This refers to your application for permanent residence to Canada through the New Brunswick Provincial Nominee Program. We are pleased to inform you that based on the interview that you had with a New Brunswick Immigration Officer in Fredericton on October 11th, 2011, you are invited to submit an application for permanent residence in Canada through the New Brunswick Provincial Nominee Program.
这时我头大了,第一件事,drop a mail,NB这边也蛮客气,跟我说提供你能提供的就行了,不能提供的也没事。我松了一大口气,不过我这人也算是部分完美主义者,总觉得不好,这时,我想起了远在加拿大的老多,马上skype联系,问他有没有我资料的备份,答曰,他们都备份的,立马让他送一份回来,3天之后,厚厚一叠资料到位了,马上复印缺失的资料,搞定