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小熊笨笨与 GLOBAT chat support 的对话

发表于 2004-9-24 17:13:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Ark: Welcome to GLOBAT chat support! How may I help you today?
tony: I plan to upgrate or renewe my current account this month, In this moment, I have a phpbb forum: about 30 - 40 active users in 15 minutes and 100 post each day.I expect to support 100 active users, 500 posts. i am rather concern about:
1) Process limit: I encountered some error before like "Internal Server Error Process limit exceeded for uid ".
2) How do I use mod_rewrite? : I want to be search engine friendly.
3) I live in China, it's very very slow and unreachable in the evening often, how can i improve this problem? Which package do you suggest me?

Ark: I would suggest you pick one of the commerce package.
tony: what different about excessive amounts of resources?
Ark: What do you mean by that?
tony: what kind of difference there are between gigabyte and commerce package about excessive resources?
tony: I encountered "Process limit", you know
Ark: I got no specific figure for that...
Ark: Yes I do know that...
tony: what's that?
Ark: that you're been encountering this Process limit... I think with the higher package the limit will be higher... though it is not mentioned on the site.
Ark: Though there's no specific or exact figure about it.
tony: ok, i suppose that also. anyway could you provide more detail about this ?
Ark: More details about the package.
tony: 10% of process resource for gigabyte package... could I suppose 20% for commerce pro package?
Ark: there's no specific or exact figure about it in this moment.


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发表于 2004-9-24 17:23:35 | 显示全部楼层
what's  meaning? i have no idea about those dialoges
more money more service?
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 楼主| 发表于 2004-9-24 17:54:48 | 显示全部楼层
不是!!! 笨笨想要他确认 是不是,升级能够带来更多的cpu 处理资源(因为当前他们网站的文档说,如果你的网站使用超过CPU处理资源超过10%一分种,就认为你网站使用资源超出了他们的限制.而且也没有说10%是不是可以随着不同的价格的服务变化)这家伙含糊其词,想蒙混过关.只是说:

I think with the higher package the limit will be higher... though it is not mentioned on the site.

there's no specific or exact figure about it in this moment.

笨笨从他的回答中看出来,对于想加大网站 CPU 使用资源, 这种程度的升级没有什么用
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 楼主| 发表于 2004-9-24 18:17:29 | 显示全部楼层
web hosting服务绝大部分使用虚拟主机,也就是将一台服务器主机分成一台台“虚拟”的主机,每一台虚拟主机都具有独立的域名或IP地址,具有完整的Internet服务器(WWW、FTP、Email等)功能,虚拟主机之间完全独立,并可由用户自行管理,在外界看来,每一台虚拟主机和一台独立的主机完全一样。 比如如果www.bloghall.com和www.imm-diy.n ... 同一台机器上.


webhosting行业竞争非常激烈,不断有超低的报价(比如说: 2.5G空间,75G带宽,只有7.95/month ).

这样低的报价怎么能够赚到钱?奥妙在于: 大部份小网站永远不会达到带宽和空间的限制.bloghall没有用来做论坛前,使用空间大小不过10M,流量和访问量都可以略过不计.现在不同了,空间用了500M,流量也要用500M一天.甚至CPU也偶尔达到10%的限制,这样的客户对他们基本上无利可图.
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 楼主| 发表于 2004-9-24 18:33:06 | 显示全部楼层
alan的网站使用 厦门鑫飞扬信息系统工程有限公司(东南数据)的服务.笨笨以前也用过.

东南数据最高级别的服务是: 至尊型论坛 空间2G,流量不限.CPU限制 10%.
价格是¥4500一年, 这个级别基本上和家园论坛相当. 但贵了好多.(目前国内的ISP提供相同的服务至少比国外的贵一倍以上). 但国内网站对国内用户有一定程度的网速优势.
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