Police Certificate: From each country/state where the residence period has been six months or longer since the age of 18, provide an original police clearance certificate -United Kingdom.
This must be received at this office by:11/15/2013
Cic 网站guide写的police certificates are to be provided for each country other than Canada, in which you have lived for six consecutive months or longer since reaching the age of 18. 我理解加拿大的无罪是不需要的。我在加国待过一年,本人材料里也没交这个。还请瑞版帮忙澄清我的理解是否正确。
你在哪里啊,我在BC省的维多利亚,按照规定在加拿大居住超过六个月需要做Criminal Record Check,何况你已经被移民局要求补料了。我们这里很快的说,警局每周三按指模,先做无犯罪调查,一般填表后等待一两个小时,回来后如果通过Check了就按指模。再等个20分钟,结果就出来了,给你一份复印件,原件由骑警寄去CIC的Nova Scotia 的Sidney处理中心。
Cic 网站guide写的police certificates are to be provided for each country other than Canada, in which you have lived for six consecutive months or longer since reaching the age of 18. 我理解加拿大的无罪是不需要的。我在加国待过一年,本人材料里也没交这个。还请瑞版帮忙澄清我的理解是否正确。
qiushuimomo 发表于 2013-10-24 17:21