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楼主 |
发表于 2014-5-23 16:39:24
CanadaCustoms General Details: 加拿大海关清关的细节
Customs clearance of the shipment requires the presence of theshipper/importer. Since June 2nd 2008, the fast track programme which operatedin Vancouver no longer exists. As such, all importers for household goods maybe expected to meet in person at the nearest customs office to attend aninterview with CBSA.
All NEW furniture and household goods are liable to payment ofCustoms duties if they have not been in the owner’s previous use prior to theirarrival in Canada. (Immigrated landing date). Canada Customs requireinvoices/receipts of new goods for duty and taxes.
All importer must trustfully declared everything and understandthat all goods not declared or falsely declared may be , under the Canada Customs Acts. Importer should alsounderstand the meaning of ownership, used before arrival and possessionrequirements of the import, and how it applied to the duty and taxes of thegoods. It is a violation of the Canada Customs Act to make a false declaration.All fines/penalty will be under importer’s account.
►Landed Immigrant (New Settlers) 落地永久居民(新移民)
*Goods and automobiles were owned and in possession and used inthe former country prior direct removal from that country* 所有的物品,机动车在搬到另一国家前,必须要在之前的国家使用过的。
●Original Passport for whole family members (Spouse and children)
●Original Landing Paper for whole family members (Spouse andchildren)
●Details inventories/packing list for all shipments includingvalues on each items
●Documents proofing the ownership, possession and used of theitems prior to landing date (optional) 在登陆前,使用过这些物品的文件证明。
●All original receipts/invoices for new items being imported 新物品的发票或收据
--Previous airport or US/Canada Border Declaration papers (B4EDeclaration form) with Customs validation stamp on it. In Vancouver, if clientdidn’t have it, that’s fine, we will take care of it. HOWEVER, if this isToronto/Montreal/Calgary shipment, MAKE SURE client get the B4E upon arrival atthe airprt)
►Returning Canadian/Former Residence 回加国/故居的加拿大人
*Goods and automobiles were owned and in possession and used inthe former country prior direct removal from that country*
●Original Passport for whole family members (Spouse and children)
●Original Landing Paper for whole family members (Spouse andchildren)(If importer is Canadian, please ignore landing paper)
●Details inventories/packing list for all shipments includingvalues on each items
● Proof of residency and duration outside of Canada (Foreign workpermit/letter from employer/rent receipts/utility bills with importer’s name,overseas address and date)
●Documents proofing the ownership, possession and used of theitems prior to landing date (optional) 在登陆前,拥有/使用过这些物品的文件证明。
●All original receipts/invoices for new items being imported 新物品的发票或收据
--Previousairport or US/Canada Border Declaration papers (B4E Declaration form) withCustoms validation stamp on it. In Vancouver, if client didn’t have it, that’sfine, we will take care of it. HOWEVER, if this is Toronto/Montreal/Calgaryshipment, MAKE SURE client get the B4E upon arrival at the airport)
►Student-Visitor Work Visa
*All items imported must be for importer’s personal use duringhis/her stay. All goods must be exported when he/she leaves Canada. The goodsmay not be disposed in Canada without customs authorization.
●Original Passport including a valid visa issued by CanadaEmployment and Immigration
●Details inventories/packing list for all shipments includingvalues on each items
●Documents proofing the ownership, possession and used of theitems prior to landing date (optional) 在登陆前,拥有/使用过这些物品的文件证明
●All original receipts/invoices for new items being imported 新物品的发票或收据
--Previous airport or US/Canada Border Declaration papers (B4EDeclaration form) with Customs validation stamp on it. In Vancouver, if clientdidn’t have it, that’s fine, we will take care of it. HOWEVER, if this isToronto/Montreal/Calgary shipment, MAKE SURE client get the B4E upon arrival atthe airport) 在登陆美国/加国之前,向海关申请清关表格(B4E)填写完毕后要求海关盖章。在温哥华,客户没有申请的话,也没关系,他们可以代劳。但是搬家到多伦多,卡尔加里,蒙特利尔等物品,客户是一定要在登录加国前,申请这些资料的。
►Seasonal Resident in Canada 季节性的居民在加拿大
*Import of used household and personal effects on a ONE TIME entrybasis only and the goods cannot be sold for at least 1 year
●Original Passport 正本护照
●Details inventories/packing list for all shipments includingvalues on each items
● A proof of purchase/copy of lease agreement is required for anyperson who is not a residence of Canadabut owns a residential property or has leased a residence for at least 3 yearsfor his/her personal use.
●Documents proofing the ownership, possession and used of theitems prior to landing date (optional)
●All original receipts/invoices for new items being imported
--Previousairport or US/Canada Border Declaration papers (B4E Declaration form) withCustoms validation stamp on it. In Vancouver, if client didn’t have it, that’sfine, we will take care of it. HOWEVER, if this is Toronto/Montreal/Calgaryshipment, MAKE SURE client get the B4E upon arrival at the airprt)
►Diplomat 外交移民
Obligation for privilege to be lodged by the Canadian Ministry ofExternal Affiars.
►Inheritance 遗产
Personal indentification 身份证明
A detailed list of all items with values详细的清单(每对应的物品都要有相对应的货值)
Copy of death Certificate死亡证明
copy of the will or a letterform遗产意愿证明
The Executor of the Estate stating you are a beneficiary 受益人证明
A signedstatement from the donor giving reason for the gift or a statement from theExecutor of the Estate (Gifts could be subject to import duties and taxes)
遗产执行人签字的声明(这个情况是受关税的) |