This refersto your application for permanent residence in Canada.
Please proceed the following item within 60days: - Meds x 3 (the medical instruction sent separately viaemail ) - RPRF x 2 ( pleaserefer to our website for update information) Please ensure that the above item must be submitted to the Consulate within 60 days. If we do not receivethe documents or you do not comply with the requirements within the timeallowed, your application may be refused. ImmigrationSection
ConsulateGeneral of Canada 12thFloor, Tower 1, Exchange Square 8 Connaught Place,Central, Hong Kong
我的问题是,我们全家已经于6月14日通过体检,现在很快就要满一个月了,可是还没有收到论坛里之前有前辈说的MER或正式通知缴纳RPRF的之类的邮件。我这封邮件里已经告知了我要缴纳2份RPRF,并要求我们60天内要提交给领事馆。我是不是不需要等待另外一封通知缴费的邮件,就可以直接把汇票和护照快递给HK的领事馆了? 有没有遇到和我类似情况的前辈们啊? 请各位前辈不吝赐教啊!多谢了! |