如何撰写Cover Letter
据统计,加拿大各企事业机构人力资源部门负责初筛工作人员花在每份应聘者Cover Letter 和Resume上的时间在1分钟左右。因此,一份简练且吸引眼球的Cover Letter对于敲开面试机会的大门至关重要。Cover Letter 个人认为可以翻译为“自荐信”, 目的是为了表达自己打算应聘某职位,并简要说明自己具备胜任该职位的能力。一份好的Cover Letter 应体现以下几个要素:
1. 有具体的收信人 (想办法从该公司网站查到,可以是HR负责人、公司总裁等)
2. 体现自己对该公司和所申请职位的了解
3. 突出自己的胜任该职位的条件,这个部分来自于对简历里个人核心能力的提炼,但是决不能照抄简历。 Cover Letter 模板
YOUR ADDRESS (Do not put your name here)
Mr./Ms. EMPLOYER'S NAME (If you don't have one, get one!)
FIRST PARAGRAPH: This is the "why I'm writing to you" which immediately tells the employer the position you want to be considered for. This is short - usually 2-3 sentences. Points to cover:
Why you are writing and which position you are applying for.
Show from your research why you are interested in this position or organization. The goal is to make a connection - do this briefly and specifically or leave it out; sweeping statements will not work.
SECOND PARAGRAPH: This is the "why I'm qualified" paragraph. Highlight some of your most relevant experiences and qualities as they relate to the position for which you are applying. Choose 2 - 3 points you want to make about Specific experiences/accomplishments or about general qualities you have exhibited, and provide Specific examples to support those points. This paragraph will change according to the job/employer for which you are applying.
This is usually the longest paragraph of the letter. The body of the paragraph should provide evidence to back up what you've just claimed. Cite specific jobs/internships/activities/projects and accomplishments associated with those experiences. Use your resume to come up with some specifics, but NEVER reiterate passages from your resume word for word.
Discuss why what you did is to the employer- relate the facts to the job. Strong examples are important!
FINAL PARAGRAPH: This is a short 2-4 sentences paragraph. You should refer to the enclosed resume, and request an interview. It is vital that you thank the reader for his/her time and consideration.
Your Signature
Your Name
Enclosure(s) 有用,先收藏在学习! 值得注意的是,Cover Letter不能千篇一律,必须按照不同公司的不同职位要求,作相应修改。且在Cover Letter的第一段应适当体现你对该公司的了解。毫无疑问,企业更愿意聘用对该公司感兴趣的员工。
“磨刀不误砍柴工”,发出Cover Letter 和resume之前,对所申请的公司和职位做必要的了解,会使自己的“中奖率”大大提升。:-D 『谢谢』收藏了。 COVER LETTER就是针对具体公司和职位的求职信,RESUME就是通用的个人简历。 『Canada-Flag』 一份Cover Letter 样本供参考
『支持』 Cover Letter (求职信)是找工作的第一块敲门砖,大家可得花点心思哟『Canada-Flag』 COVER LETTER就是针对具体公司和职位的求职信,RESUME就是通用的个人简历。
东方明珠 发表于 2010-4-2 22:10 http://www.ourdream.ca/forums/static/image/common/back.gif
Resume 也是需要每次修饰的,针对申请的职位要求,突出自己的相关特点和优势。 学习了,谢谢版主 收藏!希望以后能用到! If you have any personal contacts in the company,you may want to mention them in the first paragraph. If you have any personal contacts in the company,you may want to mention them in the first paragraph.
上酒坊 发表于 2013-1-3 23:14 http://www.ourdream.ca/forums/static/image/common/back.gif
Very good point『支持』 好贴 好贴,学习了 『支持』『Canada-Flag』 我是来学习的。