Your application was received and is under review. Please be advised that we do not provide status updates or estimates on when a file will be completed. This is to allow our officers to devote all their time to working on files instead of responding to requests. If any additional information is needed you will be contacted. We are currently experience an unusually high inventory level and ask for your patience.
Your application was received and is under review. 你说滴没错,爷是收到你的材料了,在墙角那堆东西里
Please be advised that we do not provide status updates or estimates on when a file will be completed. 没收到回复正常,爷压根没想过回复你们
This is to allow our officers to devote all their time to working on files instead of responding to requests.别烦爷,爷正忙着,没空理你们,审计署那帮小子搞得爷焦头烂额,让爷歇会
If any additional information is needed you will be contacted. 爷歇好了,啥时候兴致来了或许会找你聊聊天
We are currently experience an unusually high inventory level and ask for your patience.你们TMD中国人也太多了,资料都放不下了,爷正找地方堆资料呢,别赶屁股后面催爷。
正当P哥拿到萨省的FN后没几天的一个下午,P哥正在公司辛勤工作,领导一个电话到来,P哥立刻诚惶诚恐滴接听,“hi,哈尼,what can i do for u?"领导说,收到一封全是蝌蚪文的信,给你的。算是邀请函哇?P哥一个激灵,absolutely啊,哈尼,一定藏好,等俺回来辨别真伪。就这样,在8月底一个月黑风高滴夜晚,俺收到NB邀请函了