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楼主: lamjin

[Just Chat] 开始为期两周听力训练

发表于 2012-12-16 15:42:48 | 显示全部楼层
他们解释词语都是在特定语境下进行解释。 不像国内,给个很general 的中文解释,剩下的就靠个人理解了。 这这是为什么,国内人用词和本地人用词不一样。 ...
lamjin 发表于 2012-12-16 15:38
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-12-17 01:47:21 | 显示全部楼层
ESL Podcast 852 – Working in a Factory

Plant  manager  : is  the  most important  supervisor  in a  factory,  the most  important  boss.
A  line  worker :  is a  person  who  has  a  low level   job  we would  call  it, not  a very  important or  complicated  job, usually  working  on what's  called  an assembly  line .
An  assembly   line :  is  when  you're  making some product , something  and  everyone   does something  in  order ; often  you're  all  standing   next  to each  other.
Workstation : is  the  place, of  course,  where you  work.  It's usually  a  small area,  maybe  a desk,  but  not a  complete  office, not  an  entire office  of  you own.
Output:  is  what a  person  or a  machine  produces , what  they  make .
Productivity : refers  to  how much  work  you get  done  in a  certain  amount of  time.
Forklift : is  a  machine with  a  large , strong  piece  of metal  in the  front of  it.   Typically there're  like  two bars and   they  go underneath ,   have  objects  and  able  to lift  them  up and  take them  from one  place  to another.
Safety  record:  refers to  how  many people  are  injured in  a  factory  every  year.  
Machinery : are  large  pieces of  equipment ,  typically, operated  by  electricity or  some  other power  source.
Mass-produce :  means  to  make  alarge  amount  of things , especially  things  that are  identical.
Pay  attention:  meaning  focus on  what  I'm saying.
Quality  control:  is testing  the  products, testing  the  things that  are  made to  make  sure that  they  were made  correctly.
You'll  hear  about it :  means  usually that   you've   done something  wrong  and that  you're  being told  about  it and  probably  will be  punished  for  it.
To  be  taken off :  means  to be  removed  or separated .
Factory  :   of course ,  is  the plant,  the  building where  the  things are  made.
Every  other  minute :   means often , very  often,  very frequently.
A  rookie:  is someone  who  is new to  a  job or  new  to an  organization;  someone who  doesn't  have very  much  experience .


参与人数 1财富 +2 收起 理由
穆子 + 2


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发表于 2012-12-17 11:22:10 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-12-17 12:15:28 | 显示全部楼层
这边的ESL 也都是这种风格的,很多国内过来的,开始都不太适应。
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-12-18 07:19:47 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 lamjin 于 2012-12-18 07:44 编辑

ESL Podcast 844 – Dealing With Corrupt Officials

To  be  arrested :  means that  the  police  take  you  from your  home  or your  work  or wherever  you  are and  bring  you to  a  police station,  usually  because you  have  done something  wrong.
On  the  up-and-up :   is an  expression  meaning to  be  completely honest,  not  to be  hiding  anything , not  to  be lying  or  stealing.
To  be  accused of  something :   is for  other  people to  say  that you  have  done something  wrong.
Influence   peddling:  is using  your  personal or  professional  connections with  government  officials , usually  government officials ,  it  could be  other  officials , in  order  to get  them  to make   decisions  that  favour   you.  
Bribe  :  is money  given  to someone  illegally  to do  something  or  unethically     to  do something.
Kickbacks : is  money  that you  secretly  pay someone  in  return for  the  help you  got  to sell   something  or to  get  a contract  or  to get  an  opportunity.
To  grease  someone's palms :  means  to give  them  bribe; is  an  expression meaning  to  give money   to  someone illegally  in  order to  get  something done.
Corrupt : is  dishonest.  Someone who  for  example takes  money ,  takes bribes  in  exchange for  certain  favours , certain  influence.
Nepotism : means  giving  jobs to  your  family members,  especially  government jobs.  Nepotism  is illegal  in  most places.
Cronyism :  means  doing  the same  thing  but for  your  friends. That is   giving  jobs to  your  friends or  other  people because  they're   your  friends ,  not  because they're  good  at what  they  do.
A Plum  job:  is a  very  desirable job , a  well-paid  job ,  a good  job , one of  the  best jobs  in  your organization.
Good  old  boy :  is  one  that refers  to a  group of typically  men  who have  very  strong personal  and  professional relationships.  And  usually when  there  is something  to  be done , they  give  that work  to  people in  their  own group.  The  word network  just  means a  group  of people.  Usually  when we  say  good  old boy  network,   we mean a group  of  white men who  are  not allowing  women  or those   who  are minorities  to  be part  of    their circle  and  to get  the  same kind  of  treatment as  those  in their  own  good old  boy  network.
Jail :  is  the same  as  prison.
On  second  thought :  is a  phrase  we use  when  we want  to  change our opinion,  change  something about   what we  just said.
To  be  on the  take :  means that  you're  receiving bribes,    that  people are  paying  your money  illegally  to do  things.
To  have  a fighting  chance :   means that  there's  a possibility of  your  winning. It's  going  to be difficult  ,but  it is  possible.

这 一篇里有很多国内用的上的词:

influence  peddling  :  权钱交易
kickbacks  :  回扣  (说道回扣这个词国内的人总用 rebate 或 commission 什么的,那是合法的,kickbacks 是非法的)。
nepotism :  裙带关系
cronyism :  任人唯亲
grease one's  palms : 买通某人
be on  the  take:受贿
take bribes :  收受贿赂
corrupt :  腐败的


参与人数 2财富 +7 收起 理由
穆子 + 2 精品文章
Dawn + 5


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 楼主| 发表于 2012-12-18 07:49:05 | 显示全部楼层
12580zhuque 发表于 2012-12-17 11:22

这算我的听力笔记吧, 听写的不一定都对, 欢迎筒子们质疑。
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发表于 2012-12-18 16:55:30 | 显示全部楼层
In our country, it is common that if you want to get what you want from the government department, you have to grease the department leader’s palms. The proliferation of influence peddling and taking bribes has arisen public concern. Hopefully immediate legislations would be released to curb the corruption.
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发表于 2012-12-18 19:14:43 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 Dawn 于 2012-12-18 19:46 编辑
ESL Podcast 844 – Dealing With Corrupt Officials

To  be  arrested :  means that  the  police  take  you  from your  home  or your  w ...
lamjin 发表于 2012-12-18 07:19

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发表于 2012-12-18 19:27:29 | 显示全部楼层
In our country, it is common that if you want to get what you want from the government department, you have to grease the department leader’s palms. The proliferation of influence ped ...
穆子 发表于 2012-12-18 16:55

Great job!

There are just a couple minor errors, and corrections have done for your reference only.

In our country, it is common that if you want to get what you want from [government authorites], you have to grease [a] leader’s palms. The proliferation of influence peddling and taking bribes has [raised] public [concerns]. Hopefully [relevant] legislations would be [made] to curb the corruption [immediately].

Good luck with your language learning!


参与人数 1财富 +5 收起 理由
穆子 + 5 热心答疑


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发表于 2012-12-18 21:57:54 | 显示全部楼层
Dear Dawn,I can hardly thank you enough for your kindly help.真不知如何感谢您的关心
You have been a great help. 你帮我大忙了
Dear Lamjin,thanks for telling me .谢谢您告诉我。
Dear Redwine,thanks for cheering me up .谢谢鼓励我
(以上用法来自 口语八千句 11


参与人数 3财富 +22 收起 理由
红酒 + 7
Dawn + 5
lamjin + 10


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 楼主| 发表于 2012-12-19 03:14:14 | 显示全部楼层
ESL Podcast 843 – Passing Through Airport Security

Security :  at  an  airport or  at  some sort  of  public  venue  that  is some sort  of  place where    lots  of different  people  go in  or  out  of,  is the  process  of checking  people  to make  sure  that they  don't  have  anything   dangerous.
A  hassle :  is a  pain;   Something  that  is  inconvenient; something  that  is unpleasant.
To  be  strip-searched :  means they'd   take  all  of  your  or  most  of your  clothing  off  and   this  is typically  done   when you're   looking   for drugs  or  something else   that  you might  try to  sneak on  the  airplane, to  get  onto the  airplane  without permission  .
Screening : is  the  process of  looking  something over  very  carefully, in  this  case, searching  for  things that  should  not be  there.
A  scanner:  is the  machine  that looks  for  anything that  should  not  be  there. Basically  it's  a kind of  video  camera  that is  looking  at all  of  your stuff   and   seeing that  there  are any  hidden  objects,  there  are  any things that  shouldn't  be there.
Liquids :  are  things  that are  wet,  things like  water,  soda. Those  are  liquids.
Aerosols : is  a  liquid that  is  dispensed or  delivered  by pressing  a  little button  on  the top  of  a container.
Gels:   are  thick , wet  liquids .  Again you  might  find this  for  hair.
A  Zip-top  bag : is  a  clear plastic  bag  that has  a  little , but  looks  like a zipper  on  the top  of  it . So  you  can open  and  close it  easily.
A  Body  scan : is  an  image of  a  person's entire  body.
To bombard  someone:   means to,  usually  to attack  them.  It's a  word  we would  use , for  example during  a  war where  one  side is  dropping  bombs on  the  other side,  to  bombard.  But  here  Natalie means  she's  just going  to get  a lot  of  something, in   this  case , a lot  of  harmful rays.
Ray :  here  is referring  to  X-rays what  a doctor  would give  you  to see  for  example if  you  have  broken   a  bone.
Metal  detector:  is the  usual  way that  you  are screened  at   an airport  or  somewhere. A  metal  detector just  determines   whether you  have  any metal  on  your body  such  as a  gun,  for example.
A  Hijacker:  is a  person  who takes   control  of a  plane  illegally, usually  to  take that  plane  to a  different  place,  so  to  get money  or  in the  case  of 911  to  attack different  buildings.
A  Terrorist:  is  a  person  who is  involved  in using  violence  to threaten  or  to scare  other  people in  order  to get  them  to do  what  he or  she  wants them  to  do .
TSA :  here  in the United  States  is the  Transportation  Security Administration;  is  the part  of  the US  government   that is now  responsible  for the  safety  at our  airports.
A  lamb  to the  slaughter :   is used  to describe  someone  who  is  calmly and  obediently   doing something  that  will end  up  in trouble ,   pain  or possibly  even  death, because  they  don't realize   what  they're doing.  The  most common  way  of saying  this  is 'a  lamb  led to  the  slaughter '.
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-12-22 14:26:42 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 lamjin 于 2012-12-22 14:28 编辑

ESL Podcast 842 – Taking a Standardized Test


Test  prep:  prep stands  for  preparation. It’s  time  spent  studying  a  subject  that you  are  going  to  be tested  on.
High-stakes  testing:  is testing  that  determines , for  example, whether  a student  can  go to college  or  not.
Familiarity : is   describing   how much  you  know about  a   certain thing ,  how  much knowledge  you  have.
To  score  well :   means to  do  well on  an  examination .
To  be  admitted :  means to  be  invited to  be  a student  there.
To  administer:    means  to  ,  in this  case,  offer the  examination ;  it's  time  when  you can  take  the test.
Standardized  tests:  are tests  that  are  developed  usually  by special  testing  companies and  they  make sure  that  the tests  are  all fair,  that  tests  we  will  give you  the  same result  if  you take  it  on Monday  or  if  you  take it  on  Friday. They  look  at the  questions  of  the  test to  make  sure that  they're  asking what  they're  supposed to  be  asking and  so  forth.
To  measure:  here means  to  determine how  important  something  is;  to  determine the  value  of something .
A  tip :  is a  small  piece of  advice  about something ,  how  to  do  something better.
A  multiple  choice question  :  is a  question  where you  have  two or  more  possible answers ,  possible  options , you  have  to select  which  one is  correct.  Typically there're  four  or five  options  on the  multiple  choice question.
True-  false  question :   you have  only  two options,  either  the statement ,  the  sentence  is  true  or is  false.
Bubble  in:   means to  fill  in  a  little  circle that  indicates  what you  think  the correct  answer  is for  that  question.
To  be  sick to  death :   means   the  same  as to  be  sick of  something.  It means  you're  tired of  them .  You don't  want  to  take  them  anymore.
A  open-ended  question :  is  aquestion  that  doesn't have  just  one answer.  It's  a question  that  may require  a  couple of  sentences  to answer  and  that could   have  a lot  of  different answers .
An  essay  question :  is a  question  that requires  usually  several paragraphs  to  answer .
To  bite  your tongue :   is  simply an  expression  meaning to  be  quiet , to  stop  talking about  this  .
As  ready  as I'll  ever  be:  this  is  a phrase  we  use when  you're  showing that  you're  willing   to  do  something , but  that  you probably  don't  really want  to do  it and  that  you're not  very  well-prepared to  do  it.
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