed the initial assessment of your application for permanent residence in accordance with the new immigration legistration, Immigration and Refugee Protection Act(IRPA). Based on file information, we anticipate being able to finalize your application without a selection interview within the next 6 months. However, please note, we may decide, at any point in the application process, that an interview may not be waived.

In order to continue the processing of your application, please proceed with the items marked below:

  • Please find attached the necessary forms and instructions for an immigration medical examination. You are required to proceed with your medical examination within 45 days from the date of this letter.
  • Please refer to the attached list of documents. You are required to submit all documents marked with "" within 90 days from the date of this letter
  • No Additional documents at required at this time.
  • Applicants who meet the addmission requirements for permanent residence in Canada are required to pay the Right of Permanent Residence Fee(RPRF). The RPRF must be paid before you and your accompanying dependant receive your immigrant visa(s). The payment instruction sheet is enclosed. The RPRF only applies to principal applicant and his/her accompanying spouse or common-law partner.
Upon receipt of satisfactory medical examination results and all outstanding documents we expect to finalize your application and issue a visa. You should not contact this office regarding your case until you have submitted all required documents AND at least six months have passed from the date of your medical examination. We will not respond to any enquiries mode before then. However, should you need to advise us of a significant change in your application such as a change in your address or family composition (i.e. marriage, birth, death, divorce, separation or adoption of any person included on your application), please do so by facsimile or mail.

If you fail to comply with the immigration requirements within the deadline, we may refuse your immigration application.

This is a computer-generated form letter which requires no signature.
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-11-21 20:58:03 | 显示全部楼层

13.2 使馆发出的ME信件

Dear Applicant,

We have completed the initial assessment of your application for permanent residence in accordance with the new immigration legistration, Immigration and Refugee Protection Act(IRPA). Based on file information, we anticipate being able to finalize your application without a selection interview within the next 6 months. However, please note, we may decide, at any point in the application process, that an interview may not be waived.

In order to continue the processing of your application, please proceed with the items marked below:

  • Please find attached the necessary forms and instructions for an immigration medical examination. You are required to proceed with your medical examination within 45 days from the date of this letter.
  • Please refer to the attached list of documents. You are required to submit all documents marked with "" within 90 days from the date of this letter
  • No Additional documents at required at this time.
  • Applicants who meet the addmission requirements for permanent residence in Canada are required to pay the Right of Permanent Residence Fee(RPRF). The RPRF must be paid before you and your accompanying dependant receive your immigrant visa(s). The payment instruction sheet is enclosed. The RPRF only applies to principal applicant and his/her accompanying spouse or common-law partner.
Upon receipt of satisfactory medical examination results and all outstanding documents we expect to finalize your application and issue a visa. You should not contact this office regarding your case until you have submitted all required documents AND at least six months have passed from the date of your medical examination. We will not respond to any enquiries mode before then. However, should you need to advise us of a significant change in your application such as a change in your address or family composition (i.e. marriage, birth, death, divorce, separation or adoption of any person included on your application), please do so by facsimile or mail.

If you fail to comply with the immigration requirements within the deadline, we may refuse your immigration application.

This is a computer-generated form letter which requires no signature.
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发表于 2006-11-28 19:08:30 | 显示全部楼层
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