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[其它] 官网成功案例

发表于 2014-1-11 12:10:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
The B.C. Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) has nominated many workers and entrepreneurs who have contributed to B.C.’s labour market and economic growth. They have brought new skills and trained others, started or expanded businesses, settled in their communities, employed local residents and contributed their energy and enthusiasm to our province.
Read more about some of our successful immigrants.
Skills ImmigrationDr. Surjit Dixit, Zymeworks Inc.(Vancouver & Metropolitan Area)
Nominated for permanent residence by his company in 2008, Dr. Surjit Dixit is a B.C. Provincial Nominee from India. After completing a post-doctoral fellowship at Wesleyan University in the United States, he was hired in 2007 as a molecular simulation scientist and the eighth employee at Zymeworks, a Vancouver biotechnology company. Today, the company has 40 employees and Dixit is the Chief Technology Officer, responsible for designing the computational and protein engineering technology for creating new drug molecules with the potential to treat cancer, autoimmune and inflammatory diseases.
“The moment we landed in Vancouver, my wife and I were totally taken by the beauty of the city. The permanent residency has provided us a lot of comfort and a sense of belonging … the most rewarding thing about living in B.C. is the sense of living as one with nature, which is disappearing in so many other parts of the world.” – Dr. Surjit Dixit

Business ImmigrationNathan Yang, Kuzco Lighting Inc.(Vancouver & Metropolitan Area)
Shaokun (Nathan) Yang, a B.C. Provincial Nominee from China, arrived in British Columbia in 2007 to set up Kuzco Lighting Inc. in Surrey. With over 15 years of experience in the lighting business, Yang has more than doubled his initial investment and expanded his business for a total investment of $2.5 million. Kuzco Lighting currently has 12 employees and expects to double its warehouse capacity with continued growth over the next year.
“We just fell in love with Vancouver. We have more than 300 distributors across Canada and we have just started in the United States market … I find here in B.C., it really is the right place to start a business.” – Nathan Yang

John Eckland, Kaslo Hotel(Kootenay Region)
In 2006 John Eckland came to British Columbia from the United States as a business immigrant under the PNP and settled in Kaslo. With a $2.8 million investment, Eckland completely renovated the Kaslo Hotel and created 24 new jobs.
Capitalizing on his management experience and knowledge of the hotel business, he completely renovated the historic building, transforming it into a thriving hotel with thousands of dollars in spinoff benefits for other local businesses. In recognition of his contribution, Eckland was named one of the Top Ten Kootenay Business People of 2010 and awarded the Gordon Wilder Memorial Award for significant achievement in support of tourism in British Columbia’s Kootenay Rockies region.
“We came up and looked around, liked the area here in the Kootenays, liked Kaslo … The key to our success here is in providing a service to the customer that they perceive value in.”— John Eckland

Yoon Bok Park, Lucky 6 Industrial Co. Ltd.(Vancouver & Metropolitan Area)
Yoon Bok Park is a B.C. Provincial Nominee from Korea. In 2011, he established Lucky 6 Industrial Company in Chilliwack to manufacture high-density polyethylene containers for medical supplements. With his proven experience in creating successful manufacturing companies, Park hired and trained 10 full-time employees for Lucky 6 and increased the company’s sales by 50% in his first eight months in business. Lucky 6 currently produces 30,000 bottles a day and is on track for continued growth.
“I was attracted to Chilliwack because of its environmental beauty, and because I heard that Chilliwack had a new industrial park beside Highway Number 1. Thanks to the active presence of the City Hall, fire department, water department and BC Hydro, I was able to create the company relatively easily.” – Yoon Bok Park

Alex Loeb, Joyride Bike Parks Inc.(Kootenay Region)
A B.C. Provincial Nominee from the United States, Alex Loeb came to British Columbia to launch Joyride Bike Parks Inc., a Rossland-based company that designs and builds mountain bike trails and event courses around the world. As a former vice-president at Microsoft, Loeb brings her management and strategic planning expertise to her role as CEO of Joyride. The company has brought significant social and economic benefits to Rossland, and is growing its reputation by creating world-class mountain biking competition courses for events such as the Red Bull Rampage in 2010 and Whistler’s Crankworx event in 2011.
“Every community where we build trails, we’re hiring local folk. When you bring in a world-class mountain bike trail, it really ups the tourism…. When we first came to Rossland, we were in awe of the community. And to look at it now, and realize we’re part of that community – that’s awesome. Because Rossland’s given us so much, the ability to give it anything back is really a good feeling.” – Alex Loeb

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发表于 2014-1-13 04:50:27 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 CHM 于 2014-1-13 05:01 编辑

1# vandave
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 楼主| 发表于 2014-1-13 07:07:17 | 显示全部楼层

魁北克不用说了, 抢完了还得抽签, 跟国内某段时间熬夜排队买房的壮观景象差不多了
曼省也走了抽签程序, http://www.gov.mb.ca/ctt/invest/pnp-b/pnpb_new.html 而且还先给之前已经递料的人先抽, EOI暂时还不开放给普罗大众
萨省挺实诚的, 每周公布数据, http://www.saskimmigrationcanada.ca/sinp-important-notices
NB暂停, http://ourdream.ca/forums/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=116967&;extra=page%3D1
总而言之, 四个主要的, 一步到位拿绿卡的省提名投资移民项目今年已经全部暂停.
加拿大移民门槛很高,但并非无路可走。BC省作为加拿大第二大省,又具有独特地理环境,一直是中国移民定居的主要选择之一。但BC PNP的申请为何却相对申请人数不多呢?虽然去年申请人数已经大幅度上升,但是欢迎的大门还是开放。政府更设定专属部门组织申请人参加Seminar,专属队伍解答投资人疑惑。说到此,不得不对中国移民中介手段技量进行一些曝光,好让大家看清这个项目的实际实际可操作性。万恶之源在于 贪婪,以为省提名项目没有其他投资移民项目具有巨额的佣金,所以国内的移民中介公司,便需要从其他方面去赚取更大的利润回报,加之加拿大其他投资移民项目搁置,使得移民加拿大的市场费用高扬,所以BC PNP便被宣传成了一个高难度,很微妙的项目。
首先分析一下国内省提名项目的收费标准,市场价格在14-20万加元不等,这其中不包含各种策划,考察费用,这个价格的定位来自哪里呢?此标准实际来自联邦,魁省的 投资移民项目的22.5万加元的不返还利息价格。早在传统投资移民项目涨价之前,不返还的利息金额为11.5万加元时,当时所有省提名项目的收费是7-10万加元。所谓的 随行就市,省提名的收费一直是传统投资项目不返还利息的70%左右。知道了市场收费的来由,有人说了现在国内打算移民的客户根本不在乎价格,而且在目前的市场环境下愿意出此费用的客户根本不会因为价格而有一丝犹豫。那么出钱是否解决所有问题呢?答案是一个很大的否。
接下来我们就来分析下省提名项目操作的核心环节 — 商业策划和投资管理。首先很多移民客户只听信移民中介关于商业计划书的渲染,认为只要有当地公司的股份出让协议,这个项目就会自然通过移民局的审核,他们对这些公司是否存在并不知晓,更不清楚次家公司的经营状况。由于国内移民行业对于客户大包大揽才能签约客户的大环境,一般移民客户对于未来参与经营的欲望多半不 强烈。这就给省提名的审核带来了隐患,但核心的问题还不在于此,很多早年获得提名移民客户在面对投资项目需要具体落实的时候更会出现很多新问题,由于对投资项目和本地经商环境的不熟悉,投资者发现早年投资计划根本无法实施或差异巨大,造成很多获得提名客户扔掉投资担保而放弃投资计划。说到这里,有人会说:破财免灾,算了。问题是现在省提名通过后进行移民身份审核的联邦移民局并不这么看,于是花了大把时间精力,获得省提名后已经或打算定居加拿大的客户陷入了多年努力后拿不到移民纸的大问题。所以总结一下:缺乏在加拿大境内后期商务管理经验的中国移民公司很难全方位提供省提名的全面服务。
那么加拿大本地移民顾问公司在做什么呢,由于缺乏地理优势,很难独立和国内移民公司在签约上竞争,他们常常需要和国内公司合作并收取一次性的商务策划和移民顾问费用,但这些公司所坚持的服务理念以及具体服务条款常常和国内的移民公司大包大揽的承诺无法匹配,于是相互扯皮,推脱只能造成客户申请上的诸多不利,甚至导致失败。在此我 不是想给大家这样一个印象,就是加拿大本地的移民服务公司就能确保移民客户的绝对利益,因为商业策划和后期管理同样不是他们的专业,至于本地合作是否牢固可靠,商业策划是否专业到位就因人而异了,请申请人自己严肃考核后再做决定。
1. BC PNP, 拿临时签证, 两年内完成投资, 再申请省提名投资移民. 有三种不同类别:http://www.welcomebc.ca/Immigrat ... es-at-a-glance.aspx
2. 技术移民类别.
*  联邦的技术移民, 24种职业列表里面的.
*   各省跟联邦签署的省提名移民协议, 除了投资类别, 还有有省提名技术移民类别. 雇主为申请人申请到LMO以后, 再由申请人提交移民申请.
*  工签过来工作一定时间再申请移民.( 留学生毕业工作以后再申请移民也跟这个类似)
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发表于 2014-2-10 22:01:28 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2014-2-23 22:22:05 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 老移民 于 2014-2-23 22:23 编辑

======================================================                                  不知道上述数据从何而来?据本人打听的结果,即使是最贵的PEI项目收费,也不应该有这么贵。
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