61) Which province is the biggestproducer of metalsin Canada?
A. Northwest Territories.
B. Yukon.
C. Alberta.
D. Ontario.
62) In which parts of Canada did theAboriginal peoples first live?
A. The North and Great Lakesregions.
B. All regions.
C. The Prairies and the North.
D. The Great Lakes regions and Prairies.
63) Which of the followings are thefounding people of Canada?
A. French, American and Indian.
B. Aboriginal, French and British.
C. Inuit, French and British.
D. British, Asian and Aboriginal.
64) Which province is Canada's majorproducer of oil and gas?
A. Alberta.
B. British Columbia.
C. Yukon.
D. Quebec.
65) What is the tower in the centreof the Parliament buildings called?
A. Peaceful Tower.
B. CN Tower.
C. Canada Tower.
D. Peace Tower.