The high five is a celebratory hand gesture that occurs when two people simultaneously raise one hand, about head high, and push, slide or slap the flat of their palm and hand against the palm and flat hand of their partner. The gesture is often preceded verbally by the phrase "Give me five" or "High five".
Symbol of celebration when something good is said/done.
举例说明:今天接到了一个电话,告诉你投了近半年的一份简历让蒙城的猎头公司看到了,蒙城的电信公司打电话通知,“你被录用了”。听到这个消息你会怎样,你一个人的话,肯定会高兴地跳起来,英语是jump with joy。如果在家里,你夫人在旁边,你把这个消息告诉她后,你夫人就会give you five或跟你来个high five, 兴奋不已,以此表祝贺。意思是:举手击掌;击掌致意;击掌祝贺!
The high five is a celebratory hand gesture that occurs when two people simultaneously raise one hand, about head high, and push, slide or slap the flat of their palm and hand against the palm and ...
zhangyl 发表于 2013-5-1 18:38