1、“Best Beginning” 项目
The first resource is “Best Beginning” through Alberta Health Services (see attached file). This program is only available if your family is of low-income status. If you contact them, they should be able to better explain the eligibility criteria for the program.
2、The Calgary Pregnancy Care Centre (www.pregcare.com).
第一次去最好是提前预约,这个中心的地址在910斜对面的925的2楼,你需要在楼下按门铃并报上姓名后前台才会开大门让你进去。所以如果是drop in的话有可能不会接待。
1、“Best Beginning” 项目
The first resource is “Best Beginning” through Alberta Health Services (see attached file). This program is only available if your family ...
小邓子 发表于 2012-11-7 02:05