1. IMM 5257 5257签证申请表
2. IMM 5645 5645 家庭信息表
3. Two identical photos 两张近照
4. Valid passport 有效护照
5. Copy of national identity document 身份证复印件(正反面)
6. A statement explaining XXX’s current purpose of travel to Canada. 此次申请访加目的的说明
7. Invitation letter 邀请信
8. Certificates of Deposits 存款证明
9. Proof of relationship 亲属关系证明
10. Copy of Permanent Resident Card 枫叶卡复印件(正反面)
11. Employment letters showing salary 显示收入的雇佣证明信
12. Pay slips 工资单
13. Banks statements 加拿大银行对账单
14. List showing the number of people in inviter’s household. 邀请人居所内人员详单及证件号码
15. 房产证原件