2000.3FN,今年3月份要求补料,其中要求交登陆费,可是在体检表处已经打勾后又在下面注上了一句NO MED FORM ATTACHED,中介说是不让体检,说交了费后很快就会拿到体检表,但等了将近四个月后,还是没有,让中介查,他们文件部的人先说有体检表,后来又说可能是因为没有照片才没发下表来,又让补移民照,可我去年就已经按要求补过了。大家帮忙分析一下这种情况?
不行动是十分 的。
将体检表打勾并注明NOT MED FORM ATTCHED的一页复印,并拟订一份查询信:
Dear officer,
We received your letter in which required our client with file no. xxxxx to provide xxx and pay for the PRF on xxx,2004. Though medical examination is required, there is no medical examination form attached in your letter as shown in the attached copy of your letter. Our client have sent all the other documents and payed the PRSF to your office. But she/he familiy did not make medical examination for lacking of the medical examination form.
Could you inform us when will the medical examination form send to our office or what we ought to do for our client.