google一下:cra professional (cra 即加拿大税局官称);
你会看到 Line 212 - Annual union, professional, or like dues
不过貌似只有单位需要你去交的情况,employment related,而且加到你T4收入里的那笔,才算。
业余学习书费,我没看到可以减的地方;如果想确认,可以查看T2200表(Declaration of Conditions of Employment),看里面有没有这项,如果有的话,找公司填写和确认这份表,你凭T2200表才可以减该笔费用。
Deemed acquisitions
If you owned certain properties, other than taxable Canadian
properties, while you were a non-resident of Canada, we consider
you to have disposed of the properties and to have immediately
reacquired them at a cost equal to their fair market value on the
date you became a resident of Canada. This is called a deemed
Usually, the fair market value is the highest dollar value you can
get for your property in a normal business transaction.
You should keep a record of the fair market value of your
properties on the date you arrived in Canada. The fair market
value will be your cost when you calculate your gain or loss from
selling the property in the future.